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Why use HBWR instead of MG?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was wondering why most posts I see on this forum concerning LSA/LSH use HBWR and not MG seeds. One could get MG seeds for $15/pound on some website; whereas, HBWR seeds are not nearly as cost efficient.

A pound of MG seeds is about 80 doses if 1 dose = 200 seeds.

50 seeds of HBWR would only be 5-10 doses.

Am I missing something?
Tihkal, MGS chapter says morning glories contained between .02 and .10% alkaloid content by weight, while HBWR contain up to 1%. Try calculating it out with those numbers and see which comes up the best value.
imho hbwr seems totally inferior to mg heavenly blues - the experience is just somehow less everything - i noticed on the nook there were some tlc plates of rivea,mg and hbwr - what they actually contain varies quite a bit.
People often use HBWR because it's easier to deal with just a few seeds as apposed to hundreds of MG seeds, especially when one doesn't have the proper equipment to grind all the seeds.

If you do a proper extraction, the difference between MG and HBWR is minimal.

HBWR supposedly contains a lot of oils that are toxic so a proper extraction is best.

If you extract LSA, you’ll find HBWR is a better choice. Extraction is easier with HBWR, and you get more product from it. Cost wise, for extraction purposes, HBWR has always been the best choice. But if you can get MG at 1/30nth the cost of HBWR then it would be a good option.

1 HBWR seed weighs about 106 mg. They contain about 3.05 % alkaloids.

1 MG seed weighs about 35 mg. They contain about 0.1% alkaloids.

1 gram of HBWR seeds contains about 3 mg of alkaloids and amounts to only about 10 seeds.

1 grams of MG seeds contains about 0.1 mg of alkaloids and amounts to about 28 seeds.

Ok so that means on a potency bases 1 gram of HBWR seeds (10 seeds) are equivalent to 30 grams of MG seeds (857 seeds)! That’s a lot of seeds.

So you could either eat 10 seeds of HBWR, or 857 seeds of MG for roughly the same experience. 10 HBWR seeds would be WAY TOO MUCH for SWIM, but some people eat that much. For SWIM 5 HBWR seeds are nearly too much.

(EDIT: I'm talking about the Hawaiian strain of HBWR, not the Ghana strain or any other lower potency strain)
69ron pretty much said what SWIM was going to say...

HBWR have a higher alkaloid content and are easier to process if you know what your doing.

Not everyone feels like spending the better part of a few days on the chromatography column to get their product...

HBWR is fairly clean with a good extraction, with no additional purification. It is very easy to purify further however.

Also your mileage may vary A LOT with morning glory from different suppliers, HBWR from hawaii is always a good choice.
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