Exactly!!! Yes, this is the greatest of existential challenges and is the culmination of our own journey of soul awakening. The question is worthy of all of our rapt consideration. Who am I? More so, it goes even beyond the dilemma of "Who am I?"... it begs the most profoundest of queries, "What am I?" What are we all? Of what, are we all made up of? Energy, consciousness, curiosity, endless self-reflection? :?
Surely, it is reasonable to believe that a universal current flows throughout all aspects of life and cosmic laws uphold immense movements of energy and multiples of dimensions; parallel realms abound as interiors within interiors. Mirrored in expression, yet, finding it's way as the cresting force within all dreamscapes, be it abstract or concrete, inert or active, ineffably formless or clearly formed.
As the great 20th century Indian mystic, Sri Ramana Maharshi often said (and I paraphrase), "Follow the I-thought back to it's initial cause and very source, delve deeper into the heart of the Self and you will know God."
On the surface of one's accustomed logical reasoning, this creates multiple conundrums and brings rise to skepticism about megalomania and such, but... when we allow the ego-self to become wholly still, emanating clarity, witness to the indwelling reality of the miraculous phenomenon of conscious-awareness... we allow the possibility of awakening from all passing illusions, freedom from the mirage of one's seeming isolation and this catalyst, instantly reveals the interconnection between all things.
And so, the shattering of the ordinary mind-set, the breaking of the spell of an entrapping mesmerism, born of sequential parameters within the time-space-continuum... creates a hyper-awareness, wholly crystallized anew, reborn as an indefinable mystery. Out of such an epiphany, something rather magikal happens. Mortal mind stops it's propensity for ceaseless quantification and knowably fixed associations, leaving an empty space for the subjectivity of the observer to experience existence without definitive parameters or any degrees of subjective distinction. 8)
To simply be in an attuned state of pure existence, without knowledge of any limitation of self and other. This generates a frequency of unification in one's direct attention and perception; 'tis the ecstasy and sheer euphoria each soul longs for, as the humanoid host longs for air to breathe. Therein dwells an ancient power, interwoven in glorious interconnection with all that is, all that might ever be and all that will never conceivably manifest itself substantially enough, to be recognizable as an object of any direct observation.
I honestly don't mean to speak in riddles. But when the traveler fearlessly breaches all boundaries and all self-identification, there is an expansive blooming in consciousness, as so many of you know, oh so well and have experienced in your own unique ways. With or without psychedelic usage, every soul faces the paradox of living as a separate, individual fulcrum of self-identification. We are each of us, at the very heart and epicenter of a dream sequence transpiring in an impermanent passage. Our dreamscapes appear and disappear... yet, something quite enigmatic and indefinable resides pulsing in the emptiness of the Void residing silently, in-between the heartbeat of the universal principle manifesting endlessly.
This kind of experience has always drawn me into contemplation, which in turn, brings me to the razors edge. At this edge there is no past, no future and no immortality of the ego-self. A Gnosis expands and blooms beyond the beyondest of beyonds... as the I-thought returns to it's origins and a Divine Remembrance whereby all sense of who or what I am... dissolves into an amorphous something indefinable... a something which exists in all that is and freely remains an unborn potentiality within the mystery of the Indivisible Web of the Unified Field. Within such a rapturous frequency of being, the loss of ego facilitates a profound symbiosis with all... as the all-in-all.
So, John Lennon's poetic lyricism holds true: "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together." It goes beyond who am I?.. and what am I?.. for it reveals a reality wherein we are all the same consciousness, the same quintessence. Ergo, we are One. We are the same being, viewing trillions of variegated vistas and dreamscapes... born of an infinite inquisitiveness. Perhaps that is what we all are? That is the who, the what, the we and the absence of who, what or we. Tat Tvam Asi, absolutely, unequivocally and most... Omniversally (thank you, Brother Hyperspace Fool). IMO, this is truly so... and the very central most basis of the mind's heart's eternal quest. :thumb_up: