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Volcano testimony- Olympus mon

Migrated topic.

olympus mon

Esteemed member
OG Pioneer
I had the pleasure to use the volcano vaporizer with changa the past weekend and want to share some thoughts on this surprisingly wonderful method.

The volcano is a vaporizing unit that fills a large plastic bag with vapor. The bag has a very easy to operate valve system that will only release vapor when your lips are against it so there is no chance for escape nor need to pinch off like a balloon with Nitrous Oxide. The unit sells a mesh wad screen for using substances that melt such as hash oil which I would imagine would work great for DMT freebase but for this session we used changa.

The first thing I noticed was how comfortable I felt when holding the bag by the mouth piece and slowed my heart rate with deep breathing as I like to do prior to launch. I was able to lay back in my reclined position instead of hovering over a bong. When I was ready I was able to stay reclined which continued the feelings of relaxation and comfort. I also very much enjoyed not having to sit up and find a safe place for the bong to not fall over which has happened many times when journeying outdoors. Or It was easy to simply extend my arm to my friend and pass the vapor bag to them.

The taste was incredibly floral and complex. I use different herbs and infused IPA's when making changa for specifically this reason. Aroma therapy for the senses of smell and taste also are very relaxing and get things started on a good path. The lack of combustion brought out flavors and aroma's I haven't experienced in my blends to that degree before and it made me smile while I drifted into hyper space.

One of the interesting feelings I had during this journey was the high tech-ness of the method seemed to go really well with dmt. DMT has always had a sci-fi kind of feel to it for me compared to the very organic nature of other dmt methods of administration such as ayahuasca. For this reason I can see using the volcano may not be a god fit for people that enjoy the "traditional" feel of using a pipe since there is an association with smoking plants in traditional cultural ceremonies. If that is a connection you enjoy the volcano may feel a bit futuristic and cold. Everyone is different.
For me I had the association of taking in a gas, which is what were doing obviously but it really put in perspective just how powerful this gas truly is. It was also a reminder of how special dmt is.

Conclusions- Along with the slower onset my love of changa and reasons for making it to the specifications I do, ie, infusing floral bouquet of aroma's and flavors, is because of the relaxing qualities. Early on I realized how much anxiety the freebase methods come with often times unbeknownst to the traveler. I have wrote about this in my changa sticky, that with all the in's and outs of getting the perfect vaporized freebase hit has it can instill anxiety and a distraction instead of continued surrender and peace as one lifts off. The volcano takes this a step further. Although using a bong for myself and many others is much simpler to do than say a GVG there is still some fumbling around with lighters, sitting over the bong and then having to place it down again or pass it on. Not a big deal per-say but the more you can 100% focus on relaxing and tranquility the dmt experience is much more understandable and navigable. For me the vapor bag from the volcano was the most superior method I have used in these regards. Although when facilitating a changa circle I would prefer a pipe or bong as a connection to ceremony, I have every intention to continue to explore the volcano method for personal exploration or in a less formal setting with fellow explorers.

In a nut shell Volcano bags and DMT=:| :) :d 😁 :thumb_up:
I use an Arizer Extreme Q vaporizer that works similarly to the Volcano but is much cheaper (~$150). It works wonderfully with enhanced leaf. The bag is great for getting a concentrated hit of vapor in a short period of time.
I'm curious, can you inhale part of the bag and then inhale the rest a few minutes later? This would be great to re-up without having to fumble with the equipment.
spinCycle said:
I'm curious, can you inhale part of the bag and then inhale the rest a few minutes later? This would be great to re-up without having to fumble with the equipment.
The bad we used could achieve breakthroughs for 4-5 people. Yes you could easily fill up a bag and do multiple journeys without moving from your launch positions.
SnozzleBerry said:
If more people have data, perhaps they could contribute here: How Much DMT To Have a Breakthrough Experience [with a volcano]
That's a great idea Snozz but could be a very large range depending on size of the bag, ratio of enhanced leaf or changa, and amount loaded into the massive chamber. I could see easily fitting a dozen breakthrough doses in a single bag easily. Its a very interesting and unique method.
A dozen doses really? Maybe the volcano bags are bigger than mine. The vapor would definitely get pretty dense at that point, condensation may be an issue - The bag is already opaque white when I vape 80+mg at a time.

I find that the age of my enhanced leaf greatly determines the vaporization efficiency - fresh enhanced leaf (1-2 weeks old) is still not completely dry and won't completely vaporize on the first bag, maybe 80-90%. Once the leaf has totally dried, the vaporization is much more efficient, and I usually have to lower my dose.

You can also save any partially-vaped leaf and throw it in the next extraction, or use some ISO to clean the bag and reclaim condensed DMT.

It's definitely my preferred way to dose, no fumbling with lighters or pipes, just inhale!
We use pretty large turkey roasting bags so many may be possible. We only needed one good inhale each for a breakthrough. How many inhalations were you needing?

Edited to add- There is still a lot more tweaking to find out how concentrated you can get the bag and not burn the dmt. The volcano is not at my disposal so I only got to play for a little while. I will say that I feel infused leaf or changa is a much better way of using the volcano than dmt freebase in which I havent heard too many good things. Re-xing in the bag is nasty stuff. Changa doesnt seem to do this as much if at all.
Yeah, a volcano thread !

I tried few time to start one about it with no success :cry: (apart from F1 who is a volcano buddy 😉 ).

I can't compare with other device as i never used something else (i've to try the VG soon) but i know it is very efficient, as Olympus Mon said easy to relax, very safe and there is almost no learning curve :
- efficient : impossible to burn the product so the vapor is always soft. I read so much about the harsh smoke but i think it's a myth :lol:
- relax : you can relax before to inflate the bag, then fill it up and you can still relax with the bag beside and hit it when you're ready. No need to worry about where put the bag, just drop it beside
- safe : no burn, no fire risk, no cough
- learning curve : not to vaporize but you have to find the right amount and the good way to take everything in 2 or 3 lungful
- easy : during pharma for exemple, it's easy to vape with it even if you're not very coordinate. Just prepare some pre-weighted doses before.

spincycle said:
I'm curious, can you inhale part of the bag and then inhale the rest a few minutes later? This would be great to re-up without having to fumble with the equipment.

It works well, the only thing is the more you wait the more the magic crystellize on the bag. What i like to do is (with harmalas sublingual or oral) to load it with an heavy dose (~100mg) and just vaporize a small part of it, take it and vaporize more if needed as it's easy to handle the bag even when tripping (if you can't handle it, it means you're high enough :p )

SnozzleBerry said:
If more people have data, perhaps they could contribute here: How Much DMT To Have a Breakthrough Experience [with a volcano]

How could i miss this thread ! Vote done !
I'm a bit surprised when people say they can't breakthrough with a volcano :?:

DansMaTete said:
- efficient : impossible to burn the product so the vapor is always soft. I read so much about the harsh smoke but i think it's a myth :lol:

It works well, the only thing is the more you wait the more the magic crystellize on the bag.

How could i miss this thread ! Vote done !
I'm a bit surprised when people say they can't breakthrough with a volcano :?:

Oh no no no, you can most certainly burn the dmt with the volcano in fact our first attempt I wretched and puked because it burned the dmt in the changa so bad.:lol: (Do not use heat setting of 9) I also didn't think this would be possible in a vaporizer but trust me and my chunks, it can and will burn.

Next, I haven't used freebase dmt in the volcano so all I can speak of is changa which didn't seem to re-crystallize at all nor give harsher hits the longer it sat. Hopefully someone with more knowledge of why this would be the case for changa but not for freebase will chime in. I have hit freebase smoke that has sat in a glass chamber for a few min before and it is indeed, wretchedly disgusting!

There is nothing quite as fowl as burned dmt. In fact it is SO disgusting everyone should try it just for fun. Its like getting a charlie horse, hurts so bad it makes you laugh!!!
Since I have both a Volcano and a GVG, I guess I’ll chime in.

I use the Volcano with the liquid pad and generally only place a single 25 – 30mg dose of freebase DMT (not changa) on the pad. Possibly as a result of the small amount, the dose seems to vaporize slowly, even at the highest temperature setting. I have filled entire bags with vapor and still not completely vaporized the dose. Adding significantly more DMT to the liquid pad would solve this, but when vaporizing alone (which has been the case on all occasions except one), this seems to be wasteful. When used this way, multiple large inhalations are necessary – a full bag holds lots of deep breaths-worth of vapor!

I think the Volcano is great when there is a group of people involved. It’s also good if one doesn’t want to deal with lighters, glass pipes, and other potentially dangerous/breakable accessories: a bag can be filled, the Volcano can be turned off, one can get comfortable and then proceed at leisure.

With repeated use, there is obvious buildup of condensed DMT vapor on the inside of the bag (has anyone figured out how to recover this?) Also, if one waits too long to begin inhaling, the vapor seems to get harsher with time. Not sure why this is – maybe larger particle size as time goes by?

I haven’t used the Volcano with changa (since I rarely use changa), so I can’t comment on its effectiveness with DMT in that form.

In contrast to the Volcano, the GVG can generate extremely dense vapor. So dense that a 25 – 30mg dose can be easily inhaled in less than a full inhalation and in just a few seconds. (Quite an experience.)

In a group setting or for a leisurely buildup to a breakthrough (especially nice with sublingual beta-carbolines), the Volcano is great.

For a rocket-blast to a deep breakthrough, nothing beats the GVG.
olympus mon said:
Oh no no no, you can most certainly burn the dmt with the volcano in fact our first attempt I wretched and puked because it burned the dmt in the changa so bad.:lol: (Do not use heat setting of 9) I also didn't think this would be possible in a vaporizer but trust me and my chunks, it can and will burn.

Oh, i meant not possible to burn once you set up the right temperature. Which is 200°C for me.

I can't talk about changa or enhanced leaf as i always use plain freebase and if i go too high like 215 to 230°C (maximum set up) my lungs start to feel unconfortable.
So, i don't use changa but most of the time i take some sublingual harmalas (40mg in a bit of tea bag paper between my upper lip and the gum 30min before). i guess it's close to changa, at least it's an hyperspace in the neighborhood.

And gibran2 is right, the main probleme is the volume needed to vaporize a small amount.
Maybe is it possible to play with the air flow.
Thank you for contributing gibran. Your knowldeg is always a benefit. It seems like there is a major difference between infused leaf or changa vs. Freebase DMT regarding how it concentrates in the bag and how that vapour acts in it.

So where could we find a very knowledgeable person that owns a volcano that could do a comparison? Hmmmm who could that be.... Lol
(Clears throat and coughs) GIBRAN! 😉
Do you not get distracted by the crinkling of the bag. I used to have a volcano (sold it right before I got into DMT extraction) and I remember that I would set down quite the loud crinkly bag. I would imagine that at least for myself that I would be quite distracted by that. I require a purity of silence when traveling because any little noise may have an impact on my attention and hyperspace.
Global said:
Do you not get distracted by the crinkling of the bag. I used to have a volcano (sold it right before I got into DMT extraction) and I remember that I would set down quite the loud crinkly bag. I would imagine that at least for myself that I would be quite distracted by that. I require a purity of silence when traveling because any little noise may have an impact on my attention and hyperspace.
IME no. This due to two reasons. First It was a one hit and done kinda thing, so I wasn't even entering hyperspace yet while I was taking my hit. Certainly no more of a distraction than lighters and pipes/bongs to contend with.
Second, I'm guessing I'm using a much larger bag than other people are describing. The bag we had was about 18 inches in length so it doesn't even begin to make sound till the end of the bag.
As for temp, I am currently at 205 C, though when my enhanced leaf is fresh (and slightly damp) I usually go to 210 C. Any higher than that and it starts to burn noticeably.

When I vape, I weigh my dose of enhanced leaf with a mg scale and fill an entire bag full of vapor. I then take the whole bag in 3 or 4 big lungfuls, usually in < 30 seconds. It's been the most reliable (and comfortable) way of breaking through for me.
It would be good if someone else could try changa in a volcano. So far others have just reported freebase or a weighed dose of enhanced leaf and I think you can get a MUCH larger saturated vapor using changa if you load a large amount rather than a single dose. It would be good if another patty could confirm this.
Do the harmalas vape well at the same temperature used for DMT? I use plain mullein enhanced leaf (works great) but I might add some harmine freebase to my next batch if that works well at ~200 C.
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