White Lunar WorldBridger
I polarize in order to equalize,
Stabilizing opportunity.
I seal the store of death
With the lunar tone of challenge.
I am guided by the power of endlessness.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.
Galactic Activation Portal Day
These are special inter-dimensional days and anyone born on such a day is likely to play an important part in Universalising some form of teaching, art form or music.
Blue Western Castle of Burning – Court of magic, power of turning around
White Root Race - The refiners. Key note: spirit
Earth family: Red Dragon, White Worldbridger, Blue Monkey, Yellow Warrior
CardinalKin – Establish the genesis Throat transmit
Blood Clan - Red Chromatic
Tone: 2, Note: C#, Name: Lunar, Function: Challenge
You were born in the Wavespell of Red Serpent in the Year Red Moon
White Worldbridger – Equalises Death
When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Release, Forgiveness, Humility, Death, Spirit, Ancestors, Revelation, Shaman, Multidimensional Transmutation, Surrender, Eternal.
When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Struggle and resistance. Fear of death. Fear of letting go of the old. Feeling the need to be in control.
To come out of the shadow: Listen to the part of you that is calling out for death and transformation. Receive its wisdom. Look for new people, new ideas and new directions. Forgive, let go.
Life Question: What is my challenge?
Much Peace and Sunshine