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What is the most beautiful thing you've seen?

Migrated topic.
I assume you mean whilst under the influence?

To me this is pretty much impossible to answer especially since each person has a different view of beauty. I will share the sight that stands out the most though.

I was sittig in my bedroom with my girlfriend at the time and another very close friend. We did not say more than ten words for the hour or two that elapsed but there was no question we all understood what was going on. There was spiritually, emotionally and physically an inter-connectedness not only between us, but between everything in existance. I could see what I can only describe as a net of beinig, a giant ocean of life all flowing together in unison. Our bodies did not stop at the floor and the floor did not top at the walls. It all was connected and 'breathing' together. With each hit I got deeper and deeper into this ocean until it fully consumed me. I was a part of everything and everything was apart of me. This was not just a feeling. It visually looked like this and to this day I am still fairly stunned that it happened.

This experience was one of the most profound of my life and it gave me a much deeper respect for everything. It humbled me and showed me that humans are in essence the same as all other living things and even non living things deserve our appreciation and respect. I have viewed a lot of things differently since and it would be hard to go into detail on all of it.

Suffice it to say that I came out of the experience with a massive respect for planet earth and all of its inhabitants. Keep in mind I considered myself very open minded and non judgemental before but boy was I wrong. I continue to be humbled by experiences to this day and know that there is always work to be done, both internal and external.
My heart is a treasure trove and let the great screaming christ almighty tear me asunder and may I be ripped of my every marrow the day I agree to hauling it up out of it's grave or breath the loneliest syllable of the remotest of it's seas.
With drugs : the collective soul/ entity of my extended family, hyperspacial residences where my soul resides, my own death, the clear light, the void, hyperdimensional lady friends, all of my different selves, guidance.

Without drugs : a severe drug addict turned sober after the birth of his unplanned daughter, a mother's love, sober support groups, live music, the grand teton mountains, real friends, forgiveness, being able to sleep in one more hour, good health, making other people happy, a real bond with an animal,

There was a place I went to I can't recall.
There was something revealed to me that I cannot remember.
It was yellow, and very bright.
It was at the very top of everything, accelerating outward faster and faster. Like the edge of existence, containing all reality inside of it.
The momentum from the DMT I had smoked propelled me right up to it. As I approached it, time slowed down to nearly eternity. I couldn't believe what was happening.
Then I broke through it, but only just. What I saw was so astonishing, so appalling, that if I could have severed the thread of return, I would have left this world and stayed there forever.
It was not something beautiful, it was beauty itself. It was the purest essence of my aesthetic that I was never supposed to see, for risk of going mad trying to just remember it.
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