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West Australian acacias?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone! I have just joined the forums and am wondering if there are any other members from Perth out there? I am looking for some good species of acacias but all I seem to find is Acacia saligna! Has anyone tried exctracting from this species?
"P. aquatica is another major pasture grass in the southern half of australia, and has become quite widely naturalised. Seeds are again easily available. This would be my plant of choice for obtaining DMT in WA." - diseyes.lycaeum.org/dmt/ausdmt.inf
Hey guys thanks! Rightangle that is a fantastic site. You can zoom in right to the location of the plants! Now to get my road map out :eek: Thanks again :)
i'm from perth. been lurking around the forums for a while, this probably is my first post tho. dmt comes along every now and again, but havent been able to find any kind of plant to extract it, still looking tho.
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