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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've been listening to Copthorne Macdonald's podcasts about wisdom, and highly recommend them to anyone interested in spirituality, oneness, and Alan Watts style philosophy. This man perfectly articulates what I can only intuitively grasp.

The podcasts are here: The Wisdom Page Podcast
Ouch- 0:19 "hints of progress in Holland" - sorry to destroy this idyllic image but it's gliding downhill here fast: next week I'll have to submit biometric data like fingerprints in order to get a new ID. The prints will be stored in a central database... 1941 again. Abuse by criminals or even future governments is almost inevitable.

But thanks for the link, wisdom rather than greed or power hunger any time ;)
tryptographer said:
Ouch- 0:19 "hints of progress in Holland" - sorry to destroy this idyllic image but it's gliding downhill here fast: next week I'll have to submit biometric data like fingerprints in order to get a new ID. The prints will be stored in a central database... 1941 again. Abuse by criminals or even future governments is almost inevitable.

But thanks for the link, wisdom rather than greed or power hunger any time ;)

I suppose the hints of progress he was referring to are Holland's enlightened stance on certain drugs and Euthanasia.

But yeah, it seems as the New World Order strengthen their grip on things, dreams for a wisdom based culture start to seem precarious. But the government was never going to awaken us. They want to keep us down. We have to elevate and awaken each other.
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