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What is your standard dose for vaporization

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Gone Fission
Hello everyone,

I am recently starting to wonder if I am going deep enough. I understand there is a dosage thread which I have reviewed.

I am just curious, when you are going for an experience how much crystalline spice do you vaporize, and through which method/apparatus?

How do you know you've broken through? I have had very intense experiences, but now I am starting to wonder if I have ever broken through. What does it even mean to break through.

I know the answer I will likely get is, you will know if you've broken through or not. I have felt that I have. In retrospect I wonder if I really have or not.

The largest dose I have taken is 25 mg, and I will NOT go higher.

Please enlighten me nexus. 😁
Is it straight spice or changa? BIG difference there. One of those is a waste of time, requires a super-expensive and/or super-unsafe (if going el-cheapo) vaporizer pipe to smoalk, and is completely out-of=what and stupidly uncontrollable mushroom crack. The other is fantidiliastic.

I have no "ideal dose" when it comes to smoalking changa. I merely utter a few hebrew prayers, take and toss a pinch or two of changa into my bowl, burn it like a man, hold it in as long as I can, and then melt until Sam I Yam. I've had super small pinches sometimes pack a harder load than 200mg smoalked at once. The intensity of the experience is in the hands of Them, IMO & IME. Never have had a freak-out experience from changa yet, even at wastefully high doses. Just good, worthwhile times without the alien mushroom cracked out of whackadiddly poo aspect of the uncontrollable spice-ship sailing through the eye of a lionfish reeking of smoldering plastic feeling of straight spice. Add some harmalas into your blend and lay your alkaloids on top of their parent plants--the kingdom from which they came, and still long to return to.

Just changa-tize it up and let the universe dose you out!
Godsmacker said:
Is it straight spice or changa? BIG difference there. One of those is a waste of time, requires a super-expensive and/or super-unsafe (if going el-cheapo) vaporizer pipe to smoalk, and is completely out-of=what and stupidly uncontrollable mushroom crack. The other is fantidiliastic.

I have no "ideal dose" when it comes to smoalking changa. I merely utter a few hebrew prayers, take and toss a pinch or two of changa into my bowl, burn it like a man, hold it in as long as I can, and then melt until Sam I Yam. I've had super small pinches sometimes pack a harder load than 200mg smoalked at once. The intensity of the experience is in the hands of Them, IMO & IME. Never have had a freak-out experience from changa yet, even at wastefully high doses. Just good, worthwhile times without the alien mushroom cracked out of whackadiddly poo aspect of the uncontrollable spice-ship sailing through the eye of a lionfish reeking of smoldering plastic feeling of straight spice. Add some harmalas into your blend and lay your alkaloids on top of their parent plants--the kingdom from which they came, and still long to return to.

Just changa-tize it up and let the universe dose you out!

Interesting, you seem to really prefer changa. I have only ever tried infused leaf (parsley) with an awful taste and miserable, low intensity experience.

I should look into making some changa.
QuantumOctopus said:
Godsmacker said:
Is it straight spice or changa? BIG difference there. One of those is a waste of time, requires a super-expensive and/or super-unsafe (if going el-cheapo) vaporizer pipe to smoalk, and is completely out-of=what and stupidly uncontrollable mushroom crack. The other is fantidiliastic.

I have no "ideal dose" when it comes to smoalking changa. I merely utter a few hebrew prayers, take and toss a pinch or two of changa into my bowl, burn it like a man, hold it in as long as I can, and then melt until Sam I Yam. I've had super small pinches sometimes pack a harder load than 200mg smoalked at once. The intensity of the experience is in the hands of Them, IMO & IME. Never have had a freak-out experience from changa yet, even at wastefully high doses. Just good, worthwhile times without the alien mushroom cracked out of whackadiddly poo aspect of the uncontrollable spice-ship sailing through the eye of a lionfish reeking of smoldering plastic feeling of straight spice. Add some harmalas into your blend and lay your alkaloids on top of their parent plants--the kingdom from which they came, and still long to return to.

Just changa-tize it up and let the universe dose you out!

Interesting, you seem to really prefer changa. I have only ever tried infused leaf (parsley) with an awful taste and miserable, low intensity experience.

I should look into making some changa.

Parsley doesn't make for a good tasting changa blend. Caapi, salvia & peppermint leaf do, though! A major factor underlying the taste of changa is the herbs it's laid out upon; I would suggest smoalking the herbs alone such that you may be able to find a good-tasting/smelling/smoalking blend which would best suit your senses (& obviously parsley isn't pleasant to smoalk). The art of changa lies in the herb:spice:harmala ratios present in the blend. Your first few blends aren't going to be the best, but once you get the harmala & herb blend ratios just right, you'll soon see that freebase DMT is worthless until changatized.
I ingest about 70mg of DMT on an average trip. I haven't gone past 90mg. The method is sandwich method, using various herbs. My favourite is caapi and calea. Pink lotus was cool for a while, then I got assaulted by the stamen entity. Boy was that disgusting. Gave up on stamens after that. Mullein, damiana, mugwort etc are all good herbs.

I know what you mean about not knowing if you broke through.

The word breakthrough is a thing that is very difficult to describe. It's that place with where there are no words. The phrase "you will know if you've broken through or not" is pretty accurate, in my experience.

25 mg seems a bit on the low side. Those were just kaleidoscopes and fractals, but then again, people have broken through with at a wide range of doses. And your personal physiology plays a part in whether you break through or not (set and setting, nothing in your system etc.). Being stressed in any way doesn't help either. There are so many variables at play that no trip is the same. I've had trips that continued on after i re-dosed. That was an intense experience.

Remember: it'll take a few, but you'll break through.
How many scoops of changa does it take to get to the outer rings of Orange Pluto? 13! That's how much; actually, any prime number other than 1 or 2 is kosher with the laws of hyperspace! If you use a composite number of scoops, you're in for one helluva hyperslap.
Changa is the only drug I permit the universe to decide the dosage of; everything else must be meticulously measured, weighed and analyzed before it gets anywhere near my brain; it's as though IT knows and I have no part in determining how much I should ingest... best advice I can give: hush up that windpipe and smoalk da kool aid (heavy sarcasm implied).
Haven't messed with freebase too much over the last few years. Changas my go-to.

1:1 ratio dmt:herb, 300mg harmalas per 1g dmt.

I load about 80-90mg of this blend usually, one giant hit cashing it out; or one small toke, wait for the effects, then hit it with every ounce of effort. [Each hit is held as long as possible.]

Gets me every time :twisted:
I always take sublingual caapi extracted alkaloids prior to vaporizing DMT in my GVG, so my dose requirements may be different than those who don’t pre-dose with beta-carbolines.

Anyhow, 20mg DMT can produce anything from a sub-breakthrough to a moderate breakthrough. 25mg is usually a very strong breakthrough. I rarely find it necessary or desirable to go above 25mg, but I have gone as high as 30mg in the GVG.
QuantumOctopus my advise is follow your own path. E.g. start low, build up slow and you get where you want. Unless your intuition tells otherwise then that is your path too.

The numbers do not illustrate how well and how long a person's path has been worked on, or how one is constituted, nor the motivations and intentions. Vaping method (devise/inhalation-style/blend-ratios) can also tweak dose numbers.

It is indeed informative to hear persons conduct but I think it's best to hear your own 'call' and respect that over anything. Dose is no guarantee: high dosers have found them selves excluded from hyperspace, you read that on a regular base.

BTW for who reaches success with less I tip my hat
Jees said:
QuantumOctopus my advise is follow your own path. E.g. start low, build up slow and you get where you want. Unless your intuition tells otherwise then that is your path too.

The numbers do not illustrate how well and how long a person's path has been worked on, or how one is constituted, nor the motivations and intentions. Vaping method (devise/inhalation-style/blend-ratios) can also tweak dose numbers.

It is indeed informative to hear persons conduct but I think it's best to hear your own 'call' and respect that over anything. Dose is no guarantee: high dosers have found them selves excluded from hyperspace, you read that on a regular base.

BTW for who reaches success with less I tip my hat

I think this is what I really wanted to hear.

I am anticipating a 15-20 mg dose of crystalline yellow sometime in the near future. This, I think will clear things up for me.

I have been experimenting with the spice since 2012. This questioning of my own experiences is a relatively recent aspect of my journey.

I have come back in tears of ecstasy more than once.

I will report back in the near future. I just need to check my intentions (check yourself before you wreck yourself as it were), and convince myself that my motives are pure.

Thanks everyone for all of your input, I read each post with much consideration.

I think I will also start to investigate making my own changa blend as well.
I smoke the goo free base in a GVG and normally take 20 mg. As my inhaling techniques are improving I tend to waste less substance. Now after a year I have reached the point I can inhale the full 20 mg in a single hit. Yes, smoking needs to be learned :) .

The one time I took 30 mg was a trip with a different start than usual. My brains became incredibly heavy and I was sucked away in what looked like a vortex. Than for some minutes I was totally gone, my baby sitter told me I was lying on the couch like a corpse. I cannot remember anything of it. Only in the end my consciousness returned and I had the most impressive trip end ever. Aliens and bright colors.

For the moment I stick to 20 mg.
QuantumOctopus said:
...I just need to check my intentions (check yourself before you wreck yourself as it were), and convince myself that my motives are pure...
There's no pressure in this. Like when there are e.g. no intentions, this will not automatically mean that this is not a good way to go with it. Then you could say: My intentions are no-intentions, and that is very valid. Some people even promote that way.

One can be hit awkward or blissfully while having intentions or not, the outcome is not determined there fully. And in contrast to that they do play an important role in the outcome, it is very ambiguous, two folded ...

My intentions are not like: It is now 1 hour before take-off thus I must make some intentions here, let's see, what will we intend this time? No
My intentions are my life style, the things that bother or interest me during life as it goes on, who I relate to, who I not relate to, how my spirit colors trough the daily life, the things I eat as food, the movies/music I prefer, ... all that IS my intentions already, every second is my intention.

So if I determine my intentions it is the tuning of my life, and before take-off little has to be done. The final set/setting does play a role off course, very important, but the way you enter that particular set/setting is just as much determining.

This way my life becomes the intention and bleeds into the experience, and what I personally believe is that it facilitates the other direction as a return, meaning to take with me from the experience into regular life. The two blending better.

2 cents
27mg in the machine, one hit, held for as long as possible. Breakthrough every time at this dose, have never tried more.

Everyone's physiology is different so work your way up slowly till you know what works for you.

Happy travels:)
I use enhanced leaf in a pipe with a steel screen. I usually smoke what should be about 10-15 mg of dmt in one slow inhalation. If I smoke Changa I tend to up the dose to 15-20mg.

It gives me what I need.
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