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Voter Deception

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm sorry, but i want to make sure i get many opinions on this matter of deception.

Who thinks this person is wrong for wanting to show people that there being lied to?

What does this indicate to you, what purpose would they have to lie to us, assuring our votes are safe in a vault while the media is present, then taking them out with no excuse or purpose, while everyone still thinks they are safe behind a vault?

burnt said:
Cheeto all that you tube video does is show that the organization who filmed it are crooks. They fucked around looking through the boxes. Thats illegal. If they were legit they would have caught the guys on tape (who didn't really do anything) and launch criminal investigation.

Actually, it shows a fradulant message, i don't understand how you didn't pick up on that. The hole pupose of the vault was to keep the votes safe, why report to the country that they are safe in a vault, then turn around and take them out of the vault and place them in a room where even this person with a video recorder could access? Its very deceptive to report to the country that their votes are safe behind a vault then take them out where there much more accessable by anyone, and you get mad at the person for showing this?? Thats insane man! Its an obvious deception without any creditable answer to even give. The only purpose to remove them from the vault would be because the building is on fire, that was not the case, and was not time for them to come out. That wasn't a conspiracy video, that was a person with a camera.

Once again, i am very shocked at your response to that video, it shows the level of trust you have even in the case of a clear lie being told to the voters, their votes are safe in a vault, but the vault seemd to just be all for show. Also the fact that these seals that are supose to assure the boxes haven't been tamperd with are so easy to remove and place back without damage, its to much for me.

I mean, do i make a valid point or what?

Deception goes with purpose, if your being honest there is no need to deceive.
Also, if you listen carfully, they did not break in, the building was not even locked, a bum could have got in there, hardly compairable to the safety of a vault.

Lets try to get some other opinions.

Please, even if your not from america, watch this short 6 min clip and give your opinion.
I think this comment from the video responce section say it all..

"That must have been the look I gave my parents when I was kid and they caught me lying red handed."
fractal enchantment said:
I think this comment from the video responce section say it all..

"That must have been the look I gave my parents when I was kid and they caught me lying red handed."

Yes, my exact point is if this videos dosen't atleast make you skeptical of the voting system, then you just want to have faith that all is honest.

Sometimes, when you seem to have too much trust in a government voting system, you need to ask the opinion of people outside of your country, because they don't have to trust our voting system, they just see it for what it is.
Cheeto I responded in the other thread. Anyway if there was a crime commited these people should have went to the police or some other voter fraud agency. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. I am not going to continue this discussion. Your attention will waive as soon as you have to do any real investigation into what really happened and what are the real laws concerning voting and ballot storage / transport. Learn the facts before believing anything you see on you tube.
burnt said:
Cheeto I responded in the other thread. Anyway if there was a crime commited these people should have went to the police or some other voter fraud agency. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. I am not going to continue this discussion. Your attention will waive as soon as you have to do any real investigation into what really happened and what are the real laws concerning voting and ballot storage / transport. Learn the facts before believing anything you see on you tube.

How do you know they didn't, how do you know the police didn't care? I don't either, but thats not really the point here, and requires no ivestagation to see that they simply lied to the people, and i'm sure you don't want to discuss it.

The real laws?? Wow, i think your a cool person and all burnt, and i respect your opinion on most subjects, but this argument is kinda far out. It basiclly sounds like you just want to believe the system works because it may effect you or something. Its obvious that the RULES for the ballot storage was to have them in the vault. Once again, its very crystal clear that this ins't a conspiracy video, its a normal curious group of people exposing deception. I'm sure that seal on the door was just as safe as the vault, even though you could just remove it and place it back once you get done playing with the ballots.

But, i'll see what i can find on it, see if they did file complaints.

Got a little information, will be looking further to see what i can come up with.

I don't know the accuracy of this information, but like i said, i'm looking further
Where i got this

The above video clips were recorded and compiled by election watchdogs Bev Harris (of BlackBoxVoting.org) and Susan Pynchon (of Florida Fair Elections Coalition), both of whom were on the ground in Concord during the initial stages of the requested Democratic and Republican hand counts following the Primary Election in the Granite State. Harris offers more commentary on the video above right here.

Previously, Harris posted a stunning photo essay detailing the embarrassingly poor condition of the ballot boxes themselves --- unsealed, open for anyone to reach their hand in --- as they were picked up from towns around the state and delivered to the counting area at Concord's State Archives building.

The counting continues today for Republican Albert Howard, though New Hampshire SoS Bill Gardner, seen in the above video, has requested a halt in the counting for two days next week. That, after apparently misrepresenting Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich's serious concerns about "significant variances" discovered during counting of just one New Hampshire county so far. Disparities have been discovered as high as 10% for some candidates in some precincts.
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