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What do you think of this Flood Plan?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
I flooded back in January 2011, and then like a half-flood in December 2012. The first was pretty darn intense, the second was intense, too. The second one I was alone.

Here's my plan for this coming flood:
Ease into a fast with cooked kale and cucumber. I will not have eaten for about 24 hours before ingestion.
During ingestion, I will have someone with me. I will take the Iboga incrementally this time, easing into a sweet spot, dosage wise. I'll probably start taking 300mg TA pills, one by one. I have some 100mg and 50mg TA pills for smaller increments, as well.
When dosage is done, and I am sufficiently in an Iboga-induced stupor, and visibly stable, I will be left alone. I will have someone check up on me in like 8 hours.
Then, the next day, I'll have someone again, possibly a different person, come and visit me, and drive me to a stream to bathe in. Bathing complete, I'll be driven back to my home, and left alone (I live alone, save for my landlord and landlady living in the other part of the house).
On day 3, I'll have someone check up on me again. Each time someone comes, they are committed to staying for an hour or two.

I'll have a bucket, a comfortable couch, some Bwiti and other West African music lined up to play on my computer in the other room. I will be letting my landlord know that I'll be doing this visionary herb that lasts for three days. No, mister Landlord, it's not Jimson weed. Yes, there is evidence of its therapeutic effects. My landlord is super cool. He's done his fair share of psychedelics in his hey day, and now he's an accepting person. He's seen me on mushrooms before, and I've given him weed butter. Though sometimes we're shy around each other, I feel comfortable telling him that I'm going to be in an altered state for 3 days. Well, not 100% comfortable, but of all the options out there, this one seems good enough.

So, besides my landlord being in the other part of the house (almost always out of earshot--it's a big house), I'll be alone for most of the trip. I believe I can call upon 2 or 3 local responsible men, older than me, but friends, to visit me from time to time to make sure I'm okay.

Does this seem like an okay plan?

My other option is to drive 3 hours to a friend I met only once and haven't seen in about 8 years, but I feel spiritually comfortable around him. He says he would be willing to be my "guard dog" for the three days. I am just hesitant to do this because it would be unfamiliar surroundings, I haven't seen him in a long time, and I might not have access to things like a good sound system to play music from, and a comfortable place to lie down. On the other hand, he lives by a stream (though surrounded by fallen trees, hard to get through), which is a plus. I am predicting that experiencing cool water will be key to the latter part of my trip. Also, the stress of the long drive and settling in, and reacquainting with him might distract/detract from my overall mission and concentration on connecting with the plant and myself and the Iboga spirit.

Any input would be gladly considered. :)

Thank you for reading.

PS- I don't have any substance addictions. This is for therapeutic purposes, and to treat a general out-of-itness, and to hopefully treat some physical things as well (arthritis, maybe).
From experience, and as someone who never normally has a sitter for other things, I would keep someone within earshot until after I'd purged. On my second flood, I was doing fine until I got up to purge: I stumbled, gasped and basically I think my epiglottis went into spasm, so I could no longer breathe or throw up. I rushed out to the room where my gf was sleeping that night, gasping for dear life, and she had to whack me good to fix it. If I'd been alone, I wouldn't be here today.

Having taken all my doses incrementally in the past, I'm not really sure it's the best way: both times I've ended up right on the edge of where I needed to get to, with no more caps left. My next (third) time will be all in, or maybe split into two doses max.

I also think that if you're not "100% comfortable" with your set/setting, you should revise your plan. 72 hours is a long time to be dealing with any 'unwelcome' thoughts, although I personally find the last 48 hours incredibly euphoric more than anything else.

I think more than with any other substance, it's crucial that your preparations are just so, nothing is skipped, and nothing is rushed. Looking back, that second time of mine went south because I had false confidence after my first time, and I nudged a few things...

Nothing like the sound of Bwiti music to carry you far, far away!

Good luck!
Wow. Thank you for that story. Was it a Heimlich maneuver-like whack? Or like a snap-out-of-it whack? Either way, that may be enough to convince me to have a sitter for the first part.

I agree about the second part being "euphoric." In my mind I divide the experience into three parts: The Dark, The Light, and the Emptiness. The purge divides the Dark and the Light, and a deep sleep divides the Light and the Emptiness. But, you know, these things are always ymmv.

During my first trip, near the end, actually, I woke up feeling psychically raped somehow, and in a "holy fuck my life is over" panic. My sitter came in and rescued me.

I mean, I *do* feel more stable and calm right now, but at the same time, I can't predict from where what nasty stuff the experience will bring up.

The reasons I am considering doing it alone: A) I can enter a very deep state of stillness when alone, when no one is watching. It is deeply revitalizing. and B), I've sort of let my social support system go in the past 8 months or so, and so there is no one I can call on to sit for me and be 100% comfortable with it. I'm going to keep asking around, but it is a lot to ask of acquaintances. I don't have many close friends right now, who I would trust to be responsible and caring in an emergency situation.

Thank you so much for your input.
You're very welcome :thumb_up:

It was a hard karate chop right between the shoulder blades! Funnily enough, in the run up I'd shown my gf how to use tapotement to regulate breathing...

I completely understand both your reasons, I'm very similar... Is there any way you could rig up a 'panic button' system, for summoning assistance in an emergency? Having people check-in every few hours wouldn't have been much help in e.g. my scenario...

Or perhaps involve your landlord a bit more, if you were comfortable, and explained things beforehand: I should be fine, but if you hear me 'ring the bell' (or whatever), could you come straightaway?

Wonderful as Bwiti music is, I can't think many people would be happy listening to it over e.g. a baby monitor for 24+ hours :twisted:

As you well know, the less you have to worry about, the deeper you will go...
speaking From experience with a TA FLOOD of 1000mg a few days ago it sounds good to me Be safe and have a friend there to watch you and keep u safe and keep hydrated to get u food/ and help u to bathroom if needed.

Be safe and happy journeys..

much love
Dear Trip sitter(s),

Let me state some things about what you’re getting yourself into:

This is about me. It’s like, it’s my birthday, and I’m turning zero. For three days. This has the solemnity and spiritual power of a birth or a death. And I will be helpless through much of it, like a newborn. I may need you to help me to the bathroom. Or make me a cup of tepid water. Or offer me melon if I seem low energy.

This is about me. I am going through a dangerous process, and deserve care. Know that by helping me, though, you are indirectly helping yourself and the world.

Worst case scenarios:

You may have to clean up my vomit.

You may have to save me from an incoherent panic attack or five.

You may have to assist me or send me good vibes if I am choking on vomit. I have never had an issue with that before, but who knows. I’ve just read about difficulties in that area with some people.

Iboga affects the heart. It can be taxing. However, I don’t think this will be a problem. I’ve had some occasional heart palpitations recently, but they have been due to being overly sedentary, aka *not* expending energy. I think my body is looking for a good work project. In May I had my heart/chest/cardio-system thoroughly checked out by doctors because I was experiencing some anxiety-induced chest discomfort/panic. They found absolutely nothing wrong. The only thing slightly abnormal is a slightly elevated heart rate. They said it wasn’t dangerous.

Iboga lowers heart rate. I think I should be fine.

At no point will I be violent or self-destructive. But I will be going through some hard shit and might need help. During my first flood 4.5 years ago, I was having difficulty surrendering to the experience, and I called out to my sitter. He said, “Remember your intentions.” Which was so helpful.

Who knows. It might be a peaceful process—I lay down for a while, need help to the bathroom a couple times, vomit into a bucket, meditate and dance and be fine. But, like life, Iboga trips are not always easy.

Music is an integral part of the experience. There will probably be some points where I will be listening to music—probably African, and probably percussive. Perhaps loud. You must be willing to put up with this—even if it is 4 am. Even if you need sleep and are sick and weary yourself. Sorry. My need for peace when I am journeying on the couch equals my need for allowance of a “fuck shit up (in a positive way)” vibe if/when it comes around.

I may drum, dance, play the piano, sing, whatever. Give me space when this is happening. Or, in the small probability that you’re really digging the vibe, feel free to join in.

A little about the state I’ll be in:
If you’ve ever taken MDMA… there are some similarities, in the sense that I will be totally accepting of everything around me—like a baby.
My short term memory will likely be gone or close to gone. My long-term memory, however, will be super sharp.
I’ll be in my own world.

If there is one of you, you’ll probably be sleeping/staying/setting up your stuff in my bedroom. I won’t spend too much time there—if I do, I’ll go there to sleep. No need to give me space there. The bedroom is your safe space.

The couch will be my initial journeying spot. I’ll set up some water and a puke-bucket there. I’ll probably be there/in that space for the first 12 hours or so.

I have a terribly osteo-arthritic right ankle. This means that my walking/locomotion may be especially wonky during the trip. Just be aware of that. My wrists and hands are also pretty darn arthritic, so keep that in mind.

Do not let me try to drive. I highly doubt this will happen, but just in case…
Don’t let me eat. Maybe some melon or a pear. But seriously, nothing heavier than that.
In the first 24 hours of the experience, if I go to the computer and stay there to use the internet, simply ask me why. I should stay AWAY from the internet during experience, but especially the first 24 hours. I may go to the computer a couple times to turn on/turn off/change the music, but that should be the computer’s only function during the trip.

During the second day, aka hours 24 through 48, I may experience occasional increases in body heat. I may need a cool shower, or want to go dip in a stream. You can ask me during that time if that’s something I feel up to—it might slip my mind in the moment. If we’re all feeling up to it, you can drive me to a friend’s house to bathe in the stream by their house. Call them up first. I’ll give you the number beforehand. If that’s too much, just tell me to take a shower and that should be fine.

After I have purged, or after some kind of shift from the first part of the experience to the second part, I may experience some jittery, surging energy. It may not be outwardly visible, but if I seem restless, a cup of strong peppermint tea should do the trick.

So, you’re in for an adventure. I mean, I’ll be going through the brunt of the adventure, but you might feel it, too. Dare I say at some points it might feel like a party. But don’t bank on it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are doing me an favor of invaluable, immeasurable proportions. It is a generous, gesture of support for my life.

I hope you have fun.

Thank you,
This letter to potential sitters is brilliant! I plan on doing my first flood dose in January (as part of a bupenorphine / opiate detox program I've curated for myself,), and am currently deciding between three sitters. This style is ideal for setting expectations, and I hope you won't mind if I use it as a template to create my own letter to prepare potential sittters who know little beyond what is detailed in the Manual for Ibogaine Therapy and articles I've located online for them to read which lump a great deal of the nuance you've outlined into a few sentences concerning the oneirogenic state.

I'd like to provide my sitters with a very clear timetable that they can refer to when I'm not able to articulate these things so clearly. Would you be able to post a timetable of events for the flood dose of ibogaine? Even if it is not perfect it would be tremendously helpful for me.

EDIT: I have created a new thread to source timetables of the Ibogaine experience from the whole community. If anyone with Ibogaine experience (at flood dose levels,) wishes to contribute it would be greatly appreciated. LINK TO THREAD
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