Hi guys, regrettably i didn't even know about this site until recently so i have a lot of reading to do that's for sure. I get shunned as crazy by people over thinking that plants have an inherent soul to them and they can teach so much if just given the chance. My journey has taken me to many wonderful and honestly down right scary places but all in all its was for the betterment of me as a whole. Lets get this straight I LOVE psychedelics and many people in the circles i run in cant seem to grasp something so obvious to me that a substance can have a profound effect on not just your thoughts but on EVERYTHING! Needless to say i have dabbled on many different planes of consciousness and always try to take that which i learned and apply it to my life. Now the reason im so interested in this site...well....i haven't tapped into quiet ALL of the planes of consciousness that i wish. There is still one that eludes me and has for a long time and im honestly determined to track its very essence to the ends of the earth if i must. I have very deep feeling, well more of a knowing that it has much to teach me and as such is for some reason hard to catch for me. But hey good things are worth waiting for right? Im hoping to learn much from this site and the others here. Thanks for having me