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Rising Star
Intro and how I found the Nexus:

I've been browsing this forum for a couple months now. I haven't written an essay yet, because I wasn't sure if I'd be sticking around - The spice can be intense and I wasn't sure I could handle it. I came to this forum after having a low-dose LSD experience that I can definitively say was one of the greatest days of my life. I knew marijuana wouldn't cut it for me anymore. Their was something about it that dragged me down, whereas LSD brought me up. Reading The Doors of Perception by Huxley confirmed this idea for me. It also filled me with ideas I'd never heard or thought of before regarding religion, psychedelics, and art.

I was devastated that I'd probably never be able to find mescaline - It just simply isn't around. But I thought I'd see how hard it was to make. About 5 hours of googling and reading, I had a picture of the entheogenic community. This entheogen community intrigued me with their mix of chemistry and religion. Growing up in a Christian home and community, these ideas were a bit seperate for me. In the entheogen community, both are very neccesary and perfectly in tune with eachother.

In my search for mescaline, I stumbled upon 69ron's writeup on his mescaline extraction tek. The topic was full of brilliant insights and scientific, inquiring minds. This is a far cry from any other psychedelic board I've visited and even further from the cannabis boards I used to frequent (although, I will say the vaporists at fuckcombustion.com are quite serious). I performed the TEK and got very poor, dirty yields. I'm not entirely sure what was at fault, but I think the main issue is that you are trying to pull alkaloids from what is essentially a doughyball of cactus. This is insignificant though.

My experience with the 300mg of dirty mesc acetate was tough. It was not the easy, joyful LSD experience I'd had earlier. It was very trying, introspective, and had a very negative feel to it. It was very probably due to the university stress I'd been going through and the huge amount of impure alkaloids.

This trip is the one that taught me that psychedelics were not just "fun and games." They certainly can be, but they can also be very mentally challenging. I contemplated giving up then, but I simply couldn't. I knew their was much to explore and much to gain.

This is when I considered DMT. I read up on its dangers and general effects but not on specific experiences, I wanted to keep my mind pure and unbiased my first time. The reason I decided to extract and smoke DMT was because so many on this forum love it, and as I said earlier, this forum is very different when it comes to their view on psychedelics.

My first DMT experience is in the First Steps in Hyperspace forum, and since I've had a few more. My first experience was very, VERY intense - blackout intense. Since then I've cut down on the dose and have had very alien experiences (Very alien cat people are predominant, hence my avatar) and one utterly beautiful one. I am dedicated to exploring this molecule now and other entheogens. I feel like being a part of the forum will better allow me to do that.

Why I want to be a member:

This is the only community I've found on the internet that is full of respectful, knowledgeable chemists, psychonauts, and explorers. Their is really something special about the forum. I want to become a member of this community, so I can post my thoughts and experiences with you all. I won't be adding any brilliant new TEKs or anything of that sort (maybe after I finish up my chem minor), but I am interested in contributing to the wiki (Going to update 69ron's tek this weekend), and contributing my experiences to other threads (such as the passionoxia one, after my first test tomorow).

I apologize for the huge writeup. The important part I suppose is why I want to be a member, but I felt my journey to this forum might also be of interest.
No need to apologize at all! This introductory essay is very nicely put and I believe it will not be long until you are accepted into this community. Being mature, kind hearted, loving and respectful is a great way of becoming another member of this large family.

Since day one, I have had any and all questions answered. All questions down to, "How do I smoke DMT?" Ask away and you will find your answers, and please, do not hesitate to pile on the questions! A well written thread such as this will be rewarded with many opinions and views.

Welcome to this fine community.
Welcome, I think you'll fit in perfectly, we sound quite similar in many ways, such as growing up in a Christian home. If you want an experience with mescaline, try mjshroomer's San Pedro brew recipe posted on Erowid. That's an easy, step-by-step process adapted from techniques the author learned in Peru. The resulting product is a nasty green goo that can be downed in one shot (or better over a half an hour), but San Pedro has alkaloids and a "spirit" of its own, it's a magical gift from the "gods". San Pedro on its own feels joyous, entactogenic, not at all "dirty", and it seems to have evolved to interface with the human species. If you try out the brew I think you'll see why it's named after the saint who stands at the gates of Heaven...see you in the forums digglover.
Hi digglover, thank you for taking the time to write up this essay! Welcome to the Nexus, enjoy yourself!
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