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When i met my shadow, that had been following me.

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
PRE-CONDITIONS: A good week of smoalking
(mind)Set:Very curious, positive.
(physical condition) Set:Fit
Setting (location):Bedroom
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) late at night
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication)Weed, 25-I
last meal: (Time and type) no idea

Gender: (m
body weight: (in kg pls) 90kg roughly
known sensitivities:
history of use: novice


Substance(s): N,N DMT
Dose(s): a gram was smoked out of the apperattus over a week, at the end smoalked all the leftover at once.
Method of administration: Vaporization


Administration time: T=0:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.)
Duration: 1 hour (time was weird)
First effects: Lungs going numb, Feeling of being moved/transported
Peak: within a few seconds. i broke through then let all the smoke out after a short while of holding (hurt the lungs)
Come down:until i fell asleep
Baseline:next morning

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: 3
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 4


I had been smoalking my newfound dmt for about a week, blasting friends off. Everyone had a great time, i dosed everyone by the pebble, likely 10mgish. It was now friday, and everyone had left my house. I was alone at night on my bed, when i decided to take terrances advice and do it in the dark by oneself. I had been using a modified broken twisty cfl bulb to smoalk, and my friends did not understand how to vape properly, so they would put abunch in and it just got left in there cause they couldent figure it out.

Before this event, a friend procured a .3 of N,N dmt from me to put into the pipe. he walked away and sat on the couch, seeming to enjoy it. he put the whole 300mg in there and failed to barley vape any of it. So later that night i set out to smoalk it because i knew i was better at the pipe. it had all re-crystallized in the twists in the pipe.

I put one of my regular doses in, probably l0-20mg i never measured because i was a noob, i just kind of felt it out as i went.

Well, when i went to smoalk it, i got macho and thought maybe my friend was just scared, and couldent handle it. so as i vaped my normal dose i watched the dmt re melt, and it poured into the section of bulb i was heating. i said fk it, and kept going, like taking a big draw, deep draw from a vape. I noticed i quickly became as inebriated as my normal small doses, and i wasent even finished hitting it. i powered on, filling my lungs with thick vapor. my body went totally numb, and i saw writing in the darkness that began to fold into material objects, such as rocks.

I could suddenly see much better in the dark, and as i let the smoke fall from my lungs and mouth, i realized that was a BIG hit. Like none i have ever taken before. i watched the smoke dissipate abit, but what caught my eyes was a green alien light radiation like in veins of ore in rocks, i was still on my bed, that was still there, but i was suddenly in a seemingly wet cave. The green veins radiated gently wafting vapors. Thats when i realized a set of legs next to me on the bed, sitting exactly how i was.

They were not human legs. They seemed to be made of dark matter itself, the matter gently wafting off of it like it was gently fuming off of it. My eyes followed the legs up, and i was met with a face that had deep amethyst eyes, and a purple rhombus in its forehead. I did not feel threatened, but i was sure to mind my manners because i did not understand what this thing was.

We stared into eachothers eyes for what felt like a century. I could have walked through those eyes it seems. Then, not wanting to be rude, i gave a head nod to the entity, letting it know i saw it. And it gave me a head nod back.Then we looked away from eachother and the rest is fuzzy but i felt like i had smoked dmt through time with people, while looking in its eyes. I probably fell asleep after that.

Much love thanks for reading. Im more careful with dmt now.

This is a great trip report. Wow, crazy experience.

I wonder what you mean by twisty pipe? You wouldn't have a picture would you?

0.3 of DMT? You mean 300 mgs? Wow, that's a lot to have loaded at once. Sounds like you got a lot in that one hit.
What a great experience :)

I did a similar thing one time with smoalking a pre-loaded oil pipe by someone who tried smoking it like a weed pipe... The fact that he was fully gone should have been a sign to me that I shouldn't take a big proper hit.. But... hahaha..

Anyways, glad your trip went well and it sounds like your friends also had a "blast" over the week :p
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