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I once shone a laser on the wall, and then i started seeing all these secret codes. So i started looking closer and i see all these little demon programmers assembling the secret codes. And they're putting all these little subliminal messages in the codes in the wall, saying "kill everybody, kill, kill, kill". And i'm like:"no way i'm going to let these little demon programmers brainwash the good people of planet earth". So i run out of my house and start screaming so that everybody can hear:"don't look at the walls, they want you to kill everybody". But the neighbours must have already been affected by the codes, because they start screaming realy unpleasant things at me from their bedroom windows. So i'm thinking that now only drastic measures can prevent this massive killing spree that the little demon programmers have been planning for us. I run to my shed and take out my sledgehammer. I must tear down all the walls before my neighbours start looking at them again. So i start banging on all the walls in my street with my sledgehammer and then suddenly, after a few minutes, cops arrive with their flashlights on. Oh my god, the demons must have sent them my way to prevent me preventing their develish plans. But how? And then i realise:The policecar. The demons must be in the in the policecar as well, or the policeradio!! So i run towards the policecar and start tearing the thing apart with my sledgehammer. But it's too late, they taze me and take me with them. But to my horror, even the walls of the policecells are filled with codes. Clearly visible, even without lasers. Things like: "fuck the police", "fuck the system", weird coded messages like "ACAB", and also pornographic images of all sorts.

So i start screaming at my cellmates:"don't look at the walls, they're filled with evil codes from the little demon programmers". But it's too late again, they've already looked and they come running at me and one of them punches me right in the face.

So the next day i'm charged with destruction of public property and disturbing the peace, so i'm trying to explain to them that it wasn't me who was trying to disturb the peace, but the little demon programmers in the walls. So they said that they know someone who is also a doctor who is realy interested to hear about the little demon programmers in the walls. I don't know what a doctor could do about them, but maybe he has a bigger sledgehammer than me so i can't wait to tell him about the little demon programmers and the secret codes. Someone must stop them.

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