The help is just general, like whatever pops up in research/experimentation. Said it more from the angle that im trying to collaborate and be humble.
Other psychedelics/hallucinogens are DXM, Nutmeg, Diphenhydramine (yuck), Nitrous, Morning Glory/LSA, Magic Mushies, LSD, various synthetic pot's, Fly Agaric (might have been pantheria tho). Cant wait for mescaline or ketamine, or salvia for that matter... basically id love to at least try just about everything but Formaldehyde & PCP (MAYBE ONE TIME for pcp, but thats a pretty big maybe).
My feelings on my first DMT trip: AMAZING. It left me with something to think about. While coming up/peaking i had to think "good things are good" "Smile" "Good thoughts" ect, and it almost seemed like there was some sort of strangely characterized entity that seemed to respond in a sense that my desire to focus only on good things was to be granted, but in a way that was almost like... like... he was only giving me a pass because i was a newbie, like a loaded consent from a strange perspective, like he found it sort of comical in a smug, cosmic way,but smug in a pure way, like an "of course, i understand, and ill oblige, but your (either) selling yourself short, (or) not taking it[dmt]/life seriously enough (im not sure which, or if a combo of both)". I still feel like its not adequate enough an explanation. He was something of a cosmic joker gaurdian, sort of like a more real, benign Loki. Something in the sense of a cosmic, well-informed-of-the-true-nature-of-the-universe and serious, yet still taking it jokingly sort of attitude. Idk, it was just yesterday and i still am thinking about it, trying to pull things out of it.
I did extract it with a friend of mine from MHRB using Nomans STB, and while the yield left plenty of room for improvement, it surprised me with how white it was, there was minimal discoloration with only a couple SMALL sploches of pale yelow, it was SOO close :d but i think id like to try a slight variation on Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime A/B Extraction Tek, instead of lime, using the lye that we already have, try to get a higher yield and maybe use some for some pharmahuasca, changa, and eventually an I.V. administration (another friends mom is a nurse and im hoping she could help with this.. if not her brother has done plenty of H).
As far as the revolution and forced evolution what do you mean? Cause as i was reading the stuff you gotta agree to to get in it mentioned no talk of non-classic psychedelics, i.e. ketamine, dxm, RC's ect. and personaly i think this is closed minded, in my honest opinion i think this site and its stance on what psychedelics are, i believe that talk of any and all psychedelics should be encouraged, to help make safer the cosmic voyages for all in all its forms, and also to "connect dots" that may not have been noticed before. I firmly believe that a collaborative and holistic approach to any problem is the best approach.
Oh yea, and reading for hours and hours is NO problem whatsoever when the topic is interesting enough, and this is an incredible site as far as interesting goes. Hope the post wasnt too much mumbojumbo ranting and raving.