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Very unusual (at least for me) SPICE JOURNEY

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Rising Star
Hi everybody!

Just want to share my spice travel I had this night with you guys. It was rather unusual and totaly unexpected... :shock:
The dosage was something modest between 30 - 40 mg. Used to smoke it from a foil and a pipe to breath, works great for me, though I know it's not the best way. But sometimes I can turn into VERY lazy person :oops:
Anyway, I have inhaled the spice in two huge breaths and then... The passage was even more quick than ever, I could hear a loud unbearable whistling sound (NO usual BUZZ!) at near hearing barrier... My head was full with this annoying sound and was vibrating strongly. It was even painful, but there was no fear, no confusion at all, I could feel something was going on in unusual way. Well, I was not mistaken! After a second or so I saw (and FELT) a blasting white light filling my head at an instant. The intensity of this light was unbelievable, it burned my eyes. Trying to "protect" my eyes, he-he, I put my hand on my face and in this sudden darkness I saw pictures of unbelievable beauty changing each other at tremendous speed. Then I put my hand off and saw that the Light has filled everything around me like it came out of my head. And Gee, I was somwhere else now! This place was like Palace which even the wildest fantasy is unable to describe. All the walls (though THERE WERE NO WALLS in our common sense) were covered with cosmic jewels which formed perfect pictures and they were changing all the time. There were motives from South American native art, but at the most sophisticated level like it was eidos of this art. It was something just far beyond our Planet! Then I saw a person who looked like an Aztec priest. I could feel he was very friendly towards me and I was his guest in this ancient Palace of light. Also I could feel some entities around me, though could not see them. They were friendly and very humorous in some strange manner! All the space around was of ancient holy admiration! Then I felt I could ask for ANYTHING and probably I could get it 8) But I was unable to focus myself... BTW, had the same episode behind a huge dose of shrooms one time years ago...
Then it was my coming back. Due to my subjective time perception, this trip took like 2 or 3 seconds, but it was 15 or 20 minutes!!! For may be 10 or 15 minutes then I was unable to move my limbs. But not because I could not physicaly, but I had a strong feeling that I was in need of all energy I could get even if from not moving. Also I could feel I was not quite back into my body, so I made several intentional attempts to get back in full :) Please don't ask how! I just KNEW what to do :idea: Then after a short time I felt being totaly back with a strong convulsive vibration. Well, I was back to my body lying in bed, planet Earth.
The next day I woke up very lately, it was day already. My head was very heavy and it was unpleasant. My first thought was about so many business meetings I had in my schedule and I did not inform anybody on my absence! I turned my cell phone on and with great surprise saw several SMS messages informing on that the most important meetings were canceled for different reasons! :shock:

Now I can see no sense in my journey! I had many guidance, insights, etc. from my former trips. NOT THIS TIME! Just being the guest for a while to some strange place far away from our so called reality... OK, it was SO BEAUTIFUL that I need no any sense :) But my mind is asking for some sense!
What is more surprising, all my feelings while I was tripping were not LIKE IT WAS SPICE!!! Even physicaly... It was like I took some other unknown substance... :shock:

Any ideas? :roll:
:) 44 views and no comments by far... Well, I guess this experience is not something unusual :roll: I can remember I have read about quite the same from McKenna's "Food of the Gods"... And I reached the same place... OK, that was great. Let's continue our games... 8) :lol:
It is always fun to read about others adventures in spiceland. Each and every spice launch I have been on has been unique. There are sometimes some simliarities, but most often they are different.

Sounds like you had quite the adventure. The buzz phenomenon doesn't always occure with me either, but there are frequently noises during launch. I've noticed that time becomes VERY elastic during a journey, minutes can seem like hours and vice-versa...It becomes very subjective.

Thanks for sharing that with us!
Good report and seemed you had a truly awesome ride.
Im due another journey but dont quite feel ready yet due to work stresses, but sometime soon im sure.
DreaMTripper said:
Good report and seemed you had a truly awesome ride.
Im due another journey but dont quite feel ready yet due to work stresses, but sometime soon im sure.

Possibly, the best decision, imho :) At least for me this is always working - going to hyperspace in full confidence and in full streangth always brings best results :) Good luck and clarity in your journey! :d
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