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What is Your Galactic Signature?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So...What is your galactic signature?

mine is ;

Red Galactic Earth

I harmonize in order to evolve,
Modelling synchronicity.
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the galactic tone of integrity.
I am guided by the power of birth.

calculate your own here and see if it rings true :)

I unify in order to play,
Attracting illusion.
I seal the process of magic
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

I don't know how to tell if it rings true.
Like a lot of similar things it is generic enough to perhaps ring true for anyone who puts anything into it.

I can't say i see any truth or lack thereof in it. To me it has the meaning i want to give it, no more and no less.
AlbertKLloyd said:
To me it has the meaning i want to give it, no more and no less.

that's all that's 'asked' from any of us :)

apply meaning,
act accordingly.
Yellow Resonant Seed
Warrior KIN # 124
Wizard Tribe
Seed Compliment
Yellow resonant seed

I channel in order to target,
Inspiring awareness.
I seal the input of flowering
With the resonant tone of attunement.
I am guided by the power of intelligence.

Clever lot those mayans :D

"The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar is a universal,
modern application of the mathematics of the ancient Mayan Calendar System
as deciphered by Dr. José Argüelles, Ph.d and presented as "The Dreamspell."
Providing a simple yet profound opportunity to shift our everyday consciousness,
this magical tool invites us live in harmony with galactic time!"

I unify in order to communicate,
Attracting breath.
I seal the input of spirit
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.

i particularly like my glyph....looks like i'm sticking my tongue out at y'all... ;)

White Cosmic Wind

I endure in order to communicate,
Transcending breath.
I seal the input of spirit
With the cosmic tone of presence.
I am guided by the power of death.
Red Galactic Skywalker
I harmonize in order to explore,
Modelling wakefulness.
I seal the output of space
With the galactic tone of integrity.
I am guided by the power of navigation.

In the analysis of my signature: it mentions that I am the pillar between heaven and earth, the missing element to bring heaven on earth. <3

My friend is a white cosmic wind and oh the things we have done together on changa. We controlled the wind together!, One time we opened up the sky when it was completely covered in clouds and watched the stars all night. It was amazing!!!
Red Spectral Skywalker

I dissolve in order to explore,
Releasing wakefulness.
I seal the output of space
With the spectral tone of liberation.
I am guided by my own power doubled.


I do recognize myself in this description... although I'm pretty sure I would recognize myself in pretty much any of the "oracles" 😉

White Lunar WorldBridger

I polarize in order to equalize,
Stabilizing opportunity.
I seal the store of death
With the lunar tone of challenge.
I am guided by the power of endlessness.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.

Galactic Activation Portal Day

These are special inter-dimensional days and anyone born on such a day is likely to play an important part in Universalising some form of teaching, art form or music.

Blue Western Castle of Burning – Court of magic, power of turning around

White Root Race - The refiners. Key note: spirit

Earth family: Red Dragon, White Worldbridger, Blue Monkey, Yellow Warrior

CardinalKin – Establish the genesis Throat transmit

Blood Clan - Red Chromatic

Tone: 2, Note: C#, Name: Lunar, Function: Challenge

You were born in the Wavespell of Red Serpent in the Year Red Moon

White Worldbridger – Equalises Death

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Release, Forgiveness, Humility, Death, Spirit, Ancestors, Revelation, Shaman, Multidimensional Transmutation, Surrender, Eternal.


When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Struggle and resistance. Fear of death. Fear of letting go of the old. Feeling the need to be in control.


To come out of the shadow: Listen to the part of you that is calling out for death and transformation. Receive its wisdom. Look for new people, new ideas and new directions. Forgive, let go.

Life Question: What is my challenge?

Much Peace and Sunshine
im a Blue Electric Eagle

I activate in order to create,
Bonding mind.
I seal the output of vision
With the electric tone of service.
I am guided by the power of self-generation.

but i liked this bit more

Blue Eagle – Creates Vision

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Visionary, Belief in Oneself, Visions and Dreams, Global Consciousness, Commitment, Planetary Mind, Hope, Clarity, Insight, Overview, Telepathy
Red Magnetic Moon

I unify in order to purify,
Attracting flow.
I seal the process of universal water
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Green Central Castle of Enchantment – Court of synchronization, power of magical flight - sweeeet...

Red Root Race - The initiators. Key note: birth

Earth family: Yellow Seed, Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm

GatewayKin – Open the portals - one has been known to do this ;) Root transmit

Blood Clan - Red Chromatic

Tone: 1, Note: C, Name: Magnetic, Function: Unity

You were born in the Wavespell of Red Moon in the Year Yellow Seed

Red Moon – Purifies Universal Water *

This next bit is interesting VVV

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Opening to other levels of reality, Awareness, Self remembrance, Divine Guidance, Connectedness, Beacon, Signs, Symbols


When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Self depreciation, negative self talk. Hiding the fullness of your potential. Lacking awareness to signs offered by cosmic communication.


To come out of the shadow: Open to Self Remembrance, take off the veils of forgetfulness and receive Divine Guidance. Seek out others who support your fullest expression and growth.
۩ said:

"The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar is a universal,
modern application of the mathematics of the ancient Mayan Calendar System
as deciphered by Dr. José Argüelles, Ph.d and presented as "The Dreamspell."
Providing a simple yet profound opportunity to shift our everyday consciousness,
this magical tool invites us live in harmony with galactic time!"

José might not be authentic, but he is a hella cool dude. Both he and his wife were amazing and lovely people to hang out with. Calleman likes to neg on the Dreamspell stuff, but plenty of people say his version is also wrong.

At any rate, Dreamspell was the first putative mayan astrology stuff to come on the scene back in the 80's and it still resonates with a lot of folk. Before people judge José Argüelles they should definitely read his books... at least read The Mayan Factor. Funny enough, that book is probably the root of most of the 2012 hysteria we have going. It predated Terrence's Timewave Zero by a significant amount of time, and was the major meme to come out of the whole Harmonic Convergence dealie (for those old enough to remember that).

I'm a White Lunar Wizard BTW.
White Self-Existing Wizard

I define in order to enchant,
Measuring receptivity.
I seal the output of timelessness
With the self-existing tone of form.
I am guided by the power of heart.

Life Question: What form will my service take?

...so true.
I perfect in order to reflect,
Producing order.
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the planetary tone of manifestation.
I am guided by the power of death.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me
I dedicate in order to target,
Universalising awareness.
I seal the input of flowering
With the crystal tone of cooperation.
I am guided by the power of intelligence.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.

Yellow Seed – Targets Flowering *

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Seed, Seeding manifestation, Opening, Erupting possibility, Gestation, Power of Growth, Fertile ground, Leadership, Planting


When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Restricted Self concept, choosing to remain safe at the expense of growth. Limiting new possibilities.


To come out of the shadow: Free yourself from old patterns and beliefs that once provided safety, and move forward into new possibilities. Now is the Season; Cultivate your seeds.

Actually quite relevant to myself. Reading some others did not fit me so much as my own..........
Yellow Cosmic Star
Guide: Human
Tribe: Star
Challenge: Mirror
Compliment: Monkey
Hidden: Skywalker

I endure in order to beautify,
Transcending art.
I seal the store of elegance
With the cosmic tone of presence.
I am guided by the power of free will.

Life Question: How can I expand my love and joy?
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