Rising Star
Good Day Everybody! (Or Night, depending on your neck of the woods! 
I never know where to start on the intro shpiels, but here goes:
I have been reading on this forum quite a long time before I actually created a user. I have have decided to stop being a watcher and be a participant in this incredible hyper space you have all created.
Long time ago I got involved in "drugs". Not in any good or constructive way at all. Especially when I discovered that all the junk they indoctrinate one with in school was all bull! The stuff was nice and I held down a very well paid job in the IT industry. Be that as it may, I definitely fell into the sunstance abuse category. To such an extent that the substances ended up abusing me. Alcohol and coke specifically.
A small positive change in attitude started manifesting in my consciousness toward those substances with the discovery of mushrooms that has grown over the years to the point where I actively started searching for something more. One thing I promised myself from the day I read about the Spirit Molecule -DMT (thank you Simon Posford and Shpongle, believe it or not) is that it is one thing I want to experience before I die. And wow, when I discovered this, I was certainly not disappointed. So many questions! Who? What? Where the hell IS that? What am I really? to name a few.
Needless to say this was the kickstart and paradigm shift I had been searching for. Then when I had my first over the top San Pedro experience that SWIM made for me... The result is a newborn who no longer is a slave to substances that ruined my life over and over. In fact, the desire for them has disappeared completely. I never thought I would ever want to stop those things.
Every day I am amazed and deeply grateful just to be alive to witness this incredible universe that I find myself in! The beauty and the mystery just elude words to describe it all! Awe just doesn't hack it!
This Nexus is an awesome idea and I really have enjoyed reading so many ideas. And the incredible wealth of information and just plain "let's help each other make this whole experience as safe as possible for everyone interested and learn from each other".

My 2-cents worth!
I never know where to start on the intro shpiels, but here goes:
I have been reading on this forum quite a long time before I actually created a user. I have have decided to stop being a watcher and be a participant in this incredible hyper space you have all created.
Long time ago I got involved in "drugs". Not in any good or constructive way at all. Especially when I discovered that all the junk they indoctrinate one with in school was all bull! The stuff was nice and I held down a very well paid job in the IT industry. Be that as it may, I definitely fell into the sunstance abuse category. To such an extent that the substances ended up abusing me. Alcohol and coke specifically.
A small positive change in attitude started manifesting in my consciousness toward those substances with the discovery of mushrooms that has grown over the years to the point where I actively started searching for something more. One thing I promised myself from the day I read about the Spirit Molecule -DMT (thank you Simon Posford and Shpongle, believe it or not) is that it is one thing I want to experience before I die. And wow, when I discovered this, I was certainly not disappointed. So many questions! Who? What? Where the hell IS that? What am I really? to name a few.
Needless to say this was the kickstart and paradigm shift I had been searching for. Then when I had my first over the top San Pedro experience that SWIM made for me... The result is a newborn who no longer is a slave to substances that ruined my life over and over. In fact, the desire for them has disappeared completely. I never thought I would ever want to stop those things.
Every day I am amazed and deeply grateful just to be alive to witness this incredible universe that I find myself in! The beauty and the mystery just elude words to describe it all! Awe just doesn't hack it!
This Nexus is an awesome idea and I really have enjoyed reading so many ideas. And the incredible wealth of information and just plain "let's help each other make this whole experience as safe as possible for everyone interested and learn from each other".
My 2-cents worth!