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Vovin returns from space

Migrated topic.


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OG Pioneer
Some of you may know me from the DMTWorld forums or Deep Thought. It has been a few years since I delved into the world of DMT. Currently my intrests are revolving around 'smart drugs'. I noticed that many are still using my tek which kind of disturbs me. I had hoped somone would have written a much better tek by now. This path should be a constantly evolving one. I improved upon the teks of my time. Had those teks not shown me the basics I would not have been able to make mine. Others should improve upon my tek.

As for the reason I dropped off the face of the world. My tek caused allot of conflict. There were those who thought I made it too easy to make DMT and that if somone was serious enough they would figure it out on their own. I wanted to make the experience available to all who wished to take on the endeavor and to do it safely. My first extraction was severely caustic and in retrospect was prolly very damaging to my lungs. I made my tek so as to get as pure of a product as possible beacue those whio do this repeatdly dont want to have scarred lungs as a result. My everyones invited attitude made me some enemies in the DMTworld. And thus I decided to go private with the Deep Thought project which was by invitation only.

I just wanted to say something on my experience with DMT and why I left the field. DMT wasnt a horrible experience. It was difficult as I had taken it very seriously as anyone that was part of the deep thought project can attest. Over a period of 90 days I had logged over 180 trips. After a fairly long break from it I found no long term benefits to speak of. Over the years I have to say that I may have been mistaken in that line of thought.

I believe that DMT made a long term change that only after a year or so I truly realized. It gave me a point of refrence wherein my ego wasnt filtering my thought process. It enabled me to be truly objective and see the world without the bias and brain washing effects our society programs into us from birth. We are all brainwashed to some degree. This is ok it is what allows us to exist in a society and interact with it efficently. All of our decisions and opinions are based on our life experiences and the moral values that we are given in life. Psychadelics alter ones consiousness and give you a diffrent point of view. This is one of the greatest treasures that you can experience. So many people go thru life seeing everything in the world from their one tiny little perspective. It's the root of the closed minded attitudes we all know in our society.

While I believe that DMT is a experience that all should have please do not think it in of itself is a path. It is but one step. The evolution of conciousness is something that has no one magic ingredient. As I said before our egos are based upon our experiences and our moral values. Increase your experiences and your ability to think beyond the box will grow exponentially.

If you are old timer from the deep thought project please PM me as I would be happy to hear from my old friends and see what new adventures they have undertaken. For those I do not know I dont mess with DMT anymore, it's just a part of my treasured past these days but I would be happy to lend what I have learned. I will check in from time to time to answer.
well its nice to have you on board vovin! there have been some vast improvements and new teks being worked out lately..we've found new ways of purifying crystals and reliable ways to extract clean bufotenine..thus opening up a new branch of the dmt world..thanks a lot to the post by 69ron..

there are many more options available for extracting spice..from many different plants..and people are working out new, easier and safer methods and its been rather exciting lately..

though ive never heard of the deep thought project..i would love to hear what it was all about

so welcome to the forum..and i look forward to hearing your advice and about your recent(and not so recent) adventures
Deep Thought was a a site I had set up when things in the DMT World had deterriorated. Only those old time members who were part of it would prolly even know what it was. We kept it private although word of it leaked to the public forums eventually. One of the issues was that there was fear that the 5-0 was watching the public forums so we could not freely discuss our experiences and collaborate. So those of us who were more active decided to go private. It was for those who were serious about exploring. Those who had experience and were willing to keep technical logs of their experiences. I was very into floatation tanks and sensory deprivation used in conjunction with DMT. I took things to a extreme level myself and at one point decided that I need to leave as returning from my travels to the other side became more and more difficult. Therein I spent a good time basically recovering from the study. Keep in mind I went to the extreme taking in the spice under some pretty far out situations like being locked in a floatation tank for 12 hours and then imbibing. The issue with me was I went so far and so often I got to a point to where I wasnt comming back completely and I could spend days disoriented from a experience. Only after a considerable amount of time did I recover completely.

I have not by any means stopped searching in my quest for growth of mind. As of now I am about to embark on a study in 'smart drugs' such as Piracetam( which is legal in the US!) and provigil (requires a prescription). I am still setting up on this but when I have something exciting , or not to report I will be sure to make a post.

In retrospect I do deeply regret shutting down deep thought I wish I had at least lent it out to somone else to manage but at the time I wanted wholeheartily to distance myself from the spice immediately.
Welcome aboard! It's great to see an old-hat back in the game. Leaps and bounds have been made as of last-summerish. Particularly the FASA method and all that's stemmed from it.

With such an egalitarian attitude toward DMT, you may be able appreciate our new project: The DMT-Nexus Wiki

You've got a lot of catching up to do, I assure you.
vovin..that sounds rather nuts..and its good that you were able to come back fully..SWIM has had some experiences where hes kinda here and there at the same time..but that only lasts for a few days to a week..the way you describe those experiences..it sounds like it probably took months..

was there anything that you were bring back from those depths? any conclusions? and was this just with smoked spice or was there also oral consumption?
Just smoke I did not try ayahuasca( I know I spelled it wrong) but a few times in the beginning. I was taking between 3-5 times a day and like I mentioned before often under some rather extreme psychological circumstances. I spent about 8 months stoned out of my mind as it was the only thing that calmed me down mentally and put me back in the real world. There was a time when I did not think I would be able to mentally recover from the experience. I often quoted it as a nightmare wherein I couldnt awake from. I took on the spice as a desperate search for something beyond human conciousness and my attitude at the time was that death was a option failure wasnt.

When I began I decided that to go and to experience things no human has before you had to be willing to go farther and deeper than any human has gone before. Take more chances and not allow anything to hinder you. I did just that.

All experiences even harsh ones like mine add to our spiritual growth. It's been 5ish years since I took the journey. Now I do not regret it. It was a invaluable part of making me who I am today which is somone who I do not regret being. It's hard to say what percent it played in my evolution I have done so many things over the years but I did give me a baseline to prove to myself at least that I was not going to give up after all I have been thru worse.

Sometimes I wish I had a little extra spice somewhere just to revisit that place. I dont know maybe now it's been long enough for the scars to heal. I have no intention to go as far as I did. I dont think it was neccisary really. But I miss it for some reason. Your people are lucky. You get to take of a experience 99.999% of the human race cant even possibly imagine. You get to awaken from this dream we call life and see beyond your base being. What you experience in your mind isnt false it's just something you cant keep. Once it's over the memory is all that remains but that memory is worth so much.

As far as What I brought back. Well DMT started my journey and I cant say if it planted the seed or not but I did reach a growth of understanding. I guess it allowed me to see the logical conclusion of my existance. The reason for me getting out of bed in the morning so to speak and I have spent every day working twoards that goal. It's a long long complicated thing which in esscence seems simple but daunting. I will write of it in the near future I think. People here would probably get it moreso than most.

Ben check out this forum it's hardcore into that kind of thing. It's where I am doing allot of research now:
It's a pleasure to learn from your experience. I think some people simply don't have a choice. They have to take the bumpy road in order to find peace of mind. If you reach the point where you can't calm you down by assuring yourself of culturally accepted values..the point of no return, when thinking causes you to fail, and you have to pick yourself up...if you understand what I'm saying. Good luck with your endeavours.
im so glad to have read this - im faced with a very hard situation and this makes me feel less alone in it.
Hello Vovin,
I glad your experiments haven't left you in a state of disarray or abandonment. Im sorry to hear that your help within the community caused a backlash but I'am sure whoever released the pf tek had to undergo the same type of abuse. But people are naturally greedy and want to keep their most precious objects to themselves, it is a survival mechanism. But Im sure there is double that amount of people like myself who hold you in great reverence, as yours and a few others methods are what got me really intrested in organic chemistry. Sometimes I have trouble coming back but I just remind myself its not the plant or chemical thats special but our own exsistence, the plant just wipes away the ego and makes you aware of it.
I wish you luck on your journey of edification.

I would like to thank you directly for taking the time to research, write out & share your extraction tek!!!
If I could, I would buy you a beer, or load you a bowl, or whatever to attempt to show my thanks!!

I had read about DMT when I was 18, back in 1994 & that began a loooooonnnnggggg, 13 year search for this chemical. Although, until I found your tek on the web, I had never seen DMT, much less finding someone who would give (or sell) any to me. Most of the "heads" that I talked to over those years had never even heard of it.

So Thank You So Much!!!

I have made a few small refinements to your tek, over the last year of doing extractions, to the point where I now get beautiful, clear-to-white crystals straight from the first freeze precip. To be totally honest though, most of my changes, are to how I'm doing the steps your tek recommends. So I haven't really added anything new.

Vovin's tek was the only one I could find (at that time anyway) that explained how to use the lab equipment correctly, as well as explaining the whole process in depth. IMHO a real Buchner filter & Sep funnel, make all the difference in the world when it comes to getting a clean, "kitchen-pure" product & a yield close to 1%!!
All of the other teks were just a list of materials needed. Then, "mix them together, wait, Syphon off the stuff on top, evaporate it, then scrape up the yellow goo".
I'm just not interested in yellow goo, when freebase DMT is actually a clear, or white crystal & I can extract that with just a tiny bit more work!!

Also, you not only wrote about how to do the extraction, you included explanations of why you where doing each step & what each step was accomplishing!! After reading your tek, I understood the chemical reactions that where taking place & how/why they remove the dirt, fats & cause the basifying etc..., so by the time I did my first extraction, I wasn't just following a recipe, I was completing a process to remove all the crap that the DMT is held by, in the plant. Leaving behind only the beautiful, white crystallized DMT!!

Anyway, Thank you!!
You've made quite an impact on my life, even though I don't take DMT very often, it has definitely made it's mark on me in a positive way!! And I would guess I'm not alone in that statement.


In fact, I just did an extraction this last weekend, and filtered the crystals out of the solvent right after I wrote that last post.

Here is a pic, sorry I don't have a very good camera, just the shitty one in my phone. I couldn't get a good close up that showed the crystals. This is the only one that turned out at all.
Ill try to get a better pic that shows the crystal formations.

I used 100g of pre-powdered MHRB, using Vovin's tek for the most part. My yield was .955mg of clear-to-white crystals, that turned out quite large this time.

Thanks again V!!!



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I am glad and honored it made such a impact. Exploration of the spirit molecule is not a fools errand. Only those who are serious and dedicated can undetake it. Thus by default those who are here do tend to be more intelligent and open minded. I have had a chance to do some reading on this site and I feel vast improvements have been made to not only the process but the mentality of those who participate.

I still have much catching up to do. I doubt that I will take of the spice again but speaking with those who are of the same mind is a rare and precious gift. I do however reccomend you not just experience this journey but keep a written or recorded log of your experiences. It will prove invaluable later when you look back on this experience.

I have kept many writings that I made shortly after a journey. This one is one of the last ones I made before I quit. I dont know if others would be able to make sense of it I find that most of my writings during that time are obscure to others eventhough they make prefect sense to me. Feel free to post a opinion. I am not a ego maniac I do not take critisism as a insult, I feel critisism is just another point of view with which you can benefit from if you are willing to let pride go and accept it for what it is.


Having released the burden of life.
I stepped within.
Time knows not this place.
The worry of tomorrow lifted from my shoulders.
The burden of yesterday washed from my mind.
The sweet release.

A voice cried unto me and said.

From the abyss all things come and unto the abyss all things must return.
Fear not the eternal slumber my child for there is no greater peace.

I cried forth into the darkness, who art thou that toments me without end?

I am he who is, the keeper to the gate of worlds long since forgotten by the race of man.
I am the speech in the silence the vibration in the void of naught.
I am that which is nameless for what mere words can give me definition.
For I am the foundation of all things.
I am the universal 1.
Duality only unto myself, I am both the form and the force.
The echo of eternity is all the beckins you now my child.
Time is of no substance to that which is not of matter.
Know me for my truth for fear of truth is madness.

Why do you turn your eyes from me?
The void within you beckons you to go deeper.
I offer fulfillment.
Completion of fate.

In a place which is naught, a soul distraught. sings a chourous of 93 angels.
Their melody soothing as a summer stream.
Thru me their lyrics flow.
Deeper and deeper I fall into this esoteric dream.
Their voices wash away my burdened woes.
Fade from my mind the life of past.
The vibrancy of joy everlast.

Hail unto the lord prince and master of the eternal night.
The never ending abyss from which no man can escape.
The realm of the dreamless sleep that fulfills the desires of heart and soul.
The completeness of nothing. Never needing, never wanting, a sleep without pain nor torment.
The sweet release, therein you will forget the burden of regret.
Know these words to be truth and taste of our immortality therein.
With great honors vovin, I welcome you to the board. <3 You were my first ;-)

I haven't heard of the Deep Thought project either. I would like to see some of those technical logs. I would like to start keeping logs myself so I could learn from them, and, of course, they would be fun to read through. I am new to chemistry and this scene... but I hope to be here for years to come. Someday I hope to make serious contributions to understanding these strange chemicals.
I just wanted to show you this vovin incase you missed it. Oh, and thanks for everything.

check this out to

Just in case your interested in the other teks that have come since yours. Although many still use yours. And like said, there are more exciting things on the way.
Your words make perfect sense...... the flow in which it is written makes me feel as if it was an experience of my own....Ah, the spice calls.
Poetry in motion.

Your work and research has helped many a swimmer, myself included. Much thanks and much respect.

I hope you stay with us.
I guess those who have been there understand it better. I'm happy with that. I have a books worth of writing I made in that time but I still have yet to organize it into something coherent. My writings must sit and stew for a year or more. If they are still profound to me after such a period I find them to be true. Many times upon reflection however I see my words in need of refinement or even to be so petty and foolish to cause shame to myself. What I find to be profound today I find to be juvenile later. Thus I dont get to completing my works until they have had time to ripen or rot.

It's great to see your all working on a wiki. I think collaboration like that is the best way to move forward in the evolution of DMT.
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