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W.I.L.D. Technique Similar to DMT Blast Off

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Rising Star
I've been highly interested in exploring dreaming as a spiritual avenue and for over a year and have been trying lucid dreaming and keeping a dream log. Of course,I've tried the standard techniques for becoming self aware in a dream such as looking at hands daily and doing reality checks. They've worked ok and proven successful, but I thought to try W.I.L.D.(Wake Induced Lucid Dream)..The first couple times I tried, I just ended up falling asleep, but the third time I managed to successfully go WILD...it felt eerily similar to a DMT blastoff. I've heard a low buzzing/ringing tone while passing from conscious to unconscious state and then I immediately felt like I was being sucked into another world through a fog that I floated through. On the other end a life like world appeared. I was seemingly invisible to the world around me. I was floating through walls, ceilings, buildings. I wasn't necessarily in control. I didn't want to take control, I just wanted to follow. I was so excited from what had just happened that I woke up at some point. It was incredible.

As a part of all of this, my dream recall is MUCH better due to the overall awareness of dreams and a dream log, In any case, dream recall as been just as important, if not more important to me, as trying to become lucid.

Has anyone had a similar sensation with going WILD and blasting off?
It's been a while since I've tried to do a W.I.L.D., but I can say that I too had the buzzing/ringing effect as I drifted between normal waking consciousness and whatever comes next. This was quite a while ago and while I had read some about DMT for years and the "carrier tone" I had never partaken. I still have very little experience to compare, however doing W.I.L.D I don't recall it having any sort of intensity to it at all. It was odd the first time for sure, but it lacked the ooomph if you will? It was more a smooth transition where the ringing came and then I "ripped myself out of my body" so to speak and straight into a lucid dreaming state of random setting. To clarify I actively did the pulling out of my body it didn't happen on its own (though maybe it would have anyway?) I did find it interesting the similarities to what I had read about the DMT come on for sure. Perhaps there are some similarities going on here on a biological level.
I've had numerous WILD's before, though I haven't tried DMT yet, so I can't really make the comparison. I have many times heard the ringing/buzzing sound, though to me it sounds more like a static or white noise? It freaked me out the first time I heard it because it was coming from inside my head, which I didn't understand, and on a few occasions when it was "done" it would end with a "ping!" sound. Kind of like the sound effect of (yeah I'm a geek) Super Mario getting a coin in one of the old super nintendo games.

At that point one of two things would happen: One I "fail" and my sleepiness drifts away as does the sleep paralysis and I get up frustrated. Or two, I feel crazy vibrations and a feeling like I'm being sucked out of my body or moving really fast, and I then see behind my eyelids details of a world building itself, and I proceed to enjoy the lucid dream.

I remember this was before I even knew what DMT was, but when I first heard the audio file of McKenna discussing the carrier wave in the DMT experience, I got really weird chills like I knew what he was talking about.

I don't doubt for a second that they're connected in some way, but again I haven't tried DMT, so I can't exactly say.
Hmmm. Never heard of this technique before. :shock: :d I will look into it further... any particular tips from people who have done it before?

I learned that the physical action of "looking up" (yes, even with your eyes closed, laying down) can shift you out of body in an instant.

I used to launch by looking up, then come back by relaxing my eyes, and do this back and forth....weird stuff
That is kind of how I did it as well. Basically once the buzzing happens and you are in sleep paralysis is when you can launch. I basically would just try and sit up and in doing so it would pull me out and right into a lucid dreaming state. I didn't really ever come back like house did, I was basically straight into lucid dreaming territory and not thinking about it. Will have to try that out if I ever get back into this.

Other random tips are to set an alarm for like 3 hours before you actually wake up. When it goes off you have to get up and stay up for a little bit to wake up your brain. If you quickly just go back to bed you can drift too fast to catch yourself in the in between state. After you have been up for a bit go lie back down on your back and DO NOT MOVE. You will probably get urges to roll over on your side, resist them. If you stay your body will go into sleep paralysis and that is when you try and "separate". I think the idea behind this is that your brain wakes up but your body is still tired and you can trick it back to sleep while you are still in a pretty lucid and alert state of consciousness.

I can't remember where I read about it, but having sex (solo or not), during that wake up period can be a great way to get the mind going and put you in a good state for this :)
Thanks for the tips House and Malaclypse. :d

Now one thing that still is a little freaky is sleep paralysis in itself. From what I have read about WILD and sleep paralysis, it can seem VERY real as your senses, etc. All get integrated into the WILD session. It also seems like the reason why sleep paralysis is such a "scary" thing for some is because you can't move and there is the feeling of someone sitting on you, etc. This can be a little unnerving for some but I would suspect it would be in the same category as ego death... just simply go with the flow.

One question for those who have experienced WILD sessions before, any tips to abort a session and wake up? Or if the sleep paralysis stage is too much and isn't going in the right direction, any suggestions to turn it around or abort it? I've heard wiggling your fingers and toes can snap your body out of it (which I didn't think you could do in sleep paralysis).

Many thanks,
I've never heard or experimented with this WILD technique (though I certainly will be now 😉 ) but in my experiences with sleep paralysis, it seems that resistance to it only seems to make it stronger, while releasing and letting go can help ease you out of it.
WILD is crazy, I get very close and start to hear the tone and the hypnagogic imagery gets intense but my heart goes crazy everytime and I can't get any further.
I also heard the buzzing, frequencies when doing WILD. I feel vibrations all throughout my body and then it has lead to AP like experiences or fully entering a dream. I also hear frequencies when partaking in DMT and even mushrooms. And now I notice it in meditation aswell. Perhaps related....
englishmelting said:
I also heard the buzzing, frequencies when doing WILD. I feel vibrations all throughout my body and then it has lead to AP like experiences or fully entering a dream. I also hear frequencies when partaking in DMT and even mushrooms. And now I notice it in meditation aswell. Perhaps related....

When you enter sensory deprivation, two sounds are commonly observed in scientific studies and amateur ones alike.

You can hear your cardiovascular system, and you can hear your neuroelectric system / carrier wave.

Still nothing like ol hyperspace 8)
I have never succesfully done WILD, but I have had near-WILDs about 5 times maybe.
I must say that the similarities between these experiences and a DMT blast off are very faint.
There was a darkness, a void. There was an immensly bright white light in the centre of this void.
As I tried to enter I felt like being sucked up by a tornado and hurled around by 500 km/h winds.
Never made it past that point consciously. Allways ended up falling asleep unconcsious. :(

But the similairity isn't that striking. I reckon dreaming may have more to do with 5-MeO-DMT and other "DMT analogues" than with actual NN, DMT.
I remember once reading that 5-MeO-DMT and 5-Ho-DMT are also endogenous and metabolised in humans.

Would be interresting to study the various states of sleep (falling asleep, deep unconscious sleep, dreaming REM-sleep) from a psycho-chemical point of view
and seeing which compound's effects come closest to it. Melatonin is supposed to makes us tired and go to sleep. What hormone/Neurotransmitter might be responsible for deep, unconscious sleep?
Endorfins or similair compounds maybe? And then what compound might be responsible for dreaming? NN, DMT may be involved in the transition phase as experienced in WILD.
Maybe during dreaming REM-sleep our brains produce both DMT(or analogues) and an endogenous MAOI, so that our dreams may in essence be endogenous Ayahuasca-experiences.

Have endogenous MAOIs ever been found in the human body?
I had a lucid dream last night. I just kept saying to myself I am now entering a lucid dream to kind of prep my mind, then I set an alarm around 4 hours or so after I fell asleep (earlier than I'll usually set it to do wake back to bed)....then I woke up and didnt stay awake I just set my intention I am going to enter a lucid dream. But anyways I went back to sleep and just had that dream inside a dream dream and finally after a few layers I caught on and became lucid
i have had about 4-5 total lucid dreams in my life , the first one was spontaneous and the rest were accomplished by a technique of reality checking - by writing " am i dreamin ?" on a card and reading and re-reading it several times in the day trying to check if the words and alphabets would change

ultimately in a few nights one night i saw the words when i was dreaming , i saw - " am i me dreaming ? " instead of "am i" it became "am i me" , realising this instantly gave be control on the dream state then i did a second reality test by jumping in the air and trying to float rather than come to the ground , it was really cool , i felt totally suspended in the air , not moving not flying but just suspended in zero gravity - incredible , wow , then i flew out of my bedroom to my living room , out my big window into the sky , i remember crossing mars and seeing the earth and mars in distant horizon , i was coming close to jupiter and then bamm! i was down on an alien planet and in front of my was this green alien female that looked kinda like a lizard , she had a tail and there were scales all over her body , she was totally gorgeous and i could not resist doing what i felt , at this point i lost control over the dream and woke up in reality

few lucid dreams happened after this aswell and sometimes i remember dreams where i was just lucid for a moment and then back to dreaming , i smoke cannabis all day and night so this has affected my dreaming ability quite heavily , also i have too much goin on and no time for dreaming right now , this lucid dream took place 2 years back , during that time i was interested in lucid dreaming so i tried WILD but was not really successsfull atall that way
I've been WILDing, and "normal" (waking up inside the dream) style Lucid Dreaming since I was a child. I can't remember not having them. Not every night. Usually not if I drink or smoke too much... or if I am especially busy. Actually, I would say that I probably do lucid dream even then, just that I can't remember them in the morning.

As HOT TUNA said... dream recall can be more important than lucid dreaming per se. Actually, memory is a crucial issue in many things we do. Certainly salvia and the other disso's have this dream recall factor. I view it as at least partially built into the nature of travelling between worlds/dimensions/dreams. A metaphor could be that there are "customs" at the border and certain things are not allowed to be brought with you in certain quantities. Not drugs, but memories. An experienced dreamer is like a memory smuggler. (it is just a metaphor)

Lucidity is not an on or off state. It is a spectrum. You can be lucid dreaming and then go more lucid to the point that you regard your previous lucidity as being unconscious. Having had thousands of lucid dreams that I can remember... as well as the awareness of vastly more that I can not clearly recall... I would say that there are carrier tones and buzzings that resemble those found in entheogen experiences. Generally the character and intensity is different though. However, I have smoked DMT in a lucid dream a number of times and it seems to be fundamentally identical... although it can be much more all-encompassing, and you often don't return to the place you started from, but rather come down in other dream realms... or if you are really lucky, you can manage to stay in one of the upper hyperspace realms and interact there lucidly for indefinite periods of time.

WILDing is a good technique if you can manage it. Sleep paralysis is often very frightening to people, though. Whatever techniques you use, it takes practice to build up the awareness to recognize and maintain lucidity, as well as train the focus and willpower needed to take control and manifest things. Whether you WILD or are crossing from one dream to another consciously, there are some real parallels with entheogenic hyperspace experiences. There are also quite a few qualitative differences as well. And, whether we are talking about dreaming or tripping, there are vast varieties of experiences possible within each framework... such that one can have experiences which have little resemblance to others that one has had before. These things are infinite oceans of novelty. Expecting them to remain constant and predictable is to miss the point.

I have always wished for perfect pitch (as a musician and producer). I have extremely good relative pitch. Meaning that I can tell harmonic relationships between notes very accurately. (i.e. That is a perfect 4th, that is a flatted 5th etc.) However, I can not (as of yet) hear a tone and tell you the pitch or frequency. (i.e. that is an A at 440hz) If I could do this, I would be able to conduct an experiment I have always wanted to try. To record the exact frequencies of the various carrier waves I have encountered and compare them. If 2 or more people with perfect pitch could do identical substances or techniques simultaneously, it would be interesting to find out if the frequencies heard match. It is possible that there are certain "magic" frequencies which unlock certain gates.

Of course, this is generally difficult with many of the tones I have heard in that they tend to rise as I hear them. Perhaps I could intone the starting frequencies, or even mimic their rise while recording it with a microphone... and thus later be able to ascertain with certainty the true range of the sweep, as well as its starting and ending points. Again, this could be difficult as the tones often rise to pitches that seem to be well beyond the range of human hearing.

Anyway, this is getting long. Peace y'all.
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