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What is the LD50 of LSD?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So i've been looking up the LD50 for LSD. On a mouse its 50mg/KG. Thats 110mg/lb, or 55000ug/lb, or about 550 hits per pound. So for a 150lb person thats 82500 hits. Thats 825 sheets of acid. Now how many Ug per hit, 100. So thats 8,250,000 Ug to kill a 150lb person or 8.25 grams. Now whats the volume of 8.25 grams of LSD?

You can easily find the required volume if we had the density of LSD, but i couldn't find that anywhere. Lets assume a median between water and other acids, so lets just say the density = 1.5g/cm^3. Thats an estimated (a very strongly estimated) 0.18 mL or about 4 drops of LSD to kill a 150lb person (or a 150lb mouse).

So theres either two scenarios:

1) I'm terrible at math


2) When chemists make LSD and dip blotter paper into the solution, it must be super diluted and done extremely precisely. Same goes with when people drop LSD onto sugar cubes, it must be very diluted.

If number 2 is right, then the next step is to figure out how much each piece of blotter paper can hold, then figure out how much water is added to dilute the pure LSD. Then figure out how much of that diluted substance will potentially kill someone
Why are you asking this?

Also I dont understand why you are talking about the density of LSD, LSD will typically be synthesized and crystallized in salt form like tartrate, so it's a solid, not a liquid. Then you dissolve it in an appropriate amount of ethanol, not water, to lay in blotters. Density should be totally irrelevant.

And yes your math is off. If humans were mouses, then 50mg/kg LD50 = 3500mg=3.5g for a 70kg (around 150 pounds) person, not 8.25g.

Here's a relevant link: Erowid LSD (Acid) Vault : Fatalities / Deaths

Considering at least some of the thumbprint stories are true, then the lethal dosage might be even higher than we imagine.

But as with mostly everything in life, there's a law of diminishing returns , more isn't necessarily better, and therefore you dont need to ever get even close to that lethal dose. Also, basic safety precautions should make sure you are not ever ingesting accidentally such large amounts.
The primary health concerns about LSD use are related to psychological health rather than risk of physical damage to the body or brain. As senior LSD researcher Dr. David Nichols, Distinguished Chair of Pharmacology at Purdue University and head of one of the world's top LSD research labs, stated in his 2004 review article on hallucinogens, "There is no evidence that any of the hallucinogens, even the very powerful semisynthetic LSD, causes damage to any human body organ. [...] Hallucinogens do not cause life-threatening changes in cardiovascular, renal, or hepatic function because they have little or no affinity for the biological receptors and targets that mediate vital vegetative functions."1 Deaths resulting from the pharmacological effects of LSD are rare to non-existent. -erowid

I was under the impression that there were no confirmed pharmacological deaths from LSD, though I may be wrong...

I know it was already suggested, but here is what erowid says:

Less than a handful of deaths have been directly attributed in the medical literature to the pharmacological effects of LSD, and none of these have been unquestionably attributable to LSD's actions. Estimates of what could be a potentially lethal dose of LSD are higher than 10 mg orally, a dose that is more than 100 times the common, moderate dose of LSD (100 ug). The administration of this amount would require the ingestion of more than 200 units of street blotter, which typically contain about 50 ug of LSD (as of late 2010).

It is important to note that LSD has been associated with deaths as a result of inebriated behavior (falling from a height or fighting with police) or by suicide. There are also occasional deaths misattributed to LSD when another substance was actually taken.

No 100% prove of a LD of LSD but still possible...

"Tusko" was also the name of a male Indian elephant at the Oklahoma City Zoo. On August 3, 1962, researchers from the University of Oklahoma injected (human use involves oral ingestion) 297 mg of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) to him, which is over 1,000 times the dose typical of human recreational use. Within five minutes he collapsed to the ground and one hour and forty minutes later he died. It is believed that the LSD was the cause of his death, although some speculate that the drugs the researchers used in an attempt to revive him may have contributed to his death.

[source: Wikipedia]

A closer look on this case on Erowid.

LD50s vary by animal, for example, rabbits are far more sensitive to LSD than mice and die at lower doses. Are we more like mice or rabbits? I don't know, but be careful trying to extrapolate pharmacological data from a model organism onto a human.


peeps can take huge amounts of actual LSD and survive.

^ assuming its true LSD.
DOX/ RC variants, in quantity, and your dead. they are not forgiving.

if you dont have a full grasp on handling micro drugs, dont handle them.
The administration of this amount would require the ingestion of more than 200 units of street blotter

I've seen people online say that acid is harder to die from than weed. The weed needed to kill you is basically impossible to ingest. 200 hits is definitely doable.

I was always under the impression that you could drink a crazy amount, like a gallon of pure LSD and not die from physical effects. And i assumed any liquid LSD, was pure LSD because i didn't really understand how small a Ug was. So when i realized how small a Ug is, and how big a drop is (i've seen and heard of people doing drops of LSD as hits), it made me very confused and question all the things i've knew.

Oh ya, and my math was disgusting. Although, it was around 3:00AM so give me some slack 😁
apparently a coroner in MS disagrees OR is complicit in an accidental death cover-up in this case which is what I believe to be true. This is a very sad story, this guy was very smart and had a baby girl at home.
60 kilograms = 132.277 lbs

At 0.2mg per kilogram (as suggested here Coma, Hyperthermia and Bleeding Associated with Massive LSD Overdose: A Report of Eight Cases )

60 x 0.2 = 12

12mgs for a 132lb person?

100ugs = 1 hit

12,000 hits for a 132 lbs person?...

Below is an anecdote from PIHKAL involving accidental ingestion of a quite large dose of LSD:

PiHKAL Chapter 3 Burt
One morning, a couple of weeks later, I took a small, double-ended vial to Burt in his analytical lab down the hall, and asked him to please weigh out for me a small quantity of material into a separate container. The actual amount was not important, a few milligrams; what was important was that I wanted the weight accurate to four places. He disappeared for a few minutes, then reappeared with the vial I had given him and also a weighing container holding a small amount of an almost white powder. "Here is 3.032 milligrams, exactly," he said, adding, "And it's slightly bitter." "How do you know?" asked I. "After I weighed out the psilocybin, there was a trace of dust on the spatula, so I licked it off. Slightly bitter." I asked him, "Did you read the label carefully?" "It's the vial of psilocybin you just received, isn't it?" he asked, looking at the funny-shaped tube still in his hand. He read the label. It said Lysergide. He said, "Oh." We spent the next several minutes trying to reconstruct just how much LSD might have been on the end of the spatula, and decided that it was probably not more than a few score micrograms. But a few score micrograms can be pretty effective, especially in a curious but conservative analytical chemist who is totally drug naive. "Well," I said to him, "This should damned well be a fascinating day." And indeed it was. The first effects were clearly noted in about twenty minutes, and during the transition stage that took place over the following minutes, we wandered outside and walked around the pilot plant behind the main laboratory building. It was a completely joyful day for Burt. Every trivial thing had a magical quality. The stainless steel Pfaudler reactors were giant ripe melons about to be harvested; the brightly colored steam and chemical pipes were avant-garde spaghetti with appropriate smells, and the engineers wandering about were chefs preparing a royal banquet. No threats anywhere, simply hilarious entertainment. We wandered everywhere else on the grounds, but the theme of food and its sensory rewards continued to be the leitmotif of the day. In the late afternoon, Burt said he was substantially back to the real world, but when I asked him if he thought he could drive, he admitted that it would probably be wise to wait a bit longer. By 5:00 PM, he seemed to be happily back together again, and after a trial run -- a sort of figure-eight in the almost empty parking lot -- he embarked on his short drive home. Burt never again, to my knowledge, participated in any form of personal drug investigation, but he maintained a close and intimate interest in my research and was always appreciative of the slowly evolving picture of the delicate balance between chemical structure and pharmacological action, which I continued to share with him while I remained at Dole. One periodically hears some lecturer holding forth on the subject of psychedelic drugs, and you may hear him give voice to that old rubric that LSD is an odorless, colorless and tasteless drug. Don't believe it. Odorless yes, and colorless when completely pure, yes, but tasteless, no. It is slightly bitter. Transcribed from PIHKAL;shulgin

Keep in mind when your given an "LD50" in research reports it means that this is the dose that killed 1/2 of the animal sample...

LD stands for Lethal Dose for n% of subjects. Which means that if a population took that dose then n% would die from taking it.

So with LD50 that is 50%. With LD100 that means 100% and with that, you are certain it will kill all.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Here is 3.032 milligrams, exactly," he said, adding, "And it's slightly bitter." "How do you know?" asked I. "After I weighed out the psilocybin, there was a trace of dust on the spatula, so I licked it off. Slightly bitter." I asked him, "Did you read the label carefully?" "It's the vial of psilocybin you just received, isn't it?" he asked, looking at the funny-shaped tube still in his hand. He read the label. It said Lysergide. He said, "Oh."

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