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weed changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i have never tried changa before, but since joining this forum i have seen people speak highly of it a lot, so naturally i want to give it a try.

i do not have many herbs in the house right now apart from weed, so the obvious next thought was to just use that.
i looked around the internet but i cant seem to find much info about peoples experience with it, which i found very odd given the popularity of weed.

i did find some people saying it was too harsh to smoke compared to other herbs, but i am a long time, fairly heavy smoker and i very much enjoy smoking weed.
i have smoked it with freebase DMT many times (the sandwich method) and it has not been a problem so far.

does anybody have any experience with this? is there a good reason why people arent doing it more? and is it any different from using the sandwich method?

thanks <3
If I had to weigh the cons out I would say that namely:

It seems to take more DMT in general if it is taken in with a whole pharmacopeia of actives like in cannabis, so IME the vibe is kind of like "I hope you're prepared to jump way into the deep end."

It sometimes bumps the threshold up to where you are likely to smoke a heavy dose (~35mg+)


that said, Im considered making at least one batch of some enhanced weed. IDK, changa maybe, but with the weed it might be better to keep it simple.

edit: this might also hold true, but less so, with hemp flower.
I suspect cbd and dmt might be quite a nice synergy.
thanks for the reply.

i have some low THC weed lying around, i might give it a go with that one day. or maybe even just cannabis leaves.

is the affect of changa/enhanced any different to just mixing the components together and smoking them? i mean purely the affect, rather than the simplicity of smoking it like that?

thanks for the info <3
PedroSanchez said:
is the affect of changa/enhanced any different to just mixing the components together and smoking them? i mean purely the affect, rather than the simplicity of smoking it like that?

Subjectively, I would say so. The energy of the plant material also seems to interpenetrate reciprocally with the additional alkaloids.
Well here's my 2c

I've never done changa before but I did make a lot of cannabis/DMT sandwiches in my bong back when I had some, in my personal experience cannabis made the experiences stronger, I saw a jester come out of the wall once and play in my room. 😁

For me at least psychedelics like LSD or DMT by themselves have less of an effect in my body and when mixed with cannabis is like adding a NOS systyem to race car or alien spaceship in the case of DMT xD,

But then again I can trip on weed alone too so that might be part of the effects i perceive, haven't personally met any people that experiences this but it seems to happen to some people based on online reports , all I need to do is take a nice long break, anything over a month works, ideally 2 and then I do what Terence McKenna recommended & consume a very high dose of cannabis, I don't have OEV's, but the CEV's can reach LSD levels when I'm meditating, so I'm a firm believer that cannabis can be potent psychedelic with certain brain chemistry & physiology and can make the effects other psychedelics stronger :)

Let us know how your experiment went:thumb_up:
If you want to try DMT with weed you don't really need to infuse it. Just smoke your weed, then smoke your DMT. One of my favorite methods for smoking Changa weed was to just dump some freebase harmalas onto a bowl and smoke that. Then just smoke DMT after out of whatever device you use for DMT. I must say that it is a very interesting way to dance with the molecule. The way the experience changes has a lot to do with the type of weed being used. A sativa will make it hit different than an indica. Gross, overdry, low quality weed will be worse than properly dried and cured weed with lots of beautiful shiny crystalline trichromes. Music is really nice on DMT this way if you are into that. This blend of weed, harmalas, and DMT has led to a full body non-sexual orgasm on more than one occasion. Very terrifying and awesome. Any weed that gives you euphoria will hit a lot more intensely, just a heads up.

I have read of other people mixing DMT with marijuana. Some people like it, but people tend to not like it as well.
You can infuse the magic onto any smokeable herb. I just tried caapi leaf, next I will make some using shredded/chipped vine as the base.
Hi Pedro how’s things if you don’t want the effects of the weed you could just vape the weed and use the bud left over and use that as your base herb ✌️
thanks for the replies everybody <3

i guess i will have to just do it and see how it works with the weed i have at the time. its good to be reassured that it is not going to ruin my mind or anything crazy :D which just makes me even more curious why i didnt find much online about it. maybe it was bad search skills.

@Bosho 23
unfortunately i dont own a vape so cant try that method yet. it sounds like a good idea though if you dont want to affect the trip too much. usually when i sandwich DMT in weed i pre-smoke the bottom layer slightly, but that still leaves a lot of actives in the ash.

it wasnt that i want to try the two combined, in fact i dont think i have ever smoked DMT without being stoned first.
its more that i want to try changa, but weed is the only herb i have available right now. its more for smoking control. i use a few different methods to smoke my doses but none of them are great. i can break through but i think i am wasting a lot while doing it (usually use about 40-50mg). i also just want to try changa, so win-win :)

i am also going to be trying the emesh method, but that is going to take some time to get everything i need.

thank you to everybody for the help <3
downwardsfromzero said:
PedroSanchez said:
weed is the only herb i have available right now
Really!? You don't even have any sage in the kitchen cupboard? Or a Coleus plant on the windowsill? Herbal tea bags? I find that pretty remarkable.

at least nothing i know that i can smoke :)
no sage, no coleus and no herbal tea bags. i have various vegetables growing but i dont know anything about smoking those. cupboard stocks are pretty low right now, but i wouldnt want to start smoking random things from my kitchen though without knowing the full consequences before hand :)
Personally I feel like weed 'competes' with DMT. I love to sprinkle some spice on a joint and get the 'tryptamine giggles', but if you're trying to sav out and hit hyperspace, I think there are other herbs that lend themselves better to that experience.

Everyone's different though! Do whatever works for you. Make an infusion and find out for yourself! It'll still be awesome regardless
changa_boi said:
Personally I feel like weed 'competes' with DMT. I love to sprinkle some spice on a joint and get the 'tryptamine giggles', but if you're trying to sav out and hit hyperspace, I think there are other herbs that lend themselves better to that experience.

Everyone's different though! Do whatever works for you. Make an infusion and find out for yourself! It'll still be awesome regardless

thanks for the reply.
there is a pretty good list of herbs with descriptions of how they feel in the wiki. i will eventually buy some of those to try and play around with different blends.
once i find one/some i like i will get some seeds for those plants :D

thanks <3
changa_boi said:
Personally I feel like weed 'competes' with DMT. I love to sprinkle some spice on a joint and get the 'tryptamine giggles', but if you're trying to sav out and hit hyperspace, I think there are other herbs that lend themselves better to that experience.

Everyone's different though! Do whatever works for you. Make an infusion and find out for yourself! It'll still be awesome regardless

things are similar for me.
weed seems to make the dmt experience more distant. the longer i stop smoking weed before DMT the better the experience for me.
i made changa with extracted harmalas, weed and dmt once... the taste was horrible and the effects almost canceled each other out.
but this is just my 2 cents on this. i know some people who love the combination
For some reason, smoking DMT while already stoned is fine, but if I smoke them at the same time, everything just dissolves into a "fractal foam", and it really adds to confusion. I don't like it. I think DMT is literally the only drug that doesn't synergize with weed. They compete somehow.

Also, it seems like the process to make EL would screw up your herb. You'd dissolve clorophyls if you use acetone, making it really, really nasty to smoke it seems, and either alcohol or acetone will solve the THC as well.

So, is there like no mint tea in the grocery store where you live? Is there an herb store near you? I buy a few ounces of mullein at a time for like five bucks at a local brick and mortar herb supplier. They also carry rue, HBW seeds, passiflora, ipomea, salvia leaves, cebil and all kinds of other fun stuff alongside all the other "normal" herbs, may be worth looking in your local yellow pages.
thanks for the replies guys.

right now i am in the process of making a sloppy enhanced cannabis leaf. i used literally just the fan leaf, fresh cut off the plant and dried, so no THC (or pretty much none), so hopefully it wont affect the DMT experience too much.

it was quite a sloppy experiment though, using 2:1 leaf to DMT and warm naphtha to dissolve the DMT. it is evaporating right now. i didnt have much leaf or DMT to play with so i just did a small amount with the idea of creating a fun, conscious trip rather than a breakthrough experience. i feel like most of the DMT will burn when smoked, but its all for the learning process :)


i often smoke DMT sandwiched between weed as well as with my makeshift vaporizer and i have to agree with the word "distant". it also takes me more to get where i want. it is my preferred method at the moment though, mostly because i am getting annoyed with trying to figure out where my hand is while operating a vaporizer with a torch lighter after the second hit.

i dont even care about the THC content of the weed, i can take it or leave it, i can get stoned before and/or after if i want. being stoned while in hyperspace is redundant anyway.
i have some really poor weed lying around that i was planning to use for it to try to minimise the influence from the weed.
i can probably buy most smokable herbs (like mint), i just dont know what i should be smoking yet and cant afford to just buy things until i find something that works and is safe. now i know mint is smokable though i will definitely be trying that, i love the taste.


so i guess ive got a lot of experimentation to do as far as changa/enhanced goes. i will definitely be trying mint.
i thought i could speed things up using weed but it seems i will benefit hugely from taking my time and experimenting with different options and combinations. but hey, ive got some bodged enhanced cannabis leaf now so might as well try that too :)

big thanks for the help to everybody who replied <3
Both mid grade and high grade ganja has yielded fantastic results when incorporated into Changa blends w/ caapi....

However, not everyone wants to smoke ganja... but for those who do it can be quite nice. A lot of my friends highly enjoy this extra frequency.. Others don't even notice....
by now i have made a few batches of cannabis enhanced fan leaf and it has been very pleasant to smoke. i still havent tried it with buds though. maybe soon, although i imagine it will be very similar to using bud to sandwich it.

when i sandwich with buds i have to admit i do not notice the effect of the weed at all, but i do smoke every day so it is pretty much my baseline.
what i do notice, and enjoy very much, is smoking weed straight after landing back home. if i light up as i am landing i can lay there for another hour feeling amazing. i often refer to DMT as a shower for my brain, but when i smoke weed upon return it is more like a long bath for my brain :)
Do it! You'll probably end up using less DMT in the long run if you infuse it. Less residual waste...

IME more dmt is needed to go the same distance sandwiching than with infusing regardless of the herbs being infused. I could however just be putting too big or too small of a top layer, and more of the DMT is burned with too much heat...

One love
i have done a few infusions now using cannabis leaves and colts foot. i have some mint germinating right now which i am also excited to try, but i still havent tried cannabis flower haha. it has crossed my mind but i dont feel like i would want a big batch of it and i am reluctant to make a small batch of anything because the losses from the process make it wasteful.
i agree, i have also found infusing it works much better than the sandwich method. i do not sandwich any more. i use EL/changa 90% of the time and freebase the rest only when i have no other option. the only time i can see that changing is when i build an e-mesh.

changa is the answer <3
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