Dont know where to start... I am a musician, and producer, 24 years old, original from Brazil. I am from a family of artists... my mom is a painter, she is into theosophy and other “alternative” beliefs and my father is an actor, writer, director, with a psychedelic background... and both of them always encouraged me to push limits of imagination and thinking .Since I was very young I was totally addicted to science fiction(Arthur Clarke, Philip K Dick, Cliford Simak, etc…), space, and aliens and magic also, and the craziness of reality, like the paradoxes of black holes...and other strange concepts in science and how they are so much crazier that any story we could invent.. and that science is like magic, except that we know how it works, and the separation of “religion” and science (metaphysics of it) was just an illusion…
and thank god Quantum Physics and Neurology is there to show everybody that whatever concepts we have on pretty much all of the metaphysics of mysticism in general… can be translated to quantum, or fractal geometry, or Neurology… and that in fact the other realities are “here”, except we cant see then on normal state (like other dimensions proved mathematically a long time ago). And I always thought that in fact there are no difference at all between science and what people call religion ( and when I mean religion i mean the metaphysics/essence of it, Budism , Hinduism,etc.. not the dogmas and all that crap , just the meta mysticism), they are just two ways of explaining the same thing…
And i used to have a bunch of concepts in my mind like " Where do the things we invent come from?? and were are all the other things we didnt invented yet??"... and a bunch of concepts and questions, that for my total surprise when i grew up i could identify all of them in Jung, Greek philosophy, shamanism,etc… giving them an official name. Along with that I always had the feeling that science and magic is basically the same… I mean I never understood how people can believe in something( like Christians) that has nothing to do with what our perceptions) can find… both inner and outer…
Always felt that this reality was just "one" reality, not "THE ONE"... so all of this basic led me to have a lot of interest in the psychedelic drugs... Started with weed about 10 year ago... and my dad realizing that, started to tell me his experiences with acid... he is an actor and was 25 years old in 1969, so of course he was totally into LSD, he never tried shrooms, but he told me some really interest things about acid...
So I kept smoking weed, and when I was about 16 I discovered electronic music, and and Castañeda, and Leary …and Psy trance, and of course the whole alien-modern-primitive mysticism of psy trance really attracted me and I started to go to raves and took ectasy and lsd for partying.
I don’t know exactly when but at some point I realized the seriousness of acid, I mean I realized that was a real tool to experimenting new ways of thinking instead of a party drug, and it came to a point that I was really sick of the fakeness of ecstasy, while loving the intellectual part of acid, and the new ways to think that acid brought to me, but I was really tired of the physical feelings of acid, the jaws and the heartbeat…
But in the middle of that time, I took shrooms at a really cool little place next to Rio… and this was totally a turning point in my life… cuz at that time I had already read Castañeda, Leary, The Tibetans Book of Dead, Quantum Physics, Neurology and I already KNEW rationally a bunch of classic mystical concepts like “ I am one with the Universe” “time doesn’t exist”, “ego doesnt exist” etc…, and crazy Quantum Physics and Neurology concepts that had so much similarity with the classical mystical concepts … ( on this forum I think I don’t need to explain to much, cause I think basicaly everybody here know this perfectly), but when I took shrooms I COULD REALLY FEEL THAT, I felt my ego going away, I felt the”I” didn’t exist, felt I was everybody and everything in the universe, I felt time don’t exist… So the whole package… and beautiful revelations of myself … I felt exactly what modern Neurology is talking about how our brains are always choosing what to see and in fact our brain don t “ see” reality as it is, it chooses stuff…and reality is much more wide than we perceive normally.
But I was still very young… and thought to myself “ I need time to digest that” . So I stayed for some years without taking any psychedelics…
I was still doing my “digging”, reading Jung, Sci-fi, philosophy, budism, Hinduism, modern psichology, Sumerians, Quantum Physics, Neurology, Jaques Bergier( the book The Morning of the Magicians' ) … and all of that
But I had always the idea in my mind that I was going to return to my experiences with psychedelics… and reading Erowid a lot… what got most of my attention by far was DMT… cause dmt mixed basically all the things that I was into… the aliens, the mysticism…
So, I moved out from Brasil, to Europe, a few months ago, and a good friend of mine, one that started to got connected with all that stuff at same time as me, but now is definitely more experienced than me, I think you probably know him, he is Endlesness, had some dmt.
A funny thing happened because a couple of months before I moved to annother country I talked a lot to him about it online. Since I was 16 I was reading about dmt, but I had phases reading more, some reading almost nothing, so some months before moving, I got back to my dmt reading on the web, Erowid… and I felt that it was calling me… don’t know… I felt like it was the time, you know… I had some dreams about it… So 3 weeks after moving I finally took the first hits… well on another post I will elaborate but all I can say is: Dmt is the ultimate key for me, I never want to lose that and I think it is the strangest beautiful gift I will ever see!!! Smoked, orally( still didn’t try), doesn’t matter the way, I always want have with with me… So of course after I've smoked couple of time I got addicted to this forum, and asked my friend Endlesness what I had to do to get in… great forum, serious people, intelligent post and comments… well that’s it, I think I can really learn being in the forum… and to exchange experiences and thoughts with everybody…
“ The eye is the gate to the individual soul, and the Music is the gate to the Human Soul”
and thank god Quantum Physics and Neurology is there to show everybody that whatever concepts we have on pretty much all of the metaphysics of mysticism in general… can be translated to quantum, or fractal geometry, or Neurology… and that in fact the other realities are “here”, except we cant see then on normal state (like other dimensions proved mathematically a long time ago). And I always thought that in fact there are no difference at all between science and what people call religion ( and when I mean religion i mean the metaphysics/essence of it, Budism , Hinduism,etc.. not the dogmas and all that crap , just the meta mysticism), they are just two ways of explaining the same thing…
And i used to have a bunch of concepts in my mind like " Where do the things we invent come from?? and were are all the other things we didnt invented yet??"... and a bunch of concepts and questions, that for my total surprise when i grew up i could identify all of them in Jung, Greek philosophy, shamanism,etc… giving them an official name. Along with that I always had the feeling that science and magic is basically the same… I mean I never understood how people can believe in something( like Christians) that has nothing to do with what our perceptions) can find… both inner and outer…
Always felt that this reality was just "one" reality, not "THE ONE"... so all of this basic led me to have a lot of interest in the psychedelic drugs... Started with weed about 10 year ago... and my dad realizing that, started to tell me his experiences with acid... he is an actor and was 25 years old in 1969, so of course he was totally into LSD, he never tried shrooms, but he told me some really interest things about acid...
So I kept smoking weed, and when I was about 16 I discovered electronic music, and and Castañeda, and Leary …and Psy trance, and of course the whole alien-modern-primitive mysticism of psy trance really attracted me and I started to go to raves and took ectasy and lsd for partying.
I don’t know exactly when but at some point I realized the seriousness of acid, I mean I realized that was a real tool to experimenting new ways of thinking instead of a party drug, and it came to a point that I was really sick of the fakeness of ecstasy, while loving the intellectual part of acid, and the new ways to think that acid brought to me, but I was really tired of the physical feelings of acid, the jaws and the heartbeat…
But in the middle of that time, I took shrooms at a really cool little place next to Rio… and this was totally a turning point in my life… cuz at that time I had already read Castañeda, Leary, The Tibetans Book of Dead, Quantum Physics, Neurology and I already KNEW rationally a bunch of classic mystical concepts like “ I am one with the Universe” “time doesn’t exist”, “ego doesnt exist” etc…, and crazy Quantum Physics and Neurology concepts that had so much similarity with the classical mystical concepts … ( on this forum I think I don’t need to explain to much, cause I think basicaly everybody here know this perfectly), but when I took shrooms I COULD REALLY FEEL THAT, I felt my ego going away, I felt the”I” didn’t exist, felt I was everybody and everything in the universe, I felt time don’t exist… So the whole package… and beautiful revelations of myself … I felt exactly what modern Neurology is talking about how our brains are always choosing what to see and in fact our brain don t “ see” reality as it is, it chooses stuff…and reality is much more wide than we perceive normally.
But I was still very young… and thought to myself “ I need time to digest that” . So I stayed for some years without taking any psychedelics…
I was still doing my “digging”, reading Jung, Sci-fi, philosophy, budism, Hinduism, modern psichology, Sumerians, Quantum Physics, Neurology, Jaques Bergier( the book The Morning of the Magicians' ) … and all of that
But I had always the idea in my mind that I was going to return to my experiences with psychedelics… and reading Erowid a lot… what got most of my attention by far was DMT… cause dmt mixed basically all the things that I was into… the aliens, the mysticism…
So, I moved out from Brasil, to Europe, a few months ago, and a good friend of mine, one that started to got connected with all that stuff at same time as me, but now is definitely more experienced than me, I think you probably know him, he is Endlesness, had some dmt.
A funny thing happened because a couple of months before I moved to annother country I talked a lot to him about it online. Since I was 16 I was reading about dmt, but I had phases reading more, some reading almost nothing, so some months before moving, I got back to my dmt reading on the web, Erowid… and I felt that it was calling me… don’t know… I felt like it was the time, you know… I had some dreams about it… So 3 weeks after moving I finally took the first hits… well on another post I will elaborate but all I can say is: Dmt is the ultimate key for me, I never want to lose that and I think it is the strangest beautiful gift I will ever see!!! Smoked, orally( still didn’t try), doesn’t matter the way, I always want have with with me… So of course after I've smoked couple of time I got addicted to this forum, and asked my friend Endlesness what I had to do to get in… great forum, serious people, intelligent post and comments… well that’s it, I think I can really learn being in the forum… and to exchange experiences and thoughts with everybody…
“ The eye is the gate to the individual soul, and the Music is the gate to the Human Soul”