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We should have a poetry section

Migrated topic.


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OG Pioneer
I have found that poetry is a effective... well a more effective way of communicting experiences from beyond the veil. It has the ability to describe the incomprehensible to a greater degree than a simple experience report in my mind. I thought it would be a good outlet for those who want to express their experiences and feelings of their experience. Just a suggestion I have been writing a lot of poetry lately I have found it is really the most effective way for me to recount and analyze my experiences. When under the spice it flows from me like a orgasm of words sometimes. I am caught up in it to such a degree I can loose myself and just channel pages of works in such a short time often not even having a clue what I am writing.
I know exactly what you mean. My "trip reports" are about half poetry and half prose introspection... when on moderate to high doses of mushrooms, and once with LSD, the words just flow out of me. I scrawl notes on random sheets of paper and assemble them into something more cogent later. Here is my most recent, and most burgeoning with poetry: MYCOPAX

Post some of your poetry, Vovin - I'd love to read it!! And anyone else, of course.

It is acutally where the "Music/Art/Literature" is also meant for.

However, I can somehow understand your point. Currently I'm thinking of a good way to change the CULTURE AND SOCIETY part for the forum to also include a humor subforum and maybe a subforum for member only art. Maybe others have suggestions for this too?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
The Traveler said:
It is acutally where the "Music/Art/Literature" is also meant for.

However, I can somehow understand your point. Currently I'm thinking of a good way to change the CULTURE AND SOCIETY part for the forum to also include a humor subforum and maybe a subforum for member only art. Maybe others have suggestions for this too?

Kind regards,

The Traveler

How about a gallery that collects all the members art that gets posted in
the "purposed" member only forum?

It can be quite a hassle to search trough threads to find art and poetry (like poetry's not an art, haha).
There could be categories like art, poetry, music etc.

When you click on poetry for example you'll get a list of members names who have contributed.
In this case we click on Vovin and fin all the poetry he's made.

I dont know anything about programing though, is this doable?
imPsimon said:
How about a gallery that collects all the members art that gets posted in
the "purposed" member only forum?

When you click on poetry for example you'll get a list of members names who have contributed.
In this case we click on Vovin and find all the poetry he's made.

That's a cool idea. *thumbs up*
Not needed.
Everyone can either:

a)Post it in the Arts forum


b) Just write their trip reports in poetry form

Is there really a demand to justify yet another subforum?

No. It would just clutter the front page of the forum.
I agree with obli, I think better just make a poetry thread, as suggested, instead of adding yet another subforum, because this way its making people check less and less the subforums and just be based on the 'active topics'.. Better avoid over-dividing the forum in thousands of subforums. Just my opinion though
Yeah I just started one. I agree there are allot of subsections here and I myself only check a few each day.
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