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What is the best psychedelic cactus?

Migrated topic.


Staff member
Oddly enough, i have not seen a thread on this topic yet. Wich of the psychedelic cacti is the best?

I used to think that all torches are the same, but that does not seem to be the case.
In my experience, peyote is the strongest one, in terms of power/weight ratio. But not by definition the best.
My most powerfull, visionary and immersive cactus experience thus far was with a torch, and i think it was a san-pedro though i'm not sure.

Is there any consensus on wich cactus is the best?
A lot of times the answer will be: "The biggest one that you're growing".

I really like bridgesii, scopulicola, and non-pc pachanoi. Get a variety of genetics from those 3 species and you have a great foundation to start with. YMMV.
There is a thread where cactus alkaloid yields are published, Here
But that wont tell you whats best. My highest yielding cactus gives a speedy trip with almost no visuals. I have a group that gives half the yield but with more visuals and not so much stimulation, but they have really long nasty spines. I have another cactus that gives just 2/3 the yield of that good one but is really fat, immune to diseases, and so close to spineless that I can just lift a 30 kilo log in my bare hands and carry it around or pick up the pot and rest the stem against my shoulder.
I once went through a group of bridgesii, taking harmine with each one, most were alike given a little difference in potency but one gave a very ayahuasca-like trip. I think I have six clones of that now :lol:

Whats best depends on what you want.
After peyote, whihc is more concentrated but also small and slow growing so not sustainable much for all those mescaline users I'd say Achuma is thebest so trich. bridgessii, and my fave in monstrose so TBM if you asked me.

But you can take hybrid of blue skin peruvianus and bridge too or non PC pachanOï.. there are a few. its like cubensis, which is the best cubensis ? APE ? PE ? MAc kennaÏ ?
Elrik said:
There is a thread where cactus alkaloid yields are published, Here
But that wont tell you whats best. My highest yielding cactus gives a speedy trip with almost no visuals. I have a group that gives half the yield but with more visuals and not so much stimulation, but they have really long nasty spines. I have another cactus that gives just 2/3 the yield of that good one but is really fat, immune to diseases, and so close to spineless that I can just lift a 30 kilo log in my bare hands and carry it around or pick up the pot and rest the stem against my shoulder.
I once went through a group of bridgesii, taking harmine with each one, most were alike given a little difference in potency but one gave a very ayahuasca-like trip. I think I have six clones of that now :lol:

Whats best depends on what you want.

Hey Elrik, interesting info thanks! Good help again after all that about monokaryons. ;)

But I was wondering how much is known about what type of alkaloids and non-alkaloid secondary psychoactives are responsible for modulating the effects to become more of a sensory experience?

If harmala beta-carbolines can potentiate and change the experience (also making it more psychedelic), that is also fascinating and useful but the question that has been bothering me for something like over 15 years is still about the more classical cactus compounds. bridgesii on its on has quite the reputation already.

I have gone back and forth about wondering if compounds like quercetin or kaempferol are major answers and if I was on to something with "SSAO inhibitors" or i guess primary amine inhibitors, but I didn't really think that checked out.

It would be amazing especially if other accessible plant / food sources could offer this modulation to enhance the effects of pure mescaline. And I would then also like to know if it would be effective and safe to also enhance the effects of other psychedelic phenethylamines.

I don't know because I have also gone back and forth on the idea that mescaline's activity is pretty unique and distinct from just about all other psychedelics. Well maybe the way it fits in and activates 5-HT2A but I suppose nothing categorically different about the pharmacology. That would be important to understand well, 2C-B may really not be a good target to try and enhance with these agents and ones like 2C-T-7 could easily become (more) dangerous, I feel/suspect.

The speedy non-visual effect seems easier to find plausible candidates for among the phenethylamines, but enhancers which may not even be all that active on their own, I don't know about that - It feels like MAOIs all over again though such as beta-carbolines having been found in Ps. cubensis.

Has someone tested out fractions of cactus extract before together with (reasonably pure) mesc, to get more of a clear picture? Please enlighten me if I have missed quite a bit in say the last decade, cause I have been more focused on fungi.


PS, interesting question r0m :) .. I do wonder if it may be the presence of harmaline making a difference with varieties like PE and APE and not only the higher levels of psilocin/psilocybin.
I have tried pure psilocin before and 4-AcO-DMT as well plenty of times, and I find those more like DMT, and Pan cyan more like acid or pure psilocin while cubensis feels the least like pure psilocin to me.
Quite like the activity is being complicated by other substances. I have tried it with syrian rue before but I can't really say if that is the same qualitative difference for me as cubensis vs psilocin / non-cubensis species. Could be though, there are enough parallels.

Fortunately analysis of samples is gradually becoming more common so hopefully before long we will have some data to say more about all this and perhaps we gain more direct insight into our preferences and profiles of actives such as is the case with cannabis these days.
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