I'm new and curious!
So I keep writing stuff and erasing it... thing is, I find it very difficult to write about myself. How much could I express through words anyway? I don't think I could ever make it clear to you who I am...
If we were to meet in person it would be different, the living vibe of a living body...
But we probably wont meet in person so we will make up our minds about each other through this filter screen.
So here is a summary of my relation to that which brought us both here, a quest for magic.
I don't take much drugs.
My experience with psychedelics is pretty limited. I tried mushrooms once and had a wonderful time. Tried salvia 4-5 times and that was crazy intense. Took some hawaiian baby woodrose seeds twice...was weird. I tried LSD a few weeks ago and it seemed like a very, very mild version of HBWR.
Seems like when "I" emerge it is the form a a question mark... This life is quite a mystery.
Questions seem less pressing these days.... the mental tempest has quieted down... there isn't much of a struggle going on anymore.... more of a bemused pondering I guess.
Such a fascinating thing to be alive...
So this dmt I've read about seems like a doorway to magical things and I'm curious to see what possibilities lie ahead. My expectations are not too high... I don't take the whole thing very seriously. I don't believe dmt will be the key to unlock all doors. Way I see it, it is an experience like all else. And if there is truth to be found, it is in the fact of experience itself. The most obvious thing there is.
Perhaps the sheer intensity of this particular experience will precipitate realisations. But in my experience, realisations are always short lived. That being said I'm very eager to see what can be seen.
So it safe to say that I'm approaching this whole thing with a sort of cautious eagerness.
Perhaps great fears lie ahead, and I must admit that has me a little worried. Maybe it is a great thing to face one's fears. I know I still have some demons in me. It may seem sometimes as though I have tamed them.... but something tells me they are still alive and well somewhere in this strange thing I call "me". And this me of mine loves problems.
Three weeks ago or so I mashed up some B. Caapi and put 80g of it along with 30g Mimosa in about 1L of 94% alcool. I'll be filtering the mix and evaporating the solution sometime this week. If all works well, I will give it a try over the weekend probably.
So, will curiosity kill the cat? I'm scared and curious to find out.
Thanks so much
I'm new and curious!
So I keep writing stuff and erasing it... thing is, I find it very difficult to write about myself. How much could I express through words anyway? I don't think I could ever make it clear to you who I am...
If we were to meet in person it would be different, the living vibe of a living body...
But we probably wont meet in person so we will make up our minds about each other through this filter screen.
So here is a summary of my relation to that which brought us both here, a quest for magic.
I don't take much drugs.
My experience with psychedelics is pretty limited. I tried mushrooms once and had a wonderful time. Tried salvia 4-5 times and that was crazy intense. Took some hawaiian baby woodrose seeds twice...was weird. I tried LSD a few weeks ago and it seemed like a very, very mild version of HBWR.
Seems like when "I" emerge it is the form a a question mark... This life is quite a mystery.
Questions seem less pressing these days.... the mental tempest has quieted down... there isn't much of a struggle going on anymore.... more of a bemused pondering I guess.
Such a fascinating thing to be alive...
So this dmt I've read about seems like a doorway to magical things and I'm curious to see what possibilities lie ahead. My expectations are not too high... I don't take the whole thing very seriously. I don't believe dmt will be the key to unlock all doors. Way I see it, it is an experience like all else. And if there is truth to be found, it is in the fact of experience itself. The most obvious thing there is.
Perhaps the sheer intensity of this particular experience will precipitate realisations. But in my experience, realisations are always short lived. That being said I'm very eager to see what can be seen.
So it safe to say that I'm approaching this whole thing with a sort of cautious eagerness.
Perhaps great fears lie ahead, and I must admit that has me a little worried. Maybe it is a great thing to face one's fears. I know I still have some demons in me. It may seem sometimes as though I have tamed them.... but something tells me they are still alive and well somewhere in this strange thing I call "me". And this me of mine loves problems.
Three weeks ago or so I mashed up some B. Caapi and put 80g of it along with 30g Mimosa in about 1L of 94% alcool. I'll be filtering the mix and evaporating the solution sometime this week. If all works well, I will give it a try over the weekend probably.
So, will curiosity kill the cat? I'm scared and curious to find out.
Thanks so much