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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
well.. i realize that it is inevitable for me to undergo this procedure of introducing myself and explicitly describe the reason for which i have registered all that in order to be able to recieve the specific information i need to accomplish having extracted pure dmt matter for personal use.
substances i had experienced with are mainly benzodiazepines and methylphenidate which i strongly regret since it has evidently impaired my visual perception along with my main source for general motivation, all spontenous characteristics no longer take place, my ability to interpret various environmental variables into emotions has also almost completely perished, anyway everything that was important to me almost the entire spectrum of the qualities i used to posses are no longer a part of me. no one whos profession put him in a place to be of any help to me could figure or explain how methylphenidate would have such implications. so out of absence of any other choises i began exploring around the web looking for something which could lead me back to my initial original state when all i had was some fuckups i would gladly trade for what i have now, that was anxiety and adhd, found out about various nutritional supplements including ginseng/gingko/phenylalanine and some others which i consume daily and gradually seem to be causing slight improvements, thought id give dmt a try.
Thought you'd give DMT a try for what exactly? What is it you're hoping to achieve? It's not whatever you think it's going to be, that much I promise you.

As for the technical information you're looking for, it's all in the wiki. Read up.
Please be careful with what you wish for. It is doubtful the spice will "lead you back" to anything. It is more likely to thrust you forward with great speed and astonishment.

If you are at a chemically induced low point, you may be better to pause and let yourself heal.

Nuclear, i strongly suggest that you focus on a regime of a clean diet, lots of exercise, and lots of sleep first. This may take some months or years, but it WILL improve matters. I wouldn't reccomend dmt to you in any way, shape,or form untill you have a good base in terms of physical and mental health to work off.
-if you are serious about dmt, then doing the above will be no issue whatsover.

-perhaps in the mean time you could read about getting into the right set, setting, dosage, and trip reports, etc,etc.

-good luck!:)
A substance to used to correct a problem creating by a substance. Sounds a lot like my Grandfather's medicine rack to me. However if you are intent... it could be that Ibogaine may be a better alternative for such a purpose. I'd advise the same though, exercise, improved diet, plenty of sleep, volunteer work every now and again, all the good things.
I saw what psychedelic drugs can do to unstable persons. I wouldn't advise to venture in that direction. Psychedelics can cure but without a help of a professional you are risking a lot. I was fortunate to find a spiritual mentor who helped me a lot and I'm sure that without his support I would end up as an addict or worse.

Psychedelics are very powerful substances and while anyone can take it, most results are not too encouraging. Look, it's a Pandora's Box and I'm not sure if you wish to open it.
i would say right it is pandoras box ,and who is to know what to do about it.there are so many varibles,one being what you said about yourself may be the way you feel,but not complelety understandable by us.
as for psychedelics it is a pandora,my thoughts are forget your condition your in forget the percived dangers,and go for it,of the top of my head for you i would say "lsd".i dont knoiw why i say this .but i "feel" this would help.
Hello brother, might I suggest using capitol letters in your writings, as it helps the reader to flow with your words more easily. Just a little advice you don't have to if you don't want too. Might I suggest getting ample amounts of sunlight, drink clean water, listen to great music, observe beautiful art, create art, swimming, hiking, and even yelling at the top of your lungs in the middle of the forest can help :d. As for plants, it sounds like a job for Iboga to me as well, possibly followed up by some Ayahuasca. You must remember things take time, I have done major damage to myself as well, and only through time and persistence have I healed the wounds.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope it all works out brother. Bless I
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