Greetings Lukem5, how are you !!??
Your thread got my attention, so here is my beliefs:
Human's head is like an antennae and computer. You can think/do good things or bad things with it. Our (human) existence simultaneously flows in this world ( life ) and in more complicated spiritual world ( astral plane ). The astral plane is not a place , but many places . If your head ( computer/antennae ) is not working right, under life pressure or thinking about not good things, your waves ( thats why i called it also an antennae ) may attact astral presences which are from the very down level.
Its not easy to control your head, i must say its very difficult, and even more difficult is to get back your positive vibe while you encountering a negative entity. Are you a shaman and can fight it ? are you spiritually stong to get deal with it ? If not , get ready for a rough ride , because the entity going to test your waters ( while you are on psycedelics your access to astral is stronger than when you are sober , but you can notice negative entity while you sober also , and deal with it ofcourse. Many spiritual practicioners like yogi's and monks have access to astral without any psycedelics , only with their practice. ) really deep !!!
All i want to say we humans are very different inside and just imagine a spiritually weak person, while high on psycedelics ( with open astral body ) encountered a negative entity and recieving a full load of negative energy through his whole being .. What he will think ? What is the most negative thing he can think ? Death or suicide ..
Also this situation could happen to a very experienced person. I remember myself being on my knees, thinking wtf is going on over here while on strong dose of mushrooms. My previous days before i took them were nervous with a bad mood , but i still took them. During my experince i encountered something, and it tested my waters pretty well. By the end i got very angry ( in a positive way ) about what is happening , the vibes i was recieving werent mine and i refused to stay in touch with it . Then i fought it and it left. The entity gave me a precius teaching by the way, about lot of things.
I have noticed the same entity before on a dmt as well. But its a different story.
Thank you for reading my nonsence everybody
Live happily and stay positive
Best regards
Note: Ego death and bad/negative/dark trip is different things. Ofcourse you can get scared when your ego is dying ( tryptamines deactivate's head functions ,your ego is your head basically, and your head is not your spirit), thats why you should to let it go. I had some strong experiences on lsd and dmt which led to ego death and it was not scary/bad at all. Specially on lsd, it was amazing (while the other guy with me thought he was dying and freaked out X)). But lsd is not tryptamine, it works a lil bit different. I have noticed that you can manipulate sober people and communicate tilepathically with another person if you are both on it.