Not sure if this has already been discussed. I apologize in advance if it has. But what do you believe in? What is your truth? and if your truth is THE truth it should be everyone's truth. I have been mostly agnostic for the majority of my life. I spent some time as a half assed pantheist and migrated back to agnosticism.. an atheist without balls.. as Stephen Colbert so eloquently put it. but lately, I've been feeling spiritual vibes. I think it's because a love has come into my life. My first love. I useto not believe in love. I thought it was a device used to perpetuate the species. But anyway... nowadays I believe that there is a thriving spiritual realm that coexists with our physical one. I believe there is limited contact between the two but that it is attainable. I believe in ETs. I believe they have been present since Earth's conception. I believe that when we die our soul is sent to this spiritual realm where it's purpose is further decided. Either it is reincarnated into a physical body, left to roam the spiritual realms or at best it is allowed to coalesce into god itself. I'm not quite sure if I buy the alternate dimension theories but I'm open to it. also do you believe there is a difference between the place you go when you are actively astral projecting and where your soul goes when it's physical body dies. also I wonder if souls have genders.