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Vomiting Sun, Wavy Sky~~First Experience~~First Mescaline Experience~~100g San Pedro Orally

Migrated topic.


Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and free
Hello! I am a young man who this morning drank a glass of 25 grams San Pedro powder, and then another one, and another...and yet another, totaling at 100g.
On the matter of consumption: the glass was orange juice with pulp. The powder was just thrown in there, mixed just a bit, and drank whilst pinching the nose. Being that the powdery liquid went straight through the throat one did not find it too disagreeable. In a way the bitter taste of the cactus is enjoyable because of its uniquness. Have you ever tried yerba mate? Well, this is not simialr to that, but similar in the concept of widening ones' tastes. San Pedro's bitter taste is a new taste in the warehouse of senses and sensations located in my heart and brain. The way it was consumed is collaquially referred to as CHUGGING, and is not recomended for cactus (They say to take it slow, through the course of hours.)
Time of consumption: 7.50am.
First vomit: 9:00am. Details; a lot of vomit. About five of them and very big. I asume 60% of what was ingested was lost. Not painful or anything. Who doesnt enjoy a nice warm purge? :3 It was short and sweet and I didnt see that much powder in the vomit (although all of it was powder!)
After this I wanted to vomit more but decided I had vomited enough to feel fine and could now sit down and relax and let whatever remained settle and give effect. And so one lit a joint, a very Indica strain with high THC.
Fist noticble effect; 9:30am. Shift in conciousness! Very beautiful. I started laughing because life just seemed so funny...and so beautiful...I started crying. Very beautiful medicine! The weed helped of course! But San Pedro is noticibley there in the body and spirit. Slight visuals are sensed and percieved.
At 9:50 I feel fine and very high, with a defite shift in body conciousness. Very enjoyable. Completley relaxed.
10:30am: staring at the sky an inmense increase in visual acuity was noticed. This is the stuff 4K tvs are made of.
10:31am: Meditated and with eyes closed saw flashes of rainbow light flicker for a minute or two. It seemed to be a smiling sun crying out vomit rainbows. At this point one is definitley high. Completley relaxed. Sort of like 3g of Cubensis at this point, but different! This is something different.
10:45: more visuals and desire to purge, but not that much and not painful.
12:00: Procedeed to listen to music. Wow! If this song felt anymore like an orgasm they would make it ilegal!
Then streched my muscles and limbs to my limit. I feel that my digestive system has slowed waay down. And it closed up shop; I can eat nothing and drink nothing as my stomach continues to break down the powder. I feel the high of mescaline and it is pleasent, but not overly so. Just right...for now.
1:30: Listening to music in bed and tingles all over the body. Very protected, safe, secure. I know this sounds gay, but I feel confident and beautiful! Told you it was gonna sound gay. Lets just call it feeling wonderful:)
2:30: If it was not for the use of cannabis one would probably have no visuals at all, as it is clear now that dose was not sufficient to truly aprecciate this wonderful cactus. Visuals are zig zaggy and green and they flash. Sort of like pyramids, and a circle entity with eyes and mouth. Also a falcon like the one used by Nazis. But they are just there; no interaction and no further development of the images.
5:00pm this is the end of the trip. I had spaghetti and recovered some energy.
Final thoughts; Dose was insuficcent. I wonder why even use these tools when we have DMT in the world? It lasts 15 minutes and in hour you wouldnt even known you took a halucinagen. I prefer shrooms to the cactus. Overall, cactus is not a must for the psychonaut. I believe it has it place, as evidence by me taking it, but that it is not necesary anymore. We have better tools. And cactus is truly disgusting. The main downside is the constant shift between very comftorble and numb and then uncomftorble, bloted, and restless.
Now to rest some more!
Definitley worth trying and dirt cheap! It belongs to that fountain not made by the hands of man...
Interesting contrast between your initial impressions and the "final thoughts" on the experience.

Cactus is really a mind / body experience in a way that mushrooms or lsd are not. In order to get deep into the mental aspects of a cactus trip you also have to be deep enough to experience a significant impact on you physical body. It sounds like you started to get a taste of that, but without going in too far. And even at the less intense level that you endured there were physical stimuli that were somewhat uncomfortable.

Ultimately I believe that trichocereus cacti hold the potential to reach incredibly deep and powerful psychedelic states that have long lasting impact upon a person's mental and physical well being. But it takes time and dedication to get to a point where those states and impacts can reliably be achieved. You have to grow these plants yourself. You have to understand the character of the different cacti. You have to refine your tea making or extraction process. There are no shortcuts with these cacti. And those of us who choose to go down that path are all still traveling, never really reaching the final goal. But the experiences and the healing that these cacti can deliver make it all worthwhile.

At least thats my view on cactus. Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe one day you will come back to cacti again and think of them differently.
True. Mescaline is not like DMT because mescaline is not DMT.
Mescaline is usually not all that visual in sane doses. DMT sends you to another world, mescaline sends you to another mind.
I've often wished mescaline were more visual, because I like its visual effects, but I'll tell you a secret:
You can smoke DMT on mescaline :lol:

The side effects of cactus are optional. You have to consider what your doing to yourself when you take tea or powder sludge. You are ingesting a large amount of concentrated soluble fiber. You may think "yay, fiber, I'll have a bowel movement my mother would be proud of" but soluble fiber exerts osmotic pressure. Cactus snot wants to be more dilute, in a literal chemical-physics sense. It will pull water across a membrane barrier to make itself more dilute, so all that cactus snot is sucking water out of your blood through your intestines until enzymes break it down. That is where the cramping and nausea come from.
Semi-pure mescaline crystal produces no cramping and little to no nausea and for many or most people pure refined mescaline produces no nausea at all. Even adding isolated harmine on top of mescaline wont cause nausea [harmaline tends to cause more side effects in people and may trigger nausea].

Take mescaline when you want the effects of mescaline, and if you don't want side effects refine it down to two small pills :thumb_up:
FranLover said:
Final thoughts; Dose was insuficcent. I wonder why even use these tools when we have DMT in the world? It lasts 15 minutes and in hour you wouldnt even known you took a halucinagen. I prefer shrooms to the cactus. Overall, cactus is not a must for the psychonaut. I believe it has it place, as evidence by me taking it, but that it is not necesary anymore. We have better tools. And cactus is truly disgusting. The main downside is the constant shift between very comftorble and numb and then uncomftorble, bloted, and restless.
Now to rest some more!

First of all, thanks for sharing your experience! That being said, I must say I felt you contradicted yourself a little bit there. You said yourself the dose was insuficient, and you had a single experience from a single batch consumed in a very specific way (ingesting all the powder), and you think that is enough to already judge in such an absolute way, like when saying "cactus is not a must for the psychonaut". At most, I'd think it would be a bit more reasonable to say "cactus is not a must for me" , but how do you know about other psychonauts? And even if its judging just for you, I think you're being way too quick from that single underdosed experience. If someone you know had consumed a single dose of 5mg dmt and had no visual at all and just a weird feeling, would you think its reasonable if they suddenly talk about what dmt is or is not?

If you ever decide to try it again, you can try extracting, or at least making some tea and discarding the solids, and take some ginger to reduce nausea.

Elrik said:
I've often wished mescaline were more visual

Why not consume more? Did you ever get to a dose too high with mescaline that makes you have a bad experience, and still not being visual ?

Elrik said:
You can smoke DMT on mescaline :lol:

You def can, though ime not the best combination (I prefer shrooms+dmt, feel they match better in effects and the come up and come down is smoother)

Elrik said:
It will pull water across a membrane barrier to make itself more dilute, so all that cactus snot is sucking water out of your blood through your intestines until enzymes break it down.

Can you please share some resource on this? Sounds interesting

Elrik said:
That is where the cramping and nausea come from

Hmmm, here I think you should be more careful with making absolute afirmations instead of making it clear it is a hypothesis only. Why, for example, do you not take into account 5-ht3a agonism as being responsible for nausea too? IME ginger seems to work great reducing cactus nausea (though I can't discard self-suggestion since I didn't test it blind)

Elrik said:
Semi-pure mescaline crystal produces no cramping and little to no nausea and for many or most people pure refined mescaline produces no nausea at all

Hmmm I disagree here. I mean, I agree that taking cactus in more raw forms can induce more nausea but for a lot of people I've taken together with, pure mescaline also induced at least some nausea. That being said, if indeed OP's main complaint is nausea/body effects, then taking pure mescaline would probably be ideal (and I'd add taking ginger too)
Grey Fox said:
Ultimately I believe that trichocereus cacti hold the potential to reach incredibly deep and powerful psychedelic states that have long lasting impact upon a person's mental and physical well being. But it takes time and dedication to get to a point where those states and impacts can reliably be achieved. You have to grow these plants yourself. You have to understand the character of the different cacti. You have to refine your tea making or extraction process. There are no shortcuts with these cacti. And those of us who choose to go down that path are all still traveling, never really reaching the final goal. But the experiences and the healing that these cacti can deliver make it all worthwhile.

At least thats my view on cactus. Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe one day you will come back to cacti again and think of them differently.

I second that.

Cactus is different than any other entheogen. It is not for everyone, but once the potential is recognized, it is very valuable tool.
endlessness said:
Elrik said:
I've often wished mescaline were more visual
Why not consume more? Did you ever get to a dose too high with mescaline that makes you have a bad experience, and still not being visual ?
Gram quantities of mescaline taken in one dose leave me tripping for 16-22 hours and still are not generally as visual as I would like despite getting me very VERY intoxicated. I've never done anything I would regard as an obvious overdose on mescaline but if I'm so fried I spend an hour trying to tell the difference between myself and a bed sheet, I'd really enjoy some strong visuals :lol:
My last strong trip did give me hope for improvement, but it'll take me months or a year to examine the variables that were involved.
endlessness said:
Elrik said:
It will pull water across a membrane barrier to make itself more dilute, so all that cactus snot is sucking water out of your blood through your intestines until enzymes break it down.
Can you please share some resource on this? Sounds interesting
I cant think of a specific text off hand. This is a very well established principal in medicine, it was just mentioned as well known fact in my college and I didn't think to question it since it made so much sense. If a solution that can not pass through the intestinal wall, like epsom salts or polyethylene glycol, has a lower osmotic pressure than 0.9% sodium chloride then your body will pull out the extra water and the rest will pass through as a laxative. If the osmotic pressure equals that of 0.9% sodium chloride it will pass through as a laxative without contributing hydration, and if the solution is too concentrated it will draw water out of you and into your intestines often causing discomfort. I've seen this effect mentioned in medical books over a hundred years old, so its nothing new. The consistancy and volume of vomit that sometimes occurs an hour or longer after cactus snot ingestion shows that the water loving polymers in cactus are not always very rapidly hydrolyzed.

endlessness said:
Elrik said:
That is where the cramping and nausea come from
Hmmm, here I think you should be more careful with making absolute afirmations instead of making it clear it is a hypothesis only. Why, for example, do you not take into account 5-ht3a agonism as being responsible for nausea too?
Your right, I meant to phrase that 'that is most likely where the cramping and nausea generally come from'.
By 5-ht3a agonism I assume you mean from the alkaloids? Because in most people pure alkaloids produced far less nausea or no nausea at all. I suppose it could be a characteristic of a phenolic alkaloid. I've never experimented with cactus alkaloids that are freebase at pH 9 but salts at both pH 7 and 11. I should really try that some day, it might be something to spike my coffee with :twisted: Provided it doesn't induce nausea 😉
endlessness said:
Elrik said:
Semi-pure mescaline crystal produces no cramping and little to no nausea and for many or most people pure refined mescaline produces no nausea at all
Hmmm I disagree here...
I did specify little to no nausea for many or most people.
It does cause nausea for some.
Some unlucky people are especially prone to nausea overall, in my experience. I suspect its an evolutionary thing to make sure not all of the tribe dies when they get hungry around a new plant.
Luckily I'm pretty sturdy, I can just start chewing on the side of a tree if I think it'll produce a psychedelic effect :p So I may not be the ideal judge of nausea induction.
Elrik said:
I've often wished mescaline were more visual, because I like its visual effects

Cannabis seems to intensify the visual effects of cactus. High dose bridgesii seems to be the most visual of the tricho experiences. YMMV.

But the cactus visuals, and really the whole cactus experience, is very much grounded in the real world and in your body. Its not like other psychedelics that will take you off to a different dimension. You are very much here in your body in this world. But the experience of your body and the appearance of this world can be radically transformed. If you're looking for a dmt experience you wont find it in cactus. But cactus can produce stunning visuals at high enough doses, especially when you're outdoors and somewhere with expansive views into the distance or with open views into the night sky.
Thanks for coming here guys:) endlesness, Hi!:) I can see how it is contradictory and really I did not experience full cactus power so pretty silly to say that it is not for the psychonaut lol. Not completley for me perhaps; I just cant imagine a better psychedelic than dmt. Dmt is everything I have ever dreamed of, and that was my final meditation in bed on why I take psychedelics. But I know cactus is amazing when well consumed, which leads me to...Elrik. If I do this again I will try pure extracted mescaline:) And I was not expecting to find DMT in mescaline, rather I meditated and focused on feeling that masculine/grandfather spirit commonly reported to be found in the cactus. And I did feel that a bit.

Pete666 I agree on the potential of the cactus and it is very cool. I hope one day to expand that potential. I think it would be cool to do in Peru in ceremony out in nature.

Also endlesness I dont think someone who smokes 5mg of dmt can say what it is...then again I dont think anyone can say what it is!:lol: But now I am just being a little bit facetious.

P.S; In retrospect I see how the experiment and trip was to see how simple one can make cactus compsumption and I believe I came upon the realization that it can not be made simple. Its not for dummies. Proper preparation is necesary, so note to my future self; Do not drink straight powder in oranje juice. Its possible, and sure you may get away with it, but chances are slim.
It can be a useful experience to try each drug in its crudest form at least once, I do that with everything.
When I read in the archives here about Mew dosing cactus by just eating the branches after pulling the spines out I was impressed so I did it too. I just started eating a bridgesii raw, skin and all. When I was only 60% done eating the dose I felt it kicking in so I blended the rest. Then I had to quickly eat a mountain of bitter lime green foam with a spoon while belching.
An interesting trip :lol:

If this were an RPG game things like this would get us 500 EXP points 😉
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