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Why I'm here

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
"Why am I here?"

"Who is I?"

"What is?"

These were the questions I found myself (whatever fragment that was left) asking at the time. The place was very familiar yet alien to me. There was not a single remnant of that far off place called earth where I was heading, no warm embrace of the sun to comfort, no familiar sounds. Just hyperspace. I was being stuffed into a slingshot and flung at terminal velocity into the experience that was DMT

I was spinning through the void, fractaline structures spinning at super speed, tearing apart my being. I was engulfed by this experience, the fractals were me and I was them. There was no separation between us. I felt no fear because there was no "I", only everything. I felt the machinations of the universe at work, the simple forces that bind together everything that is. It was sublime.

It is the nature of these experiences that intrigues me. I am curious as to how deep the rabbit hole actually goes. Call me weird, but I prefer the term psychonaut. I've been experimenting with psychedelics for the last 5 years or so, sometimes I trip frequently, sometimes barely at all. Every trip, without fail, I always learn something new about myself, the world, or the universe. This is why I consider traditional psy's like lsd, mushrooms, or DMT more like teachers than drugs. Psychedelics have inspired me to do anything from painting, rock climbing, to learning guitar. They serve as tools to better myself with. Even 'bad trips' have been insightful, I view them as "difficult learning experiences" but a learning experience nonetheless. I find myself pondering these thoughts in my day to day musings, but its never enough. Psychedelics, especially spice are so intriguing that I must learn more. This nexus seems like the perfect place to do so. Recipes for Ayahuasca, DMT extractions, and trip reports, Oh my! I come here with an open mind, I am ready to learn from your experience and to share mine.
From my experience, there is a limit to how far the LSD experience goes. That's why DMT was such a shock to me. Not only is there no limit to the fantasm that is the DMT experience, but even the most shallow breakthrough DMT experience is 100 times more incredible than any LSD trip. It's almost like the craziness of an 8-hour LSD trip crammed into 10 minutes. With DMT, it's not a matter of how far you can go, but a matter of how far you want to go.

It sounds like you use psychedelics for the same reason as most people on here, including myself, though I've stopped using psychedelics until I've figured out the answer to those first three questions of yours. Psychedelics can really tear a person's sense of self apart. If somebody had told me that before I used psychedelics for the first time, I might not have gone through with it. And yet, if I could go back, I would do it all over again (though maybe with a few changes 😉 ). I didn't know anything before I first used psychedelics, but that changed drastically. Funny enough, I've come full circle to not knowing anything again, the difference being that, now, I'm aware of my lack of knowledge.

Anyways, good luck to you on your journey. I'll see you in hyperspace.
welcome hauntedmango

you sound like you'll fit in perfectly around here :)

this is a great community full of information and good people.

make yourself at home.

I love how descriptive you were. I've only been able to dip my toes into the DMT world as of yet. I've done a couple of extractions myself that have gone very well, but I haven't broken through yet. I ordered a glass Vapor Genie and it arrived yesterday. From what I've read on different forums, it is the "must have" pipe for breaking through. I tested it with some herbs and I was very pleased. I plan to launch myself into hyperspace later tonight or tomorrow depending on my schedule. There's so much to learn, so much to see, so much to experience...I'm so excited!
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