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way back...way way back...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
right now. right here in this luminous glow only moments after an eternity in hyperspace...a lot makes perfect sense to me...
it is my goal to keep it as a daily ritual. to become as comfortable taking off my ego as i would taking off my shoes when i enter my home. the shedding of this carcass and it's corresponding dense, slow reality.

i take off my suit for a moment and melt into infinite expansion...it feels good beyond words....like the best stretch you ever had just going deeper and better.....like an endless orgasm of one's purest essence.

being shown the impossiblity that i have at this point makes me almost amphibian. i NEED to have a swim daily. it nourishes something in my soul....like...say...MY SOUL!! :D

spice is righteous. the surrender it teaches you is priceless. i have so much...

Your posts are always the shit brotha! I like the term "infinite expansion"...describes very well what happens to my mind on a sub breakthrough-breakthrough dose! MMMMMmmmmm :)
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