Agree completely [USER=42]@Transform[/USER]
This is the useful thing about metaphysical belief imo. If it produces results that are useful to someone, that's great and also the metaphysical mind muscles can be trained to be able to hold a completely contrary belief when required.
An example - I have a dream about chatting to my deceased relative who I didn't get to say goodbye to, in the dream I have what feels like an hours long chat with them and tell them I love them, etc and they respond however they do. I awake and feel a sense of release, tears streaming down my face, a grief has been released. In this instance the dream is taken literally in some sense.
Sometime in the future say I have a dream that a demon is chasing me, pins me down and sucks my soul out. I wake up feeling shocked and a bit jarred. If I take this dream literally it could really effect me day to day, so I may choose to adopt a metaphysical belief that dreams are 'just my imagination' or 'arent to be interpreted literally'. I may even look at a dream metaphorically and see how there is some kind of relation to some other situation in my life that brings me insight etc.
None of these metaphysical models are scientifically testable, philosophically they can be further broken down but that's another story. The point is that one can make their metaphysical beliefs powerful assistants through day to day life and that there is a lot of power in being able to change metaphysical beliefs on a whim. Especially because they're not provable in a sense, they're not falsifiable, use that to your advantage I say.
Same logic can be applied to entities in hyperspace (real or imaginative) there are situations that one or the other belief can be of assistance, I'd rather be able to maximize my benefit and insight from an experience than be stuck in an unfalsifiable/I provable rut for the rest of my existence.