Hello to all members, i have just recently discovered this new naturally occuring chemical (haven't tried it yet) tho and i'm just wondering what i can expect from it. After reading loads of testimonies etc the closest thing i can relate to in my own experiences as maybe coming close to spice is being at the dentist as a young boy, im 34 now. Back in the day when gassing kids to get their teeth out was the norm. I dont know what gas the anaesthetist used but i do vividly remember the dreams that i got from it. I was one of the kids who LOVED going to the dentist to get their teeth out most kids of course hated the thought of going there. I always used to get this strange and weird music in my dreams, i can never fully remember how it goes but it always left me with the feeling that it was the tune of life lol, accompanied by mega visuals that were like neon lights in long straight lines stretching to infinity, my soul would feel like it was on fire although not scary as i journeyed through the dream. I was only about 4-9 when i was getting the gas. I think thats what set me off on a lifetime of searching for a similar experience because i loved it so much. I have done lsd, liberty caps, pure mdma (snowballs and hurricanes) i think snowballs were mda tho, ive also done diphenhydramine (which i hated!) The only thing to come close to my childhood gasdreams were mdma but it still wasnt as vivid. Im going to set about my first extraction soon and i hope to procure the spice (hopefully that goes well) lol. im hoping that the spice will take me to and beyond my childhood memories. Im also very spiritual in my old age so hopefully i can attain true enlightenment . Ive had ego death a few times and succumbed to the inevitibility of being so hopefully those experiences can ready me for my first breakthrough etc. If anyone has any advice to give to a trypyamine noob then please fire away .