donohue100 said:
Swim had read that the weight for a light dose was 10mg so on swims scales, swim weighed 0.10 is this correct. The scales say graduation 0.01g. Swims girlfriend claims this is wrong and swim has been smoking 100mg. Surely this can not be so, as only light visuals where gained. When Swim tried 20mg 0.20, Swim had a breakthrough. Is swim being xrazy and smoking 10x the amount. How many hits should swim get from a gram if swim smokes 20mg 0.20.
I know this may look foolish but I just want clarity.
Where to begin? Yes your using a Gram scale and indeed weighing out 100mg as has already been told to you. Gram scales are not accurate for dosing mg unless you have one hell of a pricey scientific scale. Grab a MG scale off ebay for 20 bucks or less.
Im quite happy your smoking method is bad otherwise you, looking for a small sub breakthrough taste of hyperspace, were in for one hell of a suprise! 100mg is off the charts. So tha'ts good you caught this by having issues.
You can honestly fill your bowl with screens and the dmt will keep on melting through. In fact if you can collect the melted dmt do so there is dozens of hits melted down there unless it reached the H20 if you used a bong.
2 things you can do and I will list them in order IMO of best to least.
Infused or enhanced leaf- Take your dmt and dissolve it in warm IPA 90% or higher and stir well ensuring it all disolves. Take an equal amount by weight of an inert smooth smoking herb or parsley and soak the plant matter in the dmt enriched IPA. Use just enough IPA to evenly soak all the herbs. Allow to evaporate fully bone dry. Once dry smoke the enhanced leaf as if it was cannabis. You can weigh these doses but I wouldn't bother. Just count hits. I highly suggest using a bong when your ready to breakthrough until then maybe stick to a weed pipe. Take a small hit and put it down and enjoy the exp. If it wasn't strong enough take a larger hit next time or even 2 hits. Repeat this until you found your desired level of effects for THAT smoking tool. Wait at least an hour between smoking sessions. IMO this is the best bang for the buck and will save you tons of headaches as well as your molecule.
Sandwich method- Take parsley and put a thick layer in the pipe or bowl. Now sprinkle some dmt over it. Place another thin layer of parsley on top of this and then cover the dmt with a medium layer of clean cigarette ash. Light the bowl as if it was weed. You dont have to be super careful about not touching the flame to the ash in fact its best to. Once the top layer of parsley is cherry red you can remove the flame.
Other tips- Hold your hits in deep and as long as you can. It makes a world of difference. Load more dmt than you think and start with 1 hit at a time and adjust from there. You can always take another hit but trying re load mid exp isn't reasonable.
To answer your question, 1g of dmt should be 40, 25 mg doses. There are 1000mg in 1 g.
Give one of these a go and please let us know how it went. This is an easy fix. Counting hits is as good a method as weighing doses IMO. I haven't weighed a dose in over 3 years.
You can also read over the link in my signature for lots of good reading about proper methoda of smoking dmt and tips.