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Why Do You Take DMT And Other Entheogens?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I probably missed a couple important choices for answers but I did my best. Pretty straight forward right? I know the answers may seem obvious but after reading peoples posts in this forum I'm beginning to wonder if I fully understand why people here take DMT or any entheogen for that matter in the first place. Please do tell!:)
SWIM cannot vote. There is no “none of the above” choice. SWIM has too many reasons and they are constantly changing. Sometimes it’s for spiritual purposes, sometimes for exploration of consciousness, sometimes for scientific purposes, sometimes just for fun. It depends on SWIM’s mood. SWIM doesn’t do it ritually on a regular basis, but only very occasionally.

I’d like to say that doing it just for fun is not a bad reason. I live life just because its fun. If life wasn’t fun, I’d be out of here in a second. I often communicate with God just for fun and nothing serious. I think doing things just for fun is one of the best reasons to do things. We should all be enjoying life on earth. Going around being serious all the time, and super religious, is, I think, a waste of your life.

I don’t think God takes much seriously at all. I believe God made reality JUST FOR FUN. And that’s it. We try to find meaning in it all, and God didn’t put a meaning in it all. God just made everything because God felt like it would be a fun thing to do.

I study things JUST FOR FUN. I do my job JUST FOR FUN. If my job wasn’t fun, I’d quit in a second and get a fun job.

I love my wife because its FUN.

If you're living your life for reasons other than having FUN, I think you’re entirely missing the point of life on earth. I think God is the most happy when we are having fun with God’s creation.
69ron said:
SWIM cannot vote. There is no “none of the above” choice. SWIM has too many reasons and they are constantly changing. Sometimes it’s for spiritual purposes, sometimes for exploration of consciousness, sometimes for scientific purposes, sometimes just for fun. It depends on SWIM’s mood. SWIM doesn’t do it ritually on a regular basis, but only very occasionally.

Wouldn't it be "all of the above and then some" in your case? I totally forgot about "all of the above" and "none of the above" as options.

69ron said:
I’d like to say that doing it just for fun is not a bad reason. I live life just because its fun...Going around being serious all the time, and super religious, is, I think, a waste of your life...I believe God made reality JUST FOR FUN.

Agreed, I should have put fun on the list as well. But it's fun/enjoyable because it is mind shattering in that we get a sort of psychedelic education, and it is also euphoric among other things...not exactly the same as saying I like playing Frisbee or whatever because it's a simple kind of fun. Right? I also think that God made reality just for fun. Saidin's signature sums it up quite nicely.

corridors of my cells said:
i voted for the first option but actually second one is also true as much as first one for me.. so i say both of them..

Right on. I realize more often than not people have multiple reasons for doing things but I was ultimately trying to understand The underlying/main reason(s) why people do DMT.

Burnt said:
Scientific curiosity, psychological assistance, and recreation.

This is why I did the poll in the first place. I didn't automatically imagine that people do DMT from that specific line of reasoning even though one or more of those reasons individually would fall under one of the options I put down. Thanks.
I couldn't vote for one answer as i journey for many of my own personal reasons here they are:

1. The first and most important reason is for exploring the true nature of my mind and my reality.

2. To nurture compassion within myself.

3. To be able to understand and experience other states of consciousness and other layers of existence.

4. To gain knowledge and understanding.

5. To be a philosopher of the heart and mind.

Much Peace and Happiness
The first answer is most general. SWIM has had spice twice. The first time was ground breaking. I didn't know what to expect. My favorite deja vu came from this. It was the first time I figured out... well a lot but primarily that this is all a dream. Also color. I hadn't really seen color until the first trip. The second time it was out of psychonautic celebration at Berkeley.
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