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what do i do with this yellow hunk

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i did a naptha freeze precip with 180g of mhrb and ended up with about 1.5 g's of bright yellow crystals i did a recrystal and got .10 of bright white crystals and a big hunk of yellow crap dunno if i messed up, i washed the crystals with ammonia before i did the recrystal and think that i should got a higher return but any ideas on my next step would be appreciated
when you do your recrystalization...heat up the naphtha and you will get a puddle of yellow stuff...let the naphtha pick up as much pure spice out of yellow gunk and then pour off the solvent leaving the yellow goo behind..then put the solvent in freezer...you can do it again to get even more out..and pretty soon you will have a nice dark goo that is mostly other stuff...that is still very active
ahhh so just keep recrystaling till i end up with dark goo.....any idea how many times for 1.5 g? and ya i was warming the naptha before
ya i tryed but nobody seems to know what it is, i tryed art supply stores and such but no luck . dunno where to get it in canada. i also just kept reusing my naptha and havent evapped any....just freeze precip, would there be more in that solvent? is it enough to warrant evap or does freeze precip take care of most of it?
SWIM has noticed that after awhile the solvent gets all nasty and full of gunk(yellow) and it doesnt hold as much spice because of all that other gunk..if there was a way that you could distill it and collect all the evapped naphtha you will probably get better yields...and also all that yellow stuff in the naphtha is active as well...its just a bit strange is all
Don't throw away that goo!

There is probably quite a bit more spice still in there. Keep using very small amounts of warm/hot naphtha to dissolve the spice out of the goo. Fresh naphtha will produce much better results. Also you can leave the hot naphtha out and as it evaps you will see large beautiful crystal formations. I usually evap down unti there is only a little bit of naphtha left and stick that in the freezer. If you evap it all, any of the oils that the naphtha picked up will be deposited back on the crystals. If you pull the crystals before all the naphtha has evaporated most of the oils will still be left in the naphtha.

Even after your recrystalize the yellow goo is highly active. A little harsh to smoke, so don't try it in a vaporizer, leaf bed is best for that goo, but it is a gentle and pleasant experience.

Just my 0.02
haha SWIM hasnt found the left overs to be gentle at all...for him...the left overs are extremely over the top and insanely crazy...overpowering...probably just the bark he used but still...you may get a surprise
Jorkest said:
haha SWIM hasnt found the left overs to be gentle at all...for him...the left overs are extremely over the top and insanely crazy...overpowering...probably just the bark he used but still...you may get a surprise

Are you doing naphtha pulls?

Do you weigh out your doses or do them by size? The goo is many, many times denser than crystals.
Jorkest said:
haha yes it is...and SWIM just kinda does it by feel...its always a gamble..but it keeps him on his toes

That might be why you are having some overpowering experiences! What looks like a normal sized dose of spice might be 2-3x what you think it is!

May I suggest getting a scale?
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