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What you want to achieve in life?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I want to start a discussion about your aims in life.
I'm not 100% sure about my goals in life.
That's why I want to hear different approaches to that subject.
I want all plants to be legalized and I want to start a self-sufficient farm that doubles as an ethnobotanical preservation and center of shamanic knowledge!
My goals are simply to enjoy life by means of exploring my interests. I would like to aim also to defeat my problems, which are mainly just lazyness and social phobia mixed with intense anxiety rushes. Defeating my problems would allow me to be open to meeting more people and trying new things and perhaps learning new interests.

Not that money is everything, but as a poor person i sure think it would help alot. Without money its hard to do things like have the time to explore interests(Got to keep the checks coming), or have the money to travel. So i would like to also figure out a way to save a retirement fund so i don't get old and be shit out of luck.

Also, defeating my social phobia would help me out in meeting a good woman which could share my interests, experiences and bed! I really don't desire to be alone, but so far its my only option, i'm to uncomfortable in social situations to even be in them, so meeting a woman in my current state is nearly impossible. Also it help to meet other people to gain friends which also make life better.
Similar to cheeto.

I guess I just want to reach an equilibrium with everything around me. Get secure, 1 woman, 1 child. That sort of thing.

It's actually a question I've been asking myself a lot recently being unemployed and having to move back in with my folks and all that. It turns out I need to commit and get myself out there. I've always been a bit too much of a hobby geek, so I can be quite happy just keeping myself relatively content through working on music and what not.

But I don't compromise so it's hard to get ahead :)
This is a good question man, and its one i think about alot, almost everyday, and i still dont really know the answer.
Im getting to the stage now where I think I would like to settle down have kids, house etc etc. Thing is, i havent even got a chick, plus im not happy in my job, which is a big priority in my life...not because i like working, but because i believe you should enjoy your job as its what you spend the majority of you life doing. Id like to sort out my work life though before i did settle down!!!
But then i ask myself if this would bring me happiness?...im sure having kids can fulfill you in ways you cant imagine, and its defo something i want, but im not really in a position for that at the minute, and if it came along then it would cause alot of stress.
But then again, this is what we are moulded to strive for isnt it. The job, the car, the 2.4 children...i just feel that there has got to be more to life than that.

Which is why spend what id consider an unhealthy amount on these forums. There is something within me which yurns for the truth to dicover the real meaning behind all of this stuff....this life. There might not even be a meaning....meaning is a human construct, and outside of being human prehaps nothing has a meaning, but i struggle with that. We all wanna know why right!!
So theres the other side of me, what i would call my spiritual side which feels that there is much more to life, and I guess that effects what i want out of life, but still, i could not accurately tell you what that something is.....
my situation:
i come from a depression and extreme social phobia.
I freed myself from that.
But still I'm not an active member of "society" if you know what i mean.
No regular meetups with many different people etc. etc.

Actually i'm feeling well tough.

That is the strange thing.
I get more centered. My head is clear and most of the time I don't even miss conversations and social chitchat.

But generally I'm MUCH more open and talkative to perfect strangers which has changed only 1-2 months ago.
(main reasons: DMT, trip to Amsterdam alone)

At the moment i'm unemployed and play poker and hope one day I sit next phil ivey on the final table of the world series :)
Yeah i know this sounds like everybodies dream to be that rich, but I also had some results ($$$).

Besides that I have no goals except spiritual growth.
Thats the problem.
I have no goals...

Not that it would bother me... but it seems like i'm wasting my life at the moment. Not exactly wasting, i hope you know what i mean!

Enough spoken about myself.
I'm a little in shock that almost anybody who answered in this thread has similar problems...
You know how it is. Same attracts same.. isn't it..?!?
My plan: Help develop an educational system or at least one particular school, where the education is all in benefit of the inner growth of the students (and teachers and employees and context etc). No memorizing stupidities, arbitrary divisions of knowledge, but some intelligently designed system for the balanced development of the different human faculties and growth of conscience and critical thinking. A school that is sustainable and where children learn to connect the different aspects of life, becoming responsible co-authors of society and the ecosystem and not alienated hedonic zombies unconsciously sucking on the planets precious life force

Together with this, and one cant go without the other, is to always improve myself, try to become ever better and healthier and more conscious and so on.

Last, but not least, I want to make the best out of each moment that comes, and even if nothing turns out as I expect, that I accept what happens, and have a clear conscience that I honestly tried to do my part and left something positive and made due of having been given this precious gift that is being alive (or at least that I didnt screw up too badly and relieved a bit of my weight on mother earth :D )
I once also struggled with manic depression, but found a way to defeat it on my own by just realising that really, theres no reason to be depressed, even if you don't like how your life is going theres no need in meditating on it, just do what you can do to improve it. And in your free time just ignore problems and have a good time doing whatever.

After doing some reading i had a thought to self medicate with small doses(10-25mg) of mecaline to attempt to overcome my social and anxiety problems. Over comming that problem would just help have a more interesting life for me, i've already found happiness, i know i'm a good person and feel good about it, thats the main thing. Everything else i can do to help myself and others is really just a bonus.

Endlessness, yes that is a very good idea, i've had toughts on school improvements also. I know from my part of the world, education is really poor, its almost as if they don't even care weather students learn anything or not. As an example, i'm from the south, in georgia, already one of the worst states for education, then my school happend to be the worst in georgia, two grades behind surounding counties. We did not even start learning pre-algebra until 8th grade.
Your revolutionary ideas about changing the school system are not new at all.

I know that this would be soooo important.
Showing the young people how to eat healthy,
how to spend wisely
how to be positive
how to learn!!!
how to think for themselves
etc. etc.

But there has to be a major change.

At the moment almost any schoolsystem points towards work! not education!

That is the point. The industry requires trained calm monkeys, so that the rich money aristocraty can live like kings.

Just my point of view!
Mr_DMT said:
Your revolutionary ideas about changing the school system are not new at all.

I know that this would be soooo important.
Showing the young people how to eat healthy,
how to spend wisely
how to be positive
how to learn!!!
how to think for themselves
etc. etc.

But there has to be a major change.

At the moment almost any schoolsystem points towards work! not education!

That is the point. The industry requires trained calm monkeys, so that the rich money aristocraty can live like kings.

Just my point of view!

I never said it was a new idea ;)
Im trying to study a lot of the different earlier attempts and see what one can learn from them

I have been working in education and even though its a small experience, I see very evidently the positive influence one can have on developing human beings, way more effective than trying to change adults, and I think that, even if its a small part, every little part is extremely valuable! Just think of how many hours a child passes in school not only having their time wasted but actually having it badly used, in ways that hinder development instead of helping it. Now, if this same kid spends this time in a better school where teachers are more conscious and the whole curriculum is more intelligently developed, well then its a great improvement, even if its just few people and even if the system is not yet perfect from the beginning.

I dont think any outer revolution truly succeeds unless an inner development comes together with it. Thats why I think I have to work on myself and not be criticising others and saying how bad the world is, but instead trying to look in my daily acts, in what I consume, in what I eat, in how I interact with people, etc.. If I can help other people in the way, then I know I have done something, and not sit my ass eating mcdonalds waiting for the perfect politician or leader to come along so I can vote for to delude myself I participate, and then sit back again and wait for him save the world for me.

I dont know the solution to the world, but I gotta start walking or I'll never move.. I can at least see a few meters in front, and thats enough, I'll try to adapt as things come...
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