Just curious what this molecule means to everyone? What is it that makes DMT so special for you and why? There are no wrong or right answers here.
Every experience is so unique, it's hard to define! It seems the more times I experience it, the deeper I can comfortably go into that "other dimension." I feel like a psychonaut, an astral explorer. I am a pilot on my own spaceship. I see new things every time and I have new ideas. It's like I can literally see my own neurons forming new connections right in front of my eyes and I can see blood pumping through my veins. I see the most insane infinite fractal patterns that I could never even imagine in my normal everyday life. I can see the entire UNIVERSE! I am "traveling the stars" like Aughra from The Dark Crystal. When I first started using DMT, I was a little nervous, but over time I have learned to simply observe whatever thoughts and images come up, even the weird and grotesque. I try to pay attention and see everything that comes up as a messenger or a teacher, and I think, "what is it that the medicine is trying to tell me right now?" Even if it doesn't make logical sense because when I am in that space oftentimes there are simply no words, only feelings, I can't remember how to even speak English, lol. I have also been agnostic all my life, without any kind of religion to tether myself to, so it's helpful to have some sort of spiritual connection to feel more connected to myself, nature, "God" or whatever you want to call it. I start to think about life and death and everything, and I think that it's starting to help me accept things and heal a lot of deep-seated trauma. Since I am in a real rut right now in life, I can't find a job, I have no money, tons of debt, etc. I can't afford a therapist (yet!) but the medicine helps me cope with a lot of the everyday stress that I am experiencing. It's also just so amazing that we can just go to a different dimension for 20 minutes and then come back and just go about daily life with no negative physical side effects or anything?! Maybe a mild headache if we forget to drink water before our journey through time and space?! Like how awesome it that?! I don't have to dedicate a whole day to tripping on shrooms to get the same outcome.Just curious what this molecule means to everyone? What is it that makes DMT so special for you and why? There are no wrong or right answers here.
A key to unlocking the higher dimensions of reality, and putting in perspective this ridiculously brief life and remembering there's nothing to get too worked up about or carried away with here.
An anxiety that belies the serious nature and vastness of the experience and the realization that this is not a game, the stakes are high in this journey we call life.
For me it is always the DMT and Harmalas together, so I will speak to this.
I just wanted to say Thank You.For me it is always the DMT and Harmalas together, so I will speak to this.
A mysterious combo, very ancient yet at the forefront of science and consciousness exploration.
Pure and Holy, for the Pure and Holy work.