Hello all, I have an urgent warning:
Obviously in Europe it is possible to order MHRB from Netherlands, but also since quite some years it is simply offered on Ebay also in Germany, stating that there is no conflict in laws if it is only used as a dye.
This way a lot of shops offered MHRB products for regular sale. THIS IS NOT SAFE ANYMORE.
Already in 2018 a Shop was closed and the owner possibly now in Jail. All his clients are now being accused for the possession of controlled substances. They are accused just by the fact that they made an order in this shop.
Now comes the thrilling part:
The amount of DMT, which will exceed the *low volume* and thus will greatly potentiaty any juristic sentence, was stated to 3,6 g of Freebase in 2013. This is highly debatable, because it was not based on scientific data and only based on the inhalation administration, which will create many more doses per total weight.
Still this is then used to determine the height of the shop's customers sentence, converting 100 % of the potential ingredients into substance possession.
A sample of the shop MHRB was sent to the University of Saarland to determine a content.
They grinded it and did an Ethanol soak, afterwards they applied it into Gas Chromatography, which granted a content of 3,09 % of DMT ?!?
This means that even buying a small amount of 120 g treebark now will make you being in possession of more than the *low volume*, which will mean 1 year of jail.
All the people who ordered 1 kg of Treebark from this shop, which seems a very common ordering size, are now accused of possessing more than 8x this critical amount, which equals 1300 LSD Tabs or 1600 XTC tabletts for example.
This is insane and means that if this shop was already raided in 2018, no other shops are safe as the tree bark is directly regarded as the controlled substance.
Also if that shop's customers are now receiving letters from police, even more may come in for other people, who from shops that may have beeen closed since now.
I highly want to warn anybody at least in Germany to not ever buy any bark. The fines are immense and a root bark worth less than 50 € may already cause jail.
Please stay safe, not only due to Corona Virus!
(Too bad my Post #500 is about this topic)