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Virola experiences

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
The other night I packed the bowl with about 200mg of poorly freebased virola theidora on top of a bed of blue lotus. I felt a light buzz, but not much, so about 3 minutes after finishing the virola, I grabbed my pre-loaded GVG (probably around 10mg DMT) and took one hit. I got caught in a loop. It was a detailed loop nonetheless, but just like four scenes repeatedly cycling through each other. It was also surprisingly not colorful at all. Everything was dull browns and earth tones. When I opened my eyes was when things got interesting. I started generating this gigantic holographic green electromagnetic field. It was growing so big and was so powerful that it was actually forcing my body backwards. Funny thing was I heard the computer upstairs turn itself on (something it shouldn't be able to do) and my brother who was in the room with me confirmed that he heard the computer do it too. Not sure if the virola was responsible for the unusual force, but it's possible.

Yesterday I freebased 300mg virola much better than the previous night and once again packed it on top of a bed of blue lotus. When I was done smoking it, I felt massively stoned like I just smoked a bunch of MJ, but I hadn't had any that day. It was nice cause it felt like my body and head were high, but I still had mental clarity instead of haziness. Unfortunately I've still yet to feel anything really indicative of "classic 5-MeO effects", but I've also never smoked any synthetic stuff, so maybe I just don't know what to be looking for at what would be low doses. I suppose the virola could be bunk, but I have been getting euphoria (though nothing compared to DMT euphoria), and no "whites, grays or voids".
Sometimes when Windows requires an update it will do a countdown and if you dont postpone it, it will install the updates and then restart. I wonder if that was the cause of hearing the computer turn on? Still a very crazy coincidence though. Theres probabally a way to check what date updates were installed if you want to get to the bottom of it.
You know its time to take a break when your seriously considering the possibility that your computer upstairs was switched on by a self generated gigantic holographic green electromagnetic field.
A) it was a mac

B) it never does that

C) not taking a break any time soon 8)
try mixing it with Mashihiri (Justicia pectoralis)

I have yet to try virola, although been wanting to, but I have heard Mashihiri increases the effect... don't know why but its something to research. let us know
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