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Migrated topic.


Why not?
Whats goin on? My name is BlackSheep96 and i have recently had my first experience with DMT (smoked) and would really love to continue with exploration. Later in life (but as soon as possible) I fully intend to pursue a PhD. in Philosophy, focusing in consciousness and our place in space-time. I strongly feel that psychedelia plays an important role in finding better questions to wrap our minds around to further develop ourselves, and our relations with other life forms, whatever they may be, small or large, traditional or exotic. But in my quest, collaboration will be more important than anything, and that is why im here. I need help. Please help. It'd be much appreciated :d
welcome to the forum blacksheep96!

I agree, I think psychedelics can greatly assist our philosophic approach and lead to different points view, different strategies of how to attack a problem or how to ask questions... Now, I'm not sure in what you need help, but if I can I will.

Other than DMT have you any experience with other entheogens?
Hello BlackSheep96,

Welcome to the Nexus, :). What's up? Lots of changes and improvements in the air. It's hard to keep up.

I always tell folks to check the links in your welcoming PM as well as take a really good look around this place. I know, I know, that will eat hours if not days of time. Oh but it is SO worth it. . . :)

So, what did you make of DMT? What other psychedelics have you tried?

I hope in the future you have plans to extract your own - there are lots of teks in the wiki link and lots of research being done on working with new plants, growing plants from seed, etc.

What's up? A fantastic time for revolution and forced evolution here at Nexus. A very very exciting time to join up. I hope you feel the same way I do.

Again, welcome to the Nexus.
The help is just general, like whatever pops up in research/experimentation. Said it more from the angle that im trying to collaborate and be humble.

Other psychedelics/hallucinogens are DXM, Nutmeg, Diphenhydramine (yuck), Nitrous, Morning Glory/LSA, Magic Mushies, LSD, various synthetic pot's, Fly Agaric (might have been pantheria tho). Cant wait for mescaline or ketamine, or salvia for that matter... basically id love to at least try just about everything but Formaldehyde & PCP (MAYBE ONE TIME for pcp, but thats a pretty big maybe).

My feelings on my first DMT trip: AMAZING. It left me with something to think about. While coming up/peaking i had to think "good things are good" "Smile" "Good thoughts" ect, and it almost seemed like there was some sort of strangely characterized entity that seemed to respond in a sense that my desire to focus only on good things was to be granted, but in a way that was almost like... like... he was only giving me a pass because i was a newbie, like a loaded consent from a strange perspective, like he found it sort of comical in a smug, cosmic way,but smug in a pure way, like an "of course, i understand, and ill oblige, but your (either) selling yourself short, (or) not taking it[dmt]/life seriously enough (im not sure which, or if a combo of both)". I still feel like its not adequate enough an explanation. He was something of a cosmic joker gaurdian, sort of like a more real, benign Loki. Something in the sense of a cosmic, well-informed-of-the-true-nature-of-the-universe and serious, yet still taking it jokingly sort of attitude. Idk, it was just yesterday and i still am thinking about it, trying to pull things out of it.

I did extract it with a friend of mine from MHRB using Nomans STB, and while the yield left plenty of room for improvement, it surprised me with how white it was, there was minimal discoloration with only a couple SMALL sploches of pale yelow, it was SOO close :d but i think id like to try a slight variation on Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime A/B Extraction Tek, instead of lime, using the lye that we already have, try to get a higher yield and maybe use some for some pharmahuasca, changa, and eventually an I.V. administration (another friends mom is a nurse and im hoping she could help with this.. if not her brother has done plenty of H).

As far as the revolution and forced evolution what do you mean? Cause as i was reading the stuff you gotta agree to to get in it mentioned no talk of non-classic psychedelics, i.e. ketamine, dxm, RC's ect. and personaly i think this is closed minded, in my honest opinion i think this site and its stance on what psychedelics are, i believe that talk of any and all psychedelics should be encouraged, to help make safer the cosmic voyages for all in all its forms, and also to "connect dots" that may not have been noticed before. I firmly believe that a collaborative and holistic approach to any problem is the best approach.

Oh yea, and reading for hours and hours is NO problem whatsoever when the topic is interesting enough, and this is an incredible site as far as interesting goes. Hope the post wasnt too much mumbojumbo ranting and raving.
IV use of dmt seems pointless to me. Smoking it makes you blast off in about 30 seconds. If you don't mind me asking, what is the appeal to IV'ing DMT. Welcome to the Nexus btw. :D
Hello Blacksheep96 and welcome to the DMT Nexus!

BlackSheep96 said:
Cause as i was reading the stuff you gotta agree to to get in it mentioned no talk of non-classic psychedelics, i.e. ketamine, dxm, RC's ect. and personaly i think this is closed minded, in my honest opinion i think this site and its stance on what psychedelics are, i believe that talk of any and all psychedelics should be encouraged, to help make safer the cosmic voyages for all in all its forms, and also to "connect dots" that may not have been noticed before. I firmly believe that a collaborative and holistic approach to any problem is the best approach.

This has nothing to do with close mindedness and a lot with safety. Most of the RCs you are referring to are chemicals some random dude put together in a lab and is selling them as a bath salt, fertilizer or something else. These chemicals are untested and there is no data available on the long term(or even the short term) effects of these drugs. The DMT Nexus believes it is incredibly irresponsible to consume substances of which almost no safety data exists.

You mention that discussing all psychedelics would make it safer, but I beg to differ. Taking a drug that causes unknown effects is the exact opposite of safety. The fact that these substances are psycho-active isn't enough for the Nexus, they have to be safe. And we don't know if they are or not. If we would encourage the consumption of these substances there is a chance someone could get seriously injured or die, and these things would reflect back onto the Nexus and The Traveler.

The DMT Nexus has decided that we focus our attention on the classic psychedelics as the long term effects are well known and the safety profile is well established.

Again, welcome to the Nexus, glad to have you over!
Thank you for the welcome! The appeal is mostly just to do it, i wanna feel what the hippy dude in the spirit molecule was talking about, you know, the icy feeling going up the arm and shattering the universe all in one rush. Also i could be exact in how much i was taking... idk, i guess i really just like the idea of the purity of it
I see, Just be sure that you clean it up very good and get it into fumerate form before hand. I would advise against it, but to each their own.
If you intend to go the IV route, please check out these threads:
IV DMT - Purity issues. - FAQ - All your basic questions and answers - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
IV DMT? - Advanced/Enhanced chemistry - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Make sure you convert your DMT from freebase -> fumarate -> freebase a few times to ensure it is of absolute purity. Injecting foreign material directly into your bloodstream could seriously injure or kill you so it is absolutely vital that your DMT is 99%+ pure and completely sterile.
BlackSheep96 said:
basically id love to at least try just about everything but Formaldehyde & PCP (MAYBE ONE TIME for pcp, but thats a pretty big maybe).
Well, be safe. There's a lot of things on the list of "everything" that are a lot less safe than classic psychedelics or even some of the non-classic ones. Do your research well and if you can make sure what ever you have is what you think it is by using testing kits.

BlackSheep96 said:
... and eventually an I.V. administration (another friends mom is a nurse and im hoping she could help with this.. if not her brother has done plenty of H)
Right... I'd stay away from IVing the stuff I extracted with kitchen chemistry, to be honest. Purity might be good, but I wouldn't trust it to go into my veins directly. Not unless I really knew what I was doing and made sure everything was super clean and sterile. Also in general I also don't see much of a point to doing this, especially considering that it's just so much riskier.

BlackSheep96 said:
Cause as i was reading the stuff you gotta agree to to get in it mentioned no talk of non-classic psychedelics, i.e. ketamine, dxm, RC's ect. and personaly i think this is closed minded, in my honest opinion i think this site and its stance on what psychedelics are, i believe that talk of any and all psychedelics should be encouraged, to help make safer the cosmic voyages for all in all its forms
This decision is based on experience. We allowed it for a while and it brought with it a great influx of attitudes that were opposite or harmful to the general vision that we have here at the nexus. We are not a forum that encourages safe use of just anything. We specifically focus on the benefits and the science of classic entheogens. We focus on responsability and safety in order to use these tools for mind expansion. While I don't want to judge the usefulness of other substances, I think with many the use comes with such a high risk concerning addiction, long-term physiological damage or similar, or it is simply unknown what risks are involved, so that it is very very difficult to be responsible in using them. This unfortunately seemed to be reflected in the way the discussions went, while it was still allowed, IIRC.

Some substances might be more marginal in terms of risks and safety, however experience has shown that limiting our discussions to the approved substances is positive for the forum, which, in this case, is the most important fact.
uuugh, i gotta learn to type faster. i had this whole big shpeel goin on the rc's and non-classics, but Enoon smashed that. I see now, thank you for clarifying that.

As far as the iv'ing goes, i didnt think about sterilization... <please no talk about sourcing or synthesizing>

and as far as trying everything, i always do my research before trying something new, and ill remember the testing kits, or at least look up a way to test any rc's i try, i was thinking mostly shulgin molecules, like his lsd analogs, the 2c's and such, and DOM/STP
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