I have been using DMT for about 1 year. At first my method was "The Machine" with very unpredictable results. I would take a dose between 35-50mg and was never certain if I would end up with a sub-breakthrough experience or end up heading to the moon. Kind of exciting but the failed attempts became nerve racking.
Now I use the Vapor Genie and am able to get a much more accurate dose. My breakthrough dose is predictable at 25-27 mg. 27mg proves to be an incredibly intense experience with the Vapor Genie (an incredibly efficient delivery system). at 23-25 mg I would have a strong trip with about a 50/50 possibility of a breaking through. At 20-23mg I would have a nice comfortable mushroom like experience.
Then a strange thing happened.
The first time I thought it was a fluke. I smoked 27 mg in one pull. I had the sensation of snapping into reality but the reality was twisted. I was tripping very hard. My eyes were open and I was scared. All I wanted to do was put my paraphernalia away and go outside until this all passed over. Maybe go for a run? At the same time I was in and out of ego loss. I had the sensation that I was the only person to ever end up here. Whatever others experienced on DMT surely nobody has lived through this. No need to come back here!
As I physically walked down the hall I could barely recognize the house. I was terrified but also kind of intrigued. Finally I saw my cat and began to pet it and felt grounded in reality again. I lied back down and began to integrate the experience.
What worried me most after this was that I got out of bed and had a strong desire to go outside. Clearly ending up outside like this could be very bad in a downtime environment. I have to figure this out if I want to return to that world I enjoy so much.
I took a break and decided to lower the dose and try again. This time 20mg. All was well and pleasant but a little underwhelming. I felt hopeful and decided to take another break and continue to integrate the experiences.
I took another month long break.
Today I returned with another 20 mg dose. Though not as intense I had a very similar experience. My eyes snapped open, I had a strong sense to get outside and the trip was kind of scary. I stood up briefly before deciding to lie down and take it in. The trip was pleasant once I calmed myself. This time the dose was low enough that I wasn't dealing with ego loss as I was the first time that it happened.
Now I am pretty nervous about returning to hyperspace and am wondering if anyone has successfully navigated such a situation.
note: in preparation for each trip I am very careful about set and setting. I read a spiritual passage,breathe and meditate prior to each trip. I have no problem putting aborting if the set and setting are off.
Any insight or advice?
Now I use the Vapor Genie and am able to get a much more accurate dose. My breakthrough dose is predictable at 25-27 mg. 27mg proves to be an incredibly intense experience with the Vapor Genie (an incredibly efficient delivery system). at 23-25 mg I would have a strong trip with about a 50/50 possibility of a breaking through. At 20-23mg I would have a nice comfortable mushroom like experience.
Then a strange thing happened.
The first time I thought it was a fluke. I smoked 27 mg in one pull. I had the sensation of snapping into reality but the reality was twisted. I was tripping very hard. My eyes were open and I was scared. All I wanted to do was put my paraphernalia away and go outside until this all passed over. Maybe go for a run? At the same time I was in and out of ego loss. I had the sensation that I was the only person to ever end up here. Whatever others experienced on DMT surely nobody has lived through this. No need to come back here!
As I physically walked down the hall I could barely recognize the house. I was terrified but also kind of intrigued. Finally I saw my cat and began to pet it and felt grounded in reality again. I lied back down and began to integrate the experience.
What worried me most after this was that I got out of bed and had a strong desire to go outside. Clearly ending up outside like this could be very bad in a downtime environment. I have to figure this out if I want to return to that world I enjoy so much.
I took a break and decided to lower the dose and try again. This time 20mg. All was well and pleasant but a little underwhelming. I felt hopeful and decided to take another break and continue to integrate the experiences.
I took another month long break.
Today I returned with another 20 mg dose. Though not as intense I had a very similar experience. My eyes snapped open, I had a strong sense to get outside and the trip was kind of scary. I stood up briefly before deciding to lie down and take it in. The trip was pleasant once I calmed myself. This time the dose was low enough that I wasn't dealing with ego loss as I was the first time that it happened.
Now I am pretty nervous about returning to hyperspace and am wondering if anyone has successfully navigated such a situation.
note: in preparation for each trip I am very careful about set and setting. I read a spiritual passage,breathe and meditate prior to each trip. I have no problem putting aborting if the set and setting are off.
Any insight or advice?