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Very strange experience this morning that Ive never had before

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Rising Star
I've always wanted to lucid dream, Ive never been able to for whatever reason. Recently, Ive been reading up a good deal on astral projection. Also something Ive wanted to try, but just havent really had time or direct drive to want to actively attempt it yet. The most interesting thing thats happened to me is several times, especially in the past 6 months alone, is I will wake up in the wee hours of the morning, groggy, and the center of my vision will be completely blocked by what almost looks like a movie, like Im looking through someone elses eyes. I'll see what theyre doing, although its very vague and lacks detail, I can still make it out. Even if I close my eyes, its still there and it doesnt go away for several minutes. I know Im awake while doing this too, Im not dreaming it.

Work was cancelled today so I decided to stay in bed WAY longer than normal. I fell back asleep at 9, woke up at 10, 11, 1230, and about 130. The last time was very bizzare. Upon waking up that final time, I was just toward the end of a very strange light dream. I actually realized I was dreaming toward the end of it.

It was a dream that I was in my room, in my bed, it was dark as it usually is, but my bed was in a completely different spot and orientation, I even remember saying in the dream 'what the hell this isn't right at a...' and BAM I woke up almost like someone poured water on me, BUT I was completely unable to move. I felt like everything became even more dark than normal like any last little bit of light was being sucked out of the area, and I almost felt like it was the beginning of a spice blast off. I felt like I, or, something was almost attempting to forcibly suck me out of my body. It was a little scary because it was so forced feeling. It only lasted about 3 to 5 seconds though too, and I was able to like yank myself out of it somehow.

Can any one comment on this? I barely ever remember any of my dreams, to the point that I could say that I wake up aware of my dreams maybe 1 time every 2 weeks. The rest is just I go to bed, Im out of it, I wake up. I sleep through the night, dont wake up ever randomly. Ive probably had maybe 5 bad dreams max my whole life, so its not like I thought of something wacked out that could have been a catalyst for this experience. This was really a strange experience for me though.
This sounds like an out of body experience. There was a thread about it just a few days ago, where people discussed that when you semi-wake up but you can't move, that's when you can "easily" move out of your body and fly around. This is not a lucid dream btw, but an OBE.
Should it have been that violent feeling though? It wasnt what I imagined, Id always figured astral projection or initiating an OBE had to be kind of actively attempted by the individual rather than having it happen TO them. It wasnt all cloudlike and smooth and floatey like Id imagined, it really felt intense.
It sounds like sleep paralysis to me. Very similar things have happened to me where I think I wake up in my room and everything is right or almost right and then the paralysis feelings (like being shaken with static electricity) happens and I can't move. Eventually I'll wake up. It seems for me that dreams within dreams tend to be more susceptible to sleep paralysis.

The same thing has also happened to me with the movies upon awakening. It's almost like a movie being shot in poor quality against the backs of my eyelids (when I open them it stops). Also, as of late if I wake up from a dream, but don't actually sit up, there will be a good chance that I will lapse back into dreaming while still awake. I'll still be conscious, and all of a sudden it's like "here we go again!"
Global said:
It sounds like sleep paralysis to me. Very similar things have happened to me where I think I wake up in my room and everything is right or almost right and then the paralysis feelings (like being shaken with static electricity) happens and I can't move. Eventually I'll wake up. It seems for me that dreams within dreams tend to be more susceptible to sleep paralysis.

The same thing has also happened to me with the movies upon awakening. It's almost like a movie being shot in poor quality against the backs of my eyelids (when I open them it stops). Also, as of late if I wake up from a dream, but don't actually sit up, there will be a good chance that I will lapse back into dreaming while still awake. I'll still be conscious, and all of a sudden it's like "here we go again!"

Yes I agree that it is/was sleep paralysis after I did some more reading this morning. It was wild because it's never happened to me. And of course laying in bed last night that was ALL I could think about and I was thinking oh crap its gonna happen again because Im thinking about it! I eventually stopped thinking about it and just fell asleep. Luckily it didnt happen haha.

And yes thats what I get too for the movie reel thing. Its like 8mm quality almost with the choppiness and grittiness, but its also got a very strange fluid-like flow to it. I havent had it happen in a few weeks now, but its happened about 6 or 7 times in the past half year.
A visit of the so called "old hag". Waking up in sleep paralysis often accompanied by feeling, sometimes also seeing a malevolent presence that is suffocating you or spiritually "pinning you down". I experienced it too from time to time.

Once I too broke free from the entities iron grip. it was an interresting experience. I woke up in sleep paralysisto find myself in an OOBE where I saw my room and my sleeping body in my bed. I hovered slightly above my bed, facing down. Next to it I saw an invisable, yet somehow visable thick column of energy. It pinned me down, holding me in a firm grip with inhuman strength. Like it gripped my soul, just like you said. It was accompanied by the feeling of being choked & suffocating.

There was now "how" to what I did next: I, my spirit/soul/energy-self, jumped up and jousted into the collumn of energy that was pinning me down. It was fast, like a crossbow bolt strike or a spear I struck it in it's heart. I felt no hate or anger when I attacked, just incredible excitement, confidence & competence. And as I struck it in it's core, it's grip released me and I immediately fell asleep again. I have no idea how I did it as it was a survival instinct. Like an unfamiliar, usually hidden, but benevolent & intensely powerfull part of myself took over.

On another ocassion I felt grasped in the same sleep paralysis as my mind awoke in a shut down body. I wanted to
use my muscles and sit up right in bed, but my body wouldn't react at all. In fact, the more fanatically I tried to get up, the more firm this gnarly grip became on my body/soul. Like a fly trying to get out of a spiderweb; the more it moves, the more it gets stuck. Where at other times before I had freaked out, and tried to send more and more extreme/loud signals to my body to move and shake itself out of paralysis, this time I was calm and figured that the best thing to do was to lay still and to relax, so as to "slip out of the grip". It worked as I peacefully drifted back to sleep and dreams.

Lately I haven't met old hag. Not in years. It seems my improvised defense systems were very persuasive in convincing it to leave me alone :)
Ive had sleep paralysis before. I was inbetween a dream and being awake. Like I was bouncing back and forth. To my left was a closet that actually wasnt real.

I couldnt move or anything and I felt extreme fear and then I became aware of an entity of some sort standing at the foot of my bed. I couldnt really see him but had a feeling like he was the one holding me down.

I tried screaming for my dad but could only make out a quiet raspy sound. It lasted what seemed like a few minutes. I cant remember if I was then able to move or if I fell back asleep.
Jeeze this sounds like some scary sheeeiiittt haha. I kinda wanted to say I felt like something was holding me down...but it didnt really feel evil. And I couldnt tell if there really was smething present or if I was just disconnected from the situation so that intense vacuum feeling just was way too overbearing.

Maybe cause I somehow snapped myself out of it before I knew what was happening I didnt have time to get scared or confirm a presence? The situation freaked me a bit but I wasnt scared. I was just like CANT MOVE...WHY... and then bam I like snapped back. I definitely wont be falling back asleep multiple times after I should have just gotten out of bed again.
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