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What's the BEST method of freeing DMT from plant matter?

Migrated topic.


Stardust in lingerie
Arguably, the biggest component of teks is breaking down the plant matter to get the DMT accessible to the NPS. STB relies on alkaline hydrolysis to break down the cellulose. A/Bs use heat and acid. Many teks call for multiple freeze-thaw cycles to rupture the cell walls, and some people have had great success using sonication or pressure cooking.

Since this is a major driver of yields, I think it's worthwhile to see which one is most effective, all other things being equal. So, let's find out!

I received my liquid-liquid extractor today, which theoretically should be able to extract every last trace of NPS-soluble alkaloids from a given aqueous solution. As I meditated on what I can do with it, it occurred to me that my equipment will be well suited for this kind of test.

So far, ideas I have are:
  • Freeze/thaw cycling versus starting with dry powder
  • STB versus A/B
  • Acetic versus citric versus ascorbic acid
  • High heat versus lower temperature
I don't have enough MHRB on hand to compare all of these factors separately, only enough for about six runs. Does anyone have suggestions for how I might condense the most interesting ones into a useful experimental protocol?
I think they all break down the plant material pretty well.

I usually freeze/thaw 3x and do long hot water bath as described in the max ion Tek. After the extraction, I pulled again after a week of the rootbark sitting in aqueous NaOH and nothing significant came through. I interpreted this as bark being broken down well to begin with.
This is exactly what I've been wondering! Did you end up doing any comparisons?
Indeed, we'd been waiting for an update from @IridiumAndLace for quite a while (not that I'm really in any position to comment on matters of punctuality or productivity). Maybe if I promise to complete that harmala extraction ascorbic acid reduction project we can come to some kind of a bargain :p
Indeed, we'd been waiting for an update from @IridiumAndLace for quite a while (not that I'm really in any position to comment on matters of punctuality or productivity). Maybe if I promise to complete that harmala extraction ascorbic acid reduction project we can come to some kind of a bargain :p
haha, please hurry up on this. i would liek to know the other ways of getting tth :) keep my fingers crossed for your efforts.
I have tried a lot of different TEK's and nothing works better then STB with no defatting or freezing of the powdered MHRB, so now I just keep it simple.
Use a ratio of 2:1 MRHB:Lye
I had 1.7g of spice from 100g of MHRB on my last run.
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