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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
And I am too.

I started writing here and I forgot to introduce myself.
47 years old, born and raised in Rome, living in the California Bay area. married, 2 kids.
I started reading about Castaneda when I was in my 20's and got fascinated by those books. It lead me in a 8 year meditation program that helped me a lot.

I tried many and different substances during my life. Bit nothing close to "it". I read, and read about it. One evening in my climbing gym, I discovered that a friend had the same kind of curiosity, and the spice. few days later we met and I finally tried. And again, and again. About a total of 5 times in about 2 years. I am Extremely interested in knowing more.

Another revealing experience was back in the 90's with mushrooms in Bali, and some interesting high doses of "Molly"

I have been a rock climber for 30 years, scuba diver for 15 and snowboarder for 7. I would love to share either passion with like minded explorers.

Sounds amazing, very good intro. Love that your a family man and active in nature sports. Hope you find all the information you need here, have a good one :)
Thanks! Let me know if anyone wants to try climbing! It's a very mental activity. Or snowboarding.
Hi MentalAnimal.,

Thanks for following up with the formal intro essay! I really felt pleased to read it - mostly because I'm very close to you in terms of both age and location. No kids but a superior niece and a couple of great nephews.

Thanks again!

Welcome and likewise! Actually one of my issues in this, and other forum, is the expected age of other. I would have a different discussion with a 20 years old compared to someone my age...so that's actually very good to know...

Apparently I can't PM you yet....


(Frame: Arbor A-Frame, Jeremy Jones Hovercraft (Powder board) ) - Almost as good as spice ;)
Yeah, so sorry about that bro - there was a recent announcement that new members can now only PM Moderators. Not my decision, but that's the way it is.

Just keep posting, be yourself and you'll get promoted soon enough.

In the interim, the picture of the boards made me smile. :D My brother, recently, just as he aged from 38 to 39 had to finally give up a LIFETIME of skateboarding, including sometimes literally miles a day into his 20's and 30's. He still loved skating but as he put it, "I don't like the way I feel after I fall." I sympathised - we have osteoarthritis in our genes and I gotta admit my body sure doesn't feel like it did in my 20's.

I'd encourage an open mind with Nexus. It's mainly in the younger ages but there is a lot of diversity here if you just look for it. Also, I have found a tremendous amount of wisdom among some of the 20-somethings. Something about being raised when Internet was always a given/fact that I think makes them more open to rapid pace of change and learning new things. Regardless of what it is, I have noticed it, so has my 62 year old husband and it gives us tremendous hope for the future. :D
Your brother should try snowboarding...Powder is much less harsh than pavement ;) and the runs are longer !
I do keep an open mind, but the topics are pretty complex. I'm reading "triptamine palace" ...amazing book.

I bet he would LOVE that! No doubt his kids would think it was the best thing ever too. He's recently moved and is a bit closer to snow than he was before. Perhaps I'll mention that to them when I see them this week. Actually, sounds kinda fun to me, 😁

Yeah, so many good, rich, well researched topics here. It is a bit overwhelming. I mainly just stay in a few subfora that personally interest me. I doubt anyone has enough time to take it all in.

Tryptamine Palace was a good read. I've done 5-meo-DMT and been all the way to the deep void. Though I don't necessarily agree with everything Oroc wrote I really loved in the first half when he discussed properties of a Bose-Einstein Condensate.

Later, after reading his book I saw a Nova documentary called "Chasing Absolute Zero," which talked about humans making the first real Bose-Einstein condensate in the UNIVERSE. Very trippy stuff. Love how when they went to accept their Nobel Price, one of the guys forgot protocol and didn't bow to the king.

So many good books out there. If you haven't already found it I would also recommend PIHKAL and TIHKAL by the Shulgin's. Half of the books (latter) is chemistry, but the first half of each one is one of the most touching and honest stories of a psychedelic love affair lasting decades I have ever written. It stays with me today as I know Dr. Shulgin faces very end of life issues and his wife watches and cares for him.

Okay, enough ranting. . . .time to press post. :D
Thanks for the suggestions! I have been riding in Kirkwood for 5 years...let me know if you guys are out there this season. I will!
I am loving TPalace, haven't tried 5MEO yet, but was lucky enough to blastoff 5 times with DMT, and each time was an amazing experience. All started when I was 16 and started reading Castaneda...:) when I finally met a friend last year and did DMT everything aligned, like a circle. I was supposed to be there doing exactly that. Needless to say I'm dying to learn more.

I am at page 500 of T Palace, not an easy read for sure in some points.

I saw one last night on Nflix streaming..." Surviving progress" very well done doc.

Have a great day!

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