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What's the difference between Ayahuasca and Shrooms?


Rising Star
I've heard some people say high dose of shrooms is like a prolonged DMT trip(in this video:
), so it got me thinking what would be the difference between ayahuasca (which is a long trip that's less intense than DMT) and shrooms? I've heard Hamilton Morris talk about his pharmahuasca trip where he had realistic hallucinations but the dosage was high.
Personally i've done DMT at subbreakthrought doses and it seems like it's just the visuals that are different, i've a made posts about my dmt CEVs vs my shroom CEVs, the color pallet and the shapes are different, so i don't think a high dose of shrooms would have the same CEVs as my DMT trips but idk.
For shrooms vs vaped DMT: not the same, but definitely family, like cousins.
I feel the same. I haven't experience with Ayahuasca (so my post is a bit off topic, sorry). From my experience, LSD, shrooms and DMT definitively share similarities but also have their own headspace/characteristics.

For me LSD feels the most electric, wired, mental, high frequency and a bit dry/shallow.
Shrooms are "slower", but deeper, more complete and emotional (I tend to prefer). They can be darker too.
DMT: for what I have experienced (i.e. not so much for now): as deep as mushrooms , but with a "high frequency/electrical" touch (one could say that it could be halfway between LSD and shrooms: "yes but no") . A very distinct visual touch too: vision is quite particular, less swirling/deformations than shrooms but similar fractals as shrooms. What set it apart for me is the impressive afterglow (especially compared to the duration): similar to shrooms but maybe deeper.

Like said, comparison is difficult, because of the really different lenghts and dynamics of the experiences (and as said above, Aya is not only DMT, it's a blend – which composition may even vary widly depending on the traditions/brewers).
If you want DMT to feel more like mushrooms, you can take DMT orally using Moclobemide which is purely an MAO-A inhibitor and doesn't have the other effects that Harmalas have. You can also add mushrooms to Harmalas for Psilohuasca to make it feel more like DMT/Aya. To me, DMT feels like Psilocin but with Adrenergic properties (Alpha 1A and Alpha 2A), but at least ime once the Adrenergic properties kinda die down it resembles Psilocin for a bit Serotonergically. You can also sip on the oral DMT-containing liquid for about 10 minutes for a smoother and less intense come up.
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