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I'm sure that in some way this is true, but with all things being relative, profundity would be meaningless with all things carrying the same level of profundity.

For instance, if there is such a thing as the big bang or a creation moment, this moment would be what all profundity is derived from and all things would carry a portion of this greatest profound moment. If the snarled thread in my shirt carries an equal profundity as the big bang, then it is by default the only thing in the universe that matters.

This depends on something I will call The Theory of Conservation of Profundity; Profundity cannot be created or destroyed, but is only transferred or borrowed from previous profundity.

So, considering all possibilities, the snarled thread in my shirt could carry the same profundity as the big bang but this would mean that profundity is either manufactured by conscious beings such as ourselves and/or intrinsic to the situation.

The final possibility is that profundity is entirely within our heads. We project profundity onto things, time, experience, ideas, etc. as some sort of coping mechanism or as a way of giving important thoughts priority over other inconsequential thoughts.

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