well.. i realize that it is inevitable for me to undergo this procedure of introducing myself and explicitly describe the reason for which i have registered all that in order to be able to recieve the specific information i need to accomplish having extracted pure dmt matter for personal use.
substances i had experienced with are mainly benzodiazepines and methylphenidate which i strongly regret since it has evidently impaired my visual perception along with my main source for general motivation, all spontenous characteristics no longer take place, my ability to interpret various environmental variables into emotions has also almost completely perished, anyway everything that was important to me almost the entire spectrum of the qualities i used to posses are no longer a part of me. no one whos profession put him in a place to be of any help to me could figure or explain how methylphenidate would have such implications. so out of absence of any other choises i began exploring around the web looking for something which could lead me back to my initial original state when all i had was some fuckups i would gladly trade for what i have now, that was anxiety and adhd, found out about various nutritional supplements including ginseng/gingko/phenylalanine and some others which i consume daily and gradually seem to be causing slight improvements, thought id give dmt a try.
substances i had experienced with are mainly benzodiazepines and methylphenidate which i strongly regret since it has evidently impaired my visual perception along with my main source for general motivation, all spontenous characteristics no longer take place, my ability to interpret various environmental variables into emotions has also almost completely perished, anyway everything that was important to me almost the entire spectrum of the qualities i used to posses are no longer a part of me. no one whos profession put him in a place to be of any help to me could figure or explain how methylphenidate would have such implications. so out of absence of any other choises i began exploring around the web looking for something which could lead me back to my initial original state when all i had was some fuckups i would gladly trade for what i have now, that was anxiety and adhd, found out about various nutritional supplements including ginseng/gingko/phenylalanine and some others which i consume daily and gradually seem to be causing slight improvements, thought id give dmt a try.