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White Ayahuasca??

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey Guys,

So I've tried a few different types of ayahuasca so far:

Cielo/Yellow: Standard (I'm saying this is standard bc it is what I first exp. and base all my other experiences off of this vine)
Red: Same as yellow except doesn't last nearly as long
Caupuri: honestly couldnt tell the different between this and yellow
Tigre: Still same as yellow not much difference at all
Black (alicia Anisopetala): Did nothing drank over 200g

All these experiences for the most part have just been vine alone (except for red & tigre those have been used with chacruna) so I can really see if there is a big difference.

SO I am planning on drinking white ayahuasca soon and just curious what has been anyone's experience with it and also do you need to add chacruna or other plant to really feel the differences??

While it may happen a rare case that an ayahuasca vine has a significantly different alkaloid profile, like a sample we once found that together with harmine had a significant amount of ketotetrahydronorharmine (unknown psychoactive effects), this is generally not the case.

For the most part, most ayahuasca vines contain mostly harmine, and some THH, maybe tiny amounts of harmaline. What can vary, and imo is responsible for any perceived difference, is simply the potency, for example from one vine you may need 50g, from another 200g to get to equivalent effects. But given the potency is adjusted, IME the experience is generally the same.

One obvious exception to this is Alicia anisopetala which does NOT have harmalas.

Also, the names given for different ayahuascas is pretty much meaningless because different vendors (or different tribes) will call one and the same ayahuasca with different names, or seemingly different types with same name. Also potency even within the same 'brand name' from a vendor may vary from batch to batch

This thread may be of interest: The Caapi Analysis Thread - Plant Analysis and Substance Testing - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

IMO just brew whatever type you want, find the potency of that particular batch, find how much you need to take to feel a bit light-headed, light tracers, some light sensitivity and a different noticeable but not overwhelming headspace.. Once you find that, take that dosage with a bit of DMT next time.

Good luck, and thanks for sharing your experiments, keep sharing whatever you test :)
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