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Will curiosity kill the cat?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm new and curious!

So I keep writing stuff and erasing it... thing is, I find it very difficult to write about myself. How much could I express through words anyway? I don't think I could ever make it clear to you who I am...
If we were to meet in person it would be different, the living vibe of a living body...
But we probably wont meet in person so we will make up our minds about each other through this filter screen.
So here is a summary of my relation to that which brought us both here, a quest for magic.

I don't take much drugs.
My experience with psychedelics is pretty limited. I tried mushrooms once and had a wonderful time. Tried salvia 4-5 times and that was crazy intense. Took some hawaiian baby woodrose seeds twice...was weird. I tried LSD a few weeks ago and it seemed like a very, very mild version of HBWR.

Seems like when "I" emerge it is the form a a question mark... This life is quite a mystery.
Questions seem less pressing these days.... the mental tempest has quieted down... there isn't much of a struggle going on anymore.... more of a bemused pondering I guess.

Such a fascinating thing to be alive...

So this dmt I've read about seems like a doorway to magical things and I'm curious to see what possibilities lie ahead. My expectations are not too high... I don't take the whole thing very seriously. I don't believe dmt will be the key to unlock all doors. Way I see it, it is an experience like all else. And if there is truth to be found, it is in the fact of experience itself. The most obvious thing there is.
Perhaps the sheer intensity of this particular experience will precipitate realisations. But in my experience, realisations are always short lived. That being said I'm very eager to see what can be seen.
So it safe to say that I'm approaching this whole thing with a sort of cautious eagerness.

Perhaps great fears lie ahead, and I must admit that has me a little worried. Maybe it is a great thing to face one's fears. I know I still have some demons in me. It may seem sometimes as though I have tamed them.... but something tells me they are still alive and well somewhere in this strange thing I call "me". And this me of mine loves problems.

Three weeks ago or so I mashed up some B. Caapi and put 80g of it along with 30g Mimosa in about 1L of 94% alcool. I'll be filtering the mix and evaporating the solution sometime this week. If all works well, I will give it a try over the weekend probably.

So, will curiosity kill the cat? I'm scared and curious to find out.

Thanks so much
Welcome to the Nexus!

From your description, either your LSD was bunk or it was a very very low dose.

As for the DMT, I think from the way you describe, "I dont take the whole thing very seriously", I think this is a bad way to start and likely will end up at one point or another with you getting some very serious ass kicking from the experience. Please please read our health and safety section! Unless I misunderstood you and you just mean that you dont think DMT is a doorway to another dimension, but whatever way you describe it, the experience can (and will, soon enough) change your life one way or another. Do check this thread regarding the interpretation to the DMT experience, it is one of my favorite ones:

Regarding your plan for caapi and mimosa, Im not sure if this alcohol soak will be so effective. It will probably pick up some alkaloids but possibly some will not have ben pulled. Also its always better to not just mash plant material but rather powderize it as fine as possible to increase surface area. Next time I suggest making a brew with them instead.

Another thing, the dosage seems off there. With mimosa an initial dosage should be around 3-5g, and with caapi, maybe 40g. This means if you take half of what you made, and if its been efficiently extracted, you would be taking the right amount of caapi and way too much mimosa/dmt... But potency specially in caapi can vary a lot, so for all these many reasons I think that plan is not a good one.

I highly suggest you first brewing caapi separately (check FAQ for instructions), and the mimosa separately. Start taking just the caapi the first time, around 40g. You want to find your ideal caapi dosage, so that you feel the caapi, have some tracers, a peculiar headspace, sensitivity to light, but not too much so that you have extreme difficulty walking and so on. Once you find that dosage, next time you take, you can take that dosage and add 3-5g mimosa to the brew.

Good luck, be careful!
well yes obviously your acid was weak infact very weak , otherwise some seriousness would be present in you already ,
good to know you have done salvia a few times , this might help
and very good to know you are having a pleasant existence and experience of life this is definetly positive , however still a lot of seriousness is required to understand the nature of these experiences and life itself
you don't really need to be cautious what you need is to be serious about what you are doing and what you hope to get out of these experiences ? if you're into Art or Music than that is great as creativity will find a way to express itself ,
positive attitude will help however knowing a lot about the entheogens you plan to use and their effects as well as some cultural history of their use will serve you well
enjoy and learn
Hey guys or gals

I understand "some very serious ass kicking " might be on the way. I have gone through a lot of that on my own already... I spent most of last year paralyzed by doubt, fear and crazy inner conflict. There were many times where I thought I was going utterly insane. I couldn't speak or do any of the things I used to like to do. I know many of you have probably had the same type of experience at one time or another. Anyway, one day last autumn, it all kind of fizzled out. The mental loops I had been stuck in for so look ceased to be important to me. It wasn't a "Ah Ha!" moment or anything like that, just a change of persperctive I guess. Since then I have become very weary of "seemingly unanswerable questions". The mental state of doubt and incomprehension is still ever present but I don't fight against it anymore.
Maybe I've just become numb, who knows... I'm ready for just about anything....AHAHA! What's that? Ok maybe not anything, show me what you got!

Seriousness...what for? If death lies ahead, why be serious? Cannot the captain go down laughing with his ship?

Where does the asswhoopin come from anyway? Overconfidence gets smashed, Lack of confidence gets smash, Person gets smashed! Whoever you are, nothing will be left of you. It's the moments before annihilation which fascinate us.

What a play! The actor lost in the act. But maybe neither exist at all!

note :
My recipe was based on Instant_ayahuasca_little_lightening_bolt_TEK. You are right though, I should have done the two separately. I mixed the two figuring that that's what the indians do when making their brew. I'll give it a try soon anyway, starting low and building up the dose. Thanks for the tips!
I will be trying it this weekend. I realize I should have done 2 separate extractions, but it should still work right?
I will start off with a very small dose and go from there.

Does anybody think this might be a very bad idea for some reason? If so is there a way for me to separate the MAOI and DMT in the powder I have obtained?

Thanks :p
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