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What kind of healing do you use psychedelics for, and to what extent?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

I'm trying to compare traditional Shamanic healing with modern psychedelic healing...

Shamanic psychedelic healing has been applied to cases of physiological, psychological and spiritual illness, and in cases of individual or collective illness.

Personally I leave physiological illness to the medical/surgical health professionals.

Psychological problems on the other hand, I find are greatly elucidated by psychedelics, and therefore much easier to deal with; yet if I did encounter a serious problem I couldn't handle that way, I would recognise the competence of mental health professionals to deal with more serious problems.

For Spiritual problems, I would certainly take advice from spiritual leaders, groups or perhaps texts, but predominantly rely on psychedelics to help myself.

So far I have only found psychedelics useful for individual healing...

This creates a kind of hierarchy that shows how psychedelics can fit into modern approaches to different forms of illness, and to what extent.

So, is it different for you? I'm trying to form a more holistic perspective of modern psychedelic use for healing, that goes beyond my own opinions and experiences. If you could help, that would be great.

I am also especially especially interested in anyone who specifically uses hyperspace for healing, or in the ways hyperspace can be used for healing in general
For me, spice has "cured" my depression. I was raised as a catholic, had a pretty rough childhood that I won't digress on. I never realized how burdened I really was until I started using DMT. Amazing to think a few hours of extraction and 15 minutes of ingestion can erase 20 years of turmoil and depression.

I've been searching for years, trying to find SOME meaning to all of this. I started with god, as most children do. You put all your faith into him, but you soon realize nothing is coming in return. Then you turn to meditation, to yoga, and even paranormal (trying to become psycic) among other things. It seemed every corner I turned, it was a wall before me. Nothing was giving me answers, and nothing could ease the depression that I thought I didn't have. I look up at the stars, and I feel alone...Unable to contact any other lifeforms, stuck forever on this earth. I see galaxy after galaxy, endless possibility.

Then I smoked DMT.

Instantly, my questions were answered, even without comprehending the answer. There was finally something worth exploring, something other than this mindless activity the yuppy businessmen call living and reproducing. So you ask how has psychedelics healed me, or helped me....It's given me a new way to look at the world, a way to derail off this 1 way ride through corporate greed and hate. I always sought to be a better human being, socially and mentally, and now DMT has shown me the tools to do this. I only hope it doesn't wear off.
There has been healing for me on many stages.
My mind got calmer,
my energy has been harmonised
and my thankfullness for life has been reestablished.
I used to have a lot of anxiety and spirituality issues. I really did used to believe there was nothing else out there but what laid beneath my sensory perception.

Psychedelics have taught me how much harm fear has and how it is the opposite of love.
Psychedelics have brought me face to face with god, and showed me the infinite nature of the universe beyond what used to be my closed treasure chest of a mind.

Psychedelics have also helped me learn moderation with things like cigarettes, and to not have interest in ethanol/drinking as these are both destructive habits.

Psychedelics are meant for healing and therapy and conscioussness expanding. I'm sure that was preaching to the choir here at Nexus but I am just sharing my experiences.
Illuminate my DNA, or something...VIBRATE my SOUL shines through this SKIN and I am who I've always wanted to be, and Will.

In hypersensitive mode, the body is traveled like sheet music. Where there is dissonance, recalibration is applied.
This energetic flexibility leeks light in from the source, allowing me to perceive what once was painful and mundane, now divine.
Out come the snakes, horses, peacocks, falcons, spiders...

Love. This love I secrete with every heart beat. This love I store in every cell, and carry around with me like a lantern. This love you feel tapped into this text and jiggling off this tongue...yes...I got this from the sea...the sea of hyperspatial technology...

Out come the emotions, the insight. This is what you need to do....this is how you need to do it...

This is what you are. Break it down into waveforms, and ride them gracefully + with mad style...

No more fear.

One man's healing concoction's another man's warrior medicine+

Can you dance all night on the ashes of the parasites?
This isn't even a fraction of the story; boomerang.

Where are you on the pyramid? This sensitivity indicates.
Dreamer has tried most common entheos but has only used DMT preparations for healing. Whether the healing was psychological or physical, he doesn't know, but it did help him a lot... I mean, where does the body end and the mind begin? He carried on smoking spice every week or so for a while to keep him in a positive mindset until his path felt true again. DMT - Erowid Exp - 'Cured Post-CFS/ME & Depression'

He now uses aya for psychological self-improvement, but doesn't drink very often. Sometimes he can tell it could do him no good in his present mindset, which is why his last batch got confined to the freezer after an unfortunate event just before his planned ceremony. He does ask for general physical health too when drinking, in a prayer-type way. He will try to use it for physical healing if he ever has something that needs fixing, just to see if it works or not.

Oh, he took low doses of cactus combined with just a beer or two to help cut down on binge drinking too. That's more a medicinal use than 'healing' as I understand the word. He has had full dose cactus a few times, but not specifically for healing, although having a good time is of course healing in itself to some extent. :) Incidentally he's found it to be aphrodisiac at low dose too, but again I would view that more as a short term medicinal use rather than healing.
great responses all round, lots of useful ideas

instances of good psychological changes indirectly improving physiological or spiritual health - I forgot that they were all connected in the end

ohayoco thats a good point I overlooked, a good time can be considered a kind of healing, especially if its with friends...
This indicates that even without conscious intent to heal, or conceptualising the experience that way in retrospect, healing can still occur and be desired

and the weird symbol - what a post! Like poetry to my ears, I still dont have a clue what dancing on the ashes of the parasites is all about, but the rest of it - spot on, spot on. I know exactly what you mean, and I concur. You managed to describe tripping in the weirdest way but somehow also perfect, nice one

I think its great that psychedelics have helped you all in such diverse ways...and I bet you all use them in diverse ways too..thanks
I have ben taking a combination of bufotenine and caapi every second night for the last 3 weeks..no other substances are used in between except for I smoked a hit of cannabis last week with a friend..and I eat healthier than usual when I do this(I already am on a restricted diet, but I cut out even more things and take herbs and bentonite clay in the morning). I also try to do yoga at least the days that I take the caapi and vilca seeds..sometimes I am lazy though..

I do it in the dark, like an aya ceremony.. with a single salt rock crystal lamp and a candle, I load my pipe and get some extra hits ready and prepare with my only mantra..that I am love and light. I give thanks for all my plants and anything else that might help me on my journey and usually speak to my pipe asking for like clarity in my life and cleansing or something like that..then I smoke and turn off the lamp and blow out the candle..usually mellow trance music is playing..adaim shaike's dream tree project is my usual trip CD. Atfer 40 minutes to an hour I am finished with the visual part and I flick on my salt rock lamp and sit up and chill with some music and juice and eat some fruit or something..usually come onto the nexus..

I prefer the same ritual for all the entheogens I work with, other than pedro because I usually take in the day at the beach so I am not up all night..DMT is a bit differnt becasue I dont have time to turn off lamps etc so I just leave one candle flickering. I also like to smoke DMT in the forest along the beach alot in the summer ealy in the morning and sort of connect with the forest around me and then skimboard after I come out of hyperspace.

I like to have my space set up as well like some sort of tripping/meditation room. I have an alter with about a hundred crystals and some feathers and seashells with mugwort and sage for smudging, a giant blue blanket from india with a big mandala on it and some prayer beeds on my wall..I cant see that stuff in the dark though so the central theme with eyes open when journeying is my salt rock crystal lamp.

Every time I do this I feel clearer and more focussed from a heart centred area than before..it always gives me healing in one form or another when I do these things this way.
I've had many profound revelations using entheogens, but I guess my main idea of healing from them is that sometimes I feel like I lose myself from time to time. Get frustrated with life and what have you. Entheogens help me find myself and at that make me very greatful for being me. A lot of folk would associate this with that child like feeling you can often get. That's how it started for me, but I've kind of gone beyond that.

If one experience makes you feel like you are about to die and another like you have just been born usually in these two experiences you will value the same things. However with the just born feeling you have a wide eye set on the greatness of everything. I love mescaline for this purpose because as it lasts so long you have so much time to take it all in and spend a whole lot of time with a whole lot of loving. Whereas say an NDE effect from a high mushroom dose would have me slipping away to the thought out of all those that I treasured the most. I'll call the subjects of these two situations "pre me" and "post me". Obviously I'm not a time traveller of the mind but these two "personalities" tell me all about the now in 2 opposite ways that my society scarred mind really feels beneath it all, but may forget or choose to deny, because it's easier.

So in my healing model "pre me" is the teacher, I am the student and "post me" is the examiner. Though obviously "pre me" and I have a close relationship and are able to discuss in an abstract sense of the word about what we think "post me" would want to happen. "post me" is not an examiner in the sense that in his eyes I either pass or fail, but he merely observes that as far as I go astray or "pre me" gets distracted in the realm of all that is amazing, I don't lose a close proximity to that which matters the most.

It's a bit hard to describe really. It's not a model I designed and perfected as much as a process that I fell on by chance. there's always that element of feeling around in the darkness with this kind of thing. But it's certainly character building :)
i basically found psychedelics, especially saliva good to meet with yourself to figure out what you gotta do in your life
soulfood said:
sometimes I feel like I lose myself from time to time. Get frustrated with life and what have you. Entheogens help me find myself and at that make me very greatful for being me. A lot of folk would associate this with that child like feeling you can often get.
Oh yes, I second that. Bringing the delight of childhood back into life. Renewed intimacy follows. One is then more open and loving towards others, having washed away the emphasis on the dour concerns of adulthood. Tripping can be good for propelling oneself out of a rut.

Also, for beginners, seeing life from a different perspective when tripping for the first time shatters prior conditioning and makes one aware for the first time that one's own beliefs and those taught by society are not the only beliefs and not necessarily the best ones. This encourages tolerance, I think.
kaos.underwave said:
I wish my saliva was psychedelic Czepa
what extract? if you hold your hits you can breakthrough on 4x. when smoking saliva you have to ghost your hits for it to work fully
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