I have never used a psychedelic drug. I found this website via renting the PPV documentary "DMT the spirit molecule" which I found very intriguing. I am at a point in my life where many of the things that were important to me have fallen away. What remains is a desire for knowledge and improvement, a compassion for my fellow man with a desire to be of assistance, and a goal of transmitting only positive energy. I have read extensively on this web site. I have yet to understand how using DMT teaches anything of practical value. What am I missing? I have gleened from what I read that using DMT allows fantastically detailed visions, incurs a profound sense of being loved, being part of a bigger universe(s), and experiencing a removal of physical and ego boundaries. It seems to me that these things are intellectually accessable to a lesser degree via other avenues that seem to be less risky. I haven't read yet anything that I would find incentive enough to try it. Has anyone received revelations that assist in living here and now or only the sense that these exist? Without some type of enrichment of usable knowledge, the experience seems to me to just be another way to titillate our senses.