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Why have things gone a little strange, any insight??

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Rising Star
I have been using DMT for about 1 year. At first my method was "The Machine" with very unpredictable results. I would take a dose between 35-50mg and was never certain if I would end up with a sub-breakthrough experience or end up heading to the moon. Kind of exciting but the failed attempts became nerve racking.

Now I use the Vapor Genie and am able to get a much more accurate dose. My breakthrough dose is predictable at 25-27 mg. 27mg proves to be an incredibly intense experience with the Vapor Genie (an incredibly efficient delivery system). at 23-25 mg I would have a strong trip with about a 50/50 possibility of a breaking through. At 20-23mg I would have a nice comfortable mushroom like experience.

Then a strange thing happened.

The first time I thought it was a fluke. I smoked 27 mg in one pull. I had the sensation of snapping into reality but the reality was twisted. I was tripping very hard. My eyes were open and I was scared. All I wanted to do was put my paraphernalia away and go outside until this all passed over. Maybe go for a run? At the same time I was in and out of ego loss. I had the sensation that I was the only person to ever end up here. Whatever others experienced on DMT surely nobody has lived through this. No need to come back here!

As I physically walked down the hall I could barely recognize the house. I was terrified but also kind of intrigued. Finally I saw my cat and began to pet it and felt grounded in reality again. I lied back down and began to integrate the experience.

What worried me most after this was that I got out of bed and had a strong desire to go outside. Clearly ending up outside like this could be very bad in a downtime environment. I have to figure this out if I want to return to that world I enjoy so much.

I took a break and decided to lower the dose and try again. This time 20mg. All was well and pleasant but a little underwhelming. I felt hopeful and decided to take another break and continue to integrate the experiences.

I took another month long break.

Today I returned with another 20 mg dose. Though not as intense I had a very similar experience. My eyes snapped open, I had a strong sense to get outside and the trip was kind of scary. I stood up briefly before deciding to lie down and take it in. The trip was pleasant once I calmed myself. This time the dose was low enough that I wasn't dealing with ego loss as I was the first time that it happened.

Now I am pretty nervous about returning to hyperspace and am wondering if anyone has successfully navigated such a situation.

note: in preparation for each trip I am very careful about set and setting. I read a spiritual passage,breathe and meditate prior to each trip. I have no problem putting aborting if the set and setting are off.

Any insight or advice?
Hard to say what could help. Sounds like you are having a one foot in and one foot out type experience which can be unsettling at times. If you are getting an anxious feeling as soon as you begin to feel the effects of DMT coming on I would recommend a long break from it. Give it some time and come back to it when the excitement returns to you.

DMT is weird. It will push and pull on you. Hard to say when it will push or pull at any given time. I have found that when I feel this anxious feeling come on, I take it as a opportunity to watch my mind go bonkers without buying into the emotions. Just watching it happen. Allowing it all to come in and doing my best to maintain. It feels like death is coming or something sometimes. It can create a feeling of fight or flight when no real danger is present. That goes to show that the mind is wrong. The ego is fighting for control of the situation. Watch this in yourself should you get these feelings. Nothing is happening that is dangerous, yet the mind creates emotions and thoughts to so you will not proceed.

That is why I like to vape higher doses most of the time. Then there is no choice but to be there. Not one foot in and one foot out. Jumping into the abyss. Flung into whatever it is with a wild abandon is appealing to me. I like it but that does not mean you will. What I like may very well be very uncomfortable to someone else.

The only other thing I could say is to find someone to vape DMT with on the lighter doses. It can be very fun. Another person present is grounding very much the same way your cat was grounding. Do your best to put aside the crazy thoughts and emotions that come up when you use DMT. I can't really tell you how to do this. It just requires a certain recognition that it is occurring within yourself enable put it at bay so to speak.
One thing that strikes me is perhaps you desire to be outside in nature during your trip. This would certainly require some preparation but IME outdoor experiences have their own special quality.

Finding a suitable setting and the right companions can be tricky but it's something worth taking one's time over.

These days my ventures are seldom at home, given its urban location. My last proper experience involved two days of travel to get to the desired location and it was worth every minute.
downwardsfromzero said:
One thing that strikes me is perhaps you desire to be outside in nature during your trip. This would certainly require some preparation but IME outdoor experiences have their own special quality.

Finding a suitable setting and the right companions can be tricky but it's something worth taking one's time over.

These days my ventures are seldom at home, given its urban location. My last proper experience involved two days of travel to get to the desired location and it was worth every minute.

This^^^^^^^^^I wholeheartedly agree with.

I never trip on any psychedelic indoors. I have done it a couple times nearly 40 years and since then swore that I would never do it again. Nature and psychedelics are one in my not-so-humble opinion regarding this matter.

For many decades this meant a lot of planning and traveling, like downwardsfromzero was mentioning in the post above. I concur, it was always worth it every single time, albeit I was always extremely prepared.

I worked and sacrificed for many decades to finally have a small farm out in the middle of nowhere and transform it into a Garden of Eden type scenario. It is still a work in progress since me & the wife have only been on the homestead a little less than 3 years. Again, extremely worth the effort which consists of literally blood, sweat & tears.

Now, I just have to make sure all the work is done, the wife is peacefully in bed, the dogs and goats are all settled for the night and not agitated, and it is my time to traverse hyperspace in a very beautiful, natural setting.

Now that all may be a little too much for a newbie to psychedelics, but for someone like me who has pretty much dedicated thousands of hours of their life to psychedelic states of mind, it is all well worth it.
DmnStr8 you have the most fitting username! Very good information.

. It can create a feeling of fight or flight when no real danger is present. That goes to show that the mind is wrong. The ego is fighting for control of the situation. Watch this in yourself should you get these feelings. Nothing is happening that is dangerous, yet the mind creates emotions and thoughts to so you will not proceed.

I think most of us can empathize.😁 It's such a loud, overwhelming place, and one thing I've found unique-and uniquely unsettling-about DMT is the fact that the cognitive mind seems relatively intact. It certainly is jarring for the ego, and the rapidity of onset can elicit a panic response.

I've never heard it put as a fight or flight response, but that is exactly what it is. The first time i did DMT (well second but the first was 25 years ago), which i thought was like the 8th time, i totally flipped when jesters peeled the ceiling away and ran out of my room, down the hall and gibbered in the shower for the remainder of the trip. I had been doing 5meoDMT, and it's comparative lack of visuals was what i thought spice was. So i got scared at the visions that replaced my reality.

What is your preflight ritual? I've found that light yoga, stretching, breathing and finding a comfortable pose, spending as much time as needed to truly quiet the mind and setting some intent, asking for guidance and protection, that kind of thing really lowers the anxiety and potential for a rough ride.

Also the outdoors idea isn't a bad one. You should be maybe be a little more confident (read:experienced) and have a companion first though.
null24 said:
What is your preflight ritual? I've found that light yoga, stretching, breathing and finding a comfortable pose, spending as much time as needed to truly quiet the mind and setting some intent, asking for guidance and protection, that kind of thing really lowers the anxiety and potential for a rough ride.

Also the outdoors idea isn't a bad one. You should be maybe be a little more confident (read:experienced) and have a companion first though.

My pref-light ritual usually involves reading of a spiritual text until I feel well centered. Following this I meditate until I am calm. Still when I fire up the torch I get the pre-flight jitters. Until recently this would all dissolve away once the experience began. The thing that draws me toward DMT is the peace, spirituality and awareness that I experience during and after.

I like the idea that people have mentioned of venturing outside and hope to give that a try sometime. I do have a friend that would go with me. Which seems like a good plan.

Thank you all for your insight and responses.
@Doc Buxin

That is organic and beautiful. The way you have to set up, make sure the fort is fortified and all is well with the fam. It's the same for me, without a homestead. Sounds like a good path to be walking.
Doc Buxin, what you said sounds good in my ears.
Psychedelics are not for trippin'. At one point you have made the choice of taking it into your body and have to assume it. This is a very engaging act and sometimes it is hard to realize until your own body puts you in front of the evidence. When you are in front of the evidence you don't have no choice, sometimes you have to change your whole life because the way you may have been raised can be obsolete. Most of the people and even people who take the strongest psychedelics only live in one dimension. It means that there mind works following the rules he has learned including every little consideration on how life and death works. This is a dimension of ideas. Vibrations do not care about ideas. The idea of self ? Can let it die. The idea of space ? Can let it die. The idea of time, beginning and end ? The idea of sense (one of the strongest) ?? Can let everything die and this does not include the possibility of going back simply because there is no back anymore, no end either. One part die in the process, ideas go back from where they come and vibration manifests everything, including infinite worlds and dimensions. No fear to getting lost anymore and the possibility of living the "garden of eden like scenario" if you want so.
The product is nothing, DMT is nothing, ayahuasca is nothing, it won't save your life. The powders, plants and crystals are nothing, they agitate a little bit your brain and make you feel the discomfort of a rigid mind. Be crazy, take the deepest feelings you can find and trust them, trust yourself until the ultimate point. No one will help you for sure and your own self will fight.
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