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wanted to share a dream

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Well chaps and chappettes,

After I posted my thread 'a place of white light and oneness' SWIM discontinued the use of DMT; SWIM tried it twice afterward, because he felt in some kind of doldrums, as if... 'well, that was so far beyond the normal staggering experiences, that he might not ever go back to it. there may be nothing else to be gained from this technology.' I saw the experiences I got from it - were merely single facets of a much larger experience, the one i'd just had (i.e total unity.) - read up.

Since then, SWIM has become pretty adept at astral projection, maybe it's a natural after-effect of what I did, some part of my state of being. I meditate a lot, and at night I see astral bodies swirling around, and I teach. Yes, I teach from the astral. We're all trying to get to the same place, all trying to be happy. So much occurs to me in life; which is like "I want this, and then i'll do that, and THEN i'll be happy." ..... Sorry, what?!?!

I'll slip from meditation into dreaming and back again so easilly it's unreal. I always try to serve what is real, so that I become real. *I am* real. recently at a formal dinner, I shook a womans hand... the handshake went deeper and deeper and deeper until i was like 'yes, honey, I am actually *more real* than you.' because she serves what is illusion to me. love is real. unity, peace, joy, and truth are real.

So, I'm dreaming and somone hands me a very fine little glass pipe (shock horror!) DMT is the art of consiousness-travel. Dreaming, is also a form of consciousness travel. If you focus on to relieve all other beings from suffering, you will attain enlightenment, and subsequently you will experience reincarnation on some plane. The circle closes with your intent, you realise there are no other beings, and you get the experience of all the pure, pure intent that you brought with you, the highest good, the most noble of sages. (patanjali).

Well, then after that, the pipe becomes a resonator. A very highly tuned resonator, and it keeps this resonant frequency. Permemently, as long as I don't screw with it, I think. If you listen carefully you'll hear it: do it now: listen to the highest frequency in your ears. hear that? that hissing sort of 'eeeeeeee' noise? what it says,.... It says peace. that's what I whispered as I fell through myself infinitely.. that's the sound of gods highest and most open communication with you, that's the white-light mechanism by which all information and experience can travel through *right now* peace is ceasation of all suffering, relinquishment of all wanting, and a perfect and ever lasting state.

It's not easy; let me describe something to you. What kind of being; could say.. okay, we will allow the death of innocent iraqi's, the chemical gassing of third world children and the starving of ethopian political refugees? Basically, because in order for there to be love, there must be fear. Even if we abstract reality and say okay, only consiousness experiences itself -so- we don't actually have to have any suffering, only the illusion of suffering.

So, in the dream I start using the resonator to say something... I'm like.... "welcome, welcome to the middle of the show!" (because i'm a musician, and in the course of my experiences I learned that the concerts we see, experiences we have that, as musicians, we look up to and go 'wow, i want to do that!' are actually only there because some supreme consiousness (you) needs to express or explain itself, as we constantly do. Its designed to give you great joy, and that it does. They also feel joy, but from the other side, it's flimsy, it feels unreal and empty. To you, it's huge and real. It's strange.

My old flatmate comes running out from the stage. As far as he's concerned, it's about HIM and HIS music and HIS career, and HIS fame. I think he told me that there was a guy looking to buy some DMT. If that was the case, it was pretty obvious to me that *I* was the one wanting to buy some DMT; you know - cyclic causality. I exist because I exist because I exist. during the day, I had prayed for world peace. By prayer, we can all be united. Prayer is a highly concentrated form of intentional energy, and it supports your inner being. we always supplicate with grattitude because in the oneness state, everything is only possibility, and all possibilities must occur, therefor, we always pray in thankfullness for what IS so, because it IS so. If we confirm lack of, then that' all we do.

Anyway, It was hilarious, he was mad at me for hogging the attention as the band was sorta trying to start up on stage. I saw the same emptiness in them that I experience regularly. it's what happens when you hold some avatar that the rest of the world perceives as huge. He started having a go, but I was like "hang on, andy, I'm presently engaged with andy." And I was kissing another version of him, in a cyclic sort of causality.

The ampitheater that we were in, was full of entities. At some point in the dream, I was actually *swimming* in trippy nonsense. Glasses with bubble straws floated in whatever trip-mucous we were sitting in. I noticed i'd changed form... which I was fine with. I said to some other parts, other people, or whatever, "yes, but did you notice that you sing objects into existence??" I think this happened first, and then the entities exploded down the ampitheater, but it could be both ways at once. Anyway, the entities in the amphitheater, muppets, mad, jiggling muppets (gotta be the elves, for sure.) were surrounded by interaction and vibration, all laughing crazilly at what myself and andy were doing. In the dream I sang;

"oh, Patanjali, noblest of sages... " and something like "but one being has the state to save us all... a supreme being" in a long drawn out tone; using the pipe as a highly tuned resonator; like a kazoo. and then I met a woman in the audience. we greeted, and I flapped my many arms, and said to her like 'ooouh cosmic forces!'. Heh, as if there were any co-incedence that she was here. all inner beings, gods, vishnu, patanjali, shiva, kali, they all live *inside* you.

It was truely a great dream. I am wonderously joyous most days, and smoking this pipe and entertaining / enlightening the entities in the dream was most enjoyable. to be enlightened (as a recipient) should feel great. That's what all of this is about; You receive the blessings from your inner being, and your inner being gains the experiencial knowledge of who you REALLY are; who you are when met with circumstances.

the strange thing is, previously I had just been astral projecting; in an attempt to follow the christ path, (also known as 'krishna consiousness') I was projecting myself into darker and darker shades of darkness, so that I may be a light there. I think that christ actually dwells in the depths of hell, as he would have to be 'be' there in order to have forgiven all sin, on the condition that you accept him in your heart (as he already dwells in your heart, as all 'inner beings' do) Anyway, I noticed that in order to really *do* the work, that is, to be pure, to be a light unto the darkness, it involved being very very small in physical size and very very fast, like a particle or a comet, or a wish or something. Then, after the dream, I woke up and found that between my finger and thumb was a a tiny crumb of something. As something is not nothing....

Most days when I am painting for example, i'll be simultaneously in a dream- in my old school for example. All experiences occur simultaneously, your entire life happened in a flash, actually, but then you choose to experience it in a slower and more managable manner. My school, although I saw it as huge, was really just a cosmic meeting point for all manner of enlightened activity. Everything is here, Everything is now, in this one point........ Even space and time are wrapped around to meet so that love has no other side.

The other day, While meditating, I caught that wave, that return from the suffering of all sentient beings - the wave on the ocean of compassion. Alex grey talks about it here in his video:
and succinctly describes the experience that "i" had, although for me there was no taunting and no voice which said 'oh, what a great bhudda' etc.

I can definately and without any doubt say that the place DMT takes you to, the 'bardo' as terrence mckenna called it, and as bhuddists know it, 'the lesser lights' is most definately an initiation place for the process of enlightenment. That's why, if you're loving and greatful, it gives you answers, it makes you feel great, and it can really turn your life around. If you're not using it correctly it will scare the hell out of you, possibly traumatise you, and set you back, spiritually.
That's a nice read mate. Really like what you were able to say. I can see myself going far with songs.

And I think you're right, the high pitch hissing sound seems to linger.
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